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nastybutfancy last won the day on February 27 2022

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About nastybutfancy

  • Birthday 03/29/1999

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  • Interests
    Madonna, Marilyn Monroe, Bette Davis, Movies, Music
  • M Fan Since

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  1. Hello, good evening, I want to ask u if you can reupload your remastered videos please

    1. musicman


      THANKS YOU MY FRIEND have great weekend i hope you dont have problem with your site.:):salty:

    2. nastybutfancy
  2. 0F8E8662-FAE2-46DA-8604-A70D8608F6C4.thumb.jpeg.80e661edd1c5c6d1a741754938c83267.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      Profiting off of someone's hard work is so wrong. Unfortunately it's a legal slippery slope because it's not your original work,it's a remastering of copyrighted material. I'm so sorry this happened to you and it's a shame that somebody is sick enough to do that to you,especially if you weren't credited.

    3. musicman


      yes guys you are reason i agree all i forget  many thing and i dont want give any idea for  make problem  thanks you alls.:Madonna008:

    4. emanon


      it happened to me once. someone selling dvds of a work i did for free to fans...my dvd also had menus, they just removed some stuff from the cover artwork...

  3. hi dear i want view your blog website but its private its possible you send invitation to me? thanks advance its really appreciate

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dude78


      oh yes please. me too :rainbow:

    3. nastybutfancy


      Sadly I cant do anything becouse they blocked it :(

    4. TrendMusic


      nastybutfancy:  Continue here ... thanks

  4. Hello! I've create my own webstie with my remasters check it out!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frisson


      Amazing, and thanks a lot again for all your amazing work !!

    3. patrice1711
    4. Madgesty


      Thank you! But Justify My Love is missing...

  5. hi there,

    how can i get the true blue upscale video..thanks.

  6. Hey Nasty! Are you using Topaz Video Enhancer AI? If so, how long does it take for you to create one music video?

    1. nastybutfancy


      Hey! It take me 1 hour sometimes 40 minutes:smile:

  7. Paypal: https://bit.ly/3b3TqSu

    You can support me of course if you just want, i dont say you must do it!?

    Instagram: MDNAMVHD


  8. I don't know but if they want they can take my work haha
  9. Hey! Please tell me which videos have problem with audio. Right now i'm adding Rain with audio fixed.
  10. Guy Oseary just watch my instagram story i cant believe..
  11. You are right! I have instagram maybe somebody wants help to dm warner or Guy or maverick about my upscales. I need help!
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