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Unapologetic Bitches
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captainjay last won the day on September 15 2020

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About captainjay

  • Birthday 03/13/1979

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    Toronto, Canada
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  1. MDNA hands down. I can never watch it again, it's nauseating and the audio is confusing. MX is second.
  2. As long as Fever was a b-side with all the remixes, somewhere here - yes!
  3. Holy shit that would have been amazing. My heart would stop!
  4. Maybe she doesn't need a rest? After 80 shows, it's work .. just a regular cycle of work. She could be fully hydrated and relaxed and in her fittest shape in years .. she could be ready to go and not need a nap or rest
  5. I always wondered if doing minimal songs from the LAV album on the Celebration Tour was intentional (career retrospective and neither Material Girl or Like a Virgin were performed live?). What if she plans to do a small round of shows, where she performs The First Album and Like a Virgin, start to finish? Sarah McLachlan is going a Fumbling Towards Ecstasy tour this summer where she performs the album beginning to end. Could be an interesting way to promote the deluxe box sets?
  6. Fair point. I agree, they deserve their own unique single releases.
  7. Abba Gold. More Abba Gold. Immaculate Collection, expanded Immaculate Collection. Just take it and add a disc.
  8. Wouldn't it be amazing if she started performing I'll Remember in lieu of Rain/Frozen/Take a Bow around the time of the release? Fun!
  9. There's something special about when he declares, "it's show time!" .. his entry contrasted with hers .. is magic.
  10. It was absolutely not shaken or off in person. It was beautiful and perfect.
  11. I didn't see Rain, but Frozen felt natural and the version she did was great and the audience ate it up. Was wonderful.
  12. Yeah, also .. I was just curious if you or someone knew. I'm not standing outside a hotel for anyone.
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