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A. A. Aardvark

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by A. A. Aardvark

  1. Someone today, here, was so Nice talking to me that it really felt so good. Didnt expected it ☺️

  2. Someone called Trump is on the telly 'live' in the UK just now.
    Repeating all the same 'thieves & rapists' guff again.
    And is awful concerned about their sanitary conditions.
    'Coz of all that 'China Virus'......
    Is there no end ?

  3. This got NO REACTION.
    Can you guess what I did as drag queens GROWLED  at me ?
    With a pint of lager in one hand too.....


  4. This got NO REACTION.
    Can you guess what I did as drag queens GROWLED  at me ?
    With a pint of lager in one hand too.....


  5. I just decided to step back in time and backup all my files on DVD-R again! 
    Man! HDD drives are so fragile and susceptible to be corrupted.

    I've lost so many rare files ! I can't take it anymore. I'm buying a DVD-R tube next Monday !

  6. ooh

    init dark in here

    oh no not you again

  7. I'm scared. Living right now is só surreal... everybody has a different opinion of it; scared and tired. Its like every second is the last one, and Im afraid of losing or being Lost. I wish i could live in bubble With my loved ones, where nothing bad had no chance to Touch us. Sorry about this dark mood. 

  8. My Vice President is a Black Woman

  9. Not to offend any US citizen but there's no USA to invade itself in order "to protect its democracy," is there?

    They're (establishment) now in a world of hurt the same way they've done to every "3rd world" country in the globe. 

  10. MAGA terrorists stormed the US capitol with weapons.......

  11. Not to offend any US citizen but there's no USA to invade itself in order "to protect its democracy," is there?

    They're (establishment) now in a world of hurt the same way they've done to every "3rd world" country in the globe. 

  12. Didn't Madonna know Wallis Simpson and the former Duke were Naz* supporters? They were public friends with evil himself, no wonder why W/E was such a failure (I doubt people knew too but lord she WROTE that movie)

  13. Anyone wanna help me get DISCO instrumentals? I'm in touch with a guy wanna sell them to me. But I don't have enough cash to pay for them. 

  14. If Madonna made the Like a Prayer video today... the black Jesus would have been shot by the cops and she woulda typed "He didn't do it" on Facebook. 


  15. Madonna is trending in twitter because people thought she died :laughing:

  16. I think Madonna is planning a new GH album. So far in every transiction of decades we've had one. 
    What would be the tracklist?


  17. Oh man the post pictures of yourself section is closed!!?! I guess I understand. It’s the dicks?

  18. Has anyone tried a water diet (only drinking water and doing some cardio training)? How much weigh can you lose within 2-3 days? 

  19. This speech. When a soon to be nation leader includes gay, trans, African American rights + in their first address I just... I’m so emotional. I’m so happy for this. ?

  20.  I guess I am no longer welcomed here. Thanks to everyone that reached out to me when my Mom died. I'll never forget it and the love you shared. If you want to keep in touch, write me at freeborn09@earthlink.net. Thanks again. I wish you all much much love and all the best. Always, Lisa xxxxxx

  21. So... no one is talking about Secret new "HD" version...

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