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  1. Past hour
  2. Yay! Thanks for giving justice to GAYL by adding it twice.
  3. 1. Give Me All Your Luvin 2. Masterpiece 3. Girl Gone Wild 4. Gang Bang 5. Give Me All Your Luvin (Demo)
  4. Today
  5. Give Me All Your Luvin remix was my biggest WTF the moment I listened to the whole FEL. I'm skipping it faster with every new session I do.
  6. I wish someone would get the idea of including Britney's song out of her head. Angel and Causing a Commotion included instead and no one cares it's ugly number 51.
  7. I agree @Tony Fortin Drowned World/Substitute for Love Dress You Up or Lucky Star?
  8. "Madonna will personally curate expansive deluxe editions for many of her landmark albums, as well as introduce unique releases for special events, and much more." No, they have not completed the task. That's why we're so grumpy. The expanded deluxe editions is what I want, but I hear from people that it's on its way. And as always: #soon
  9. might sound bland nowadays, but keep in mind it was 1995 so house was still fresh and new to mainstream media. Big hit, so influential.
  10. Good question 1) girl gone wild 2) give me all your luvin 3) masterpiece 4) love spent 5) gang bang
  11. GangBang Some Girls (yes, you heard it right ) Im Addicted Masterpiece Falling Free
  12. Girl Gone Wild beautiful Killer I’m Addicted masterpiece Falling Free Bonus tracks: GMAYL 6 minutes demo version I fucked up Best friend
  13. Some choices were made on that tracklist tho. Like the Fever remix... What was even that...
  14. This is not a good quality in a man. Men should learn to be meek and petrified.
  15. I have been telling myself the exact same thing half of the times latelty. The other half is "nothing coming before late 2025 at least, get over It" tho...
  16. Both are wonderful..................My choice Mer Girl (Edit after listening to both songs, I'm not sure anymore as they are so good!) Erotica or Drowned World/Substitute For Love?
  17. Finally Enough Love was a great dance compilation album. So glad we got it.
  18. Hey You The Virgin Tour: which best segment? colored or black or white?
  19. WTF! Are you drunk? GMAYL and Superstar? 🤮🤮🤮 2 of the worst songs she released in that decade?!? I firmly believe that the original masters, the drives each and every stem were stored on and any other evidence that she recorded Superstar, Some Girls, I Fucked Up, and, to a large extent GMAYL, should be burnt in a fire.
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