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Bitch I’m Madonna

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Bitch I’m Madonna

  1. Madonna literally could have surprised us all but instead she released such an predictable and tasteless song. To think this was produced by a genius like Mirwais. EMBARRASSING.


  2. Can someone please shed some light on that stupid "Indian Summer" title? Portugese media is now claiming it's the name of her next single which I highly doubt since it's apparently the name of that Takara commercial song.

    1. Fighter


      I dont think anyone knows fam

    2. Dazedmadonna


      Just ignore the title, nothing worth of our time.

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      I read on-line it's the 'literal translation' of one of Madonna's song titles and s o m e how that's got twisted into The Title Of Her New Single by everyone and their poodle on-line.
      Which is why I can't find said article as everyone is now ape that, THAT 'is' her New Song.


  3. I'm so surprised no one snatched this username before I could do it lol.

  4. Santa Baby / Supernatural was planned as a single in 1988? Wow that was truly a missed opportunity! :wide-eyes:https://www.discogs.com/de/santa-baby/release/12443212 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. BringUrLUV


      Let's ask PL on IG & see if he responds 

    3. BringUrLUV


      Pat Leonard replied to me that he "thinks so" when I asked him if Supernatural was recorded during the LAP sessions.  Then he gave me an upward eye emoji which I'm not sure the meaning behind.  At least he was kind enough to respond!

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Sounds like he's saying, "Aye, that's The Official Version !"
      But only he, Madge & the Record company boss know 4 sure ??

  5. Me whenever a certain someone posts a "stripped down" mix from stems.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andymad


      It... really... upsets... me.

    3. survivalartist
    4. null


      I don't understand why it's such an issue to leak them all. Why just post the "stripped" stems? Leak the full things lmfao.

  6. Mhhh I think this is what inspired Madonna's RHT performance of LDLHA tbh...

    It came out in 1985. The same year Madonna released her version (probably the reason why LDLHA was never released as a single).

    1. survivalartist


      she obviously loves the song, not only covering it way back when but revisiting it with a video for Something To Remember and now on Rebel Heart which are three distinctively different eras in her career. its not her strongest tune, i have a soft spot for the Soulpower Remix its sooo 90s

    2. PlayPause


      The fact that it wasn't released as a single is because she didn't want to be a covers singer for a long time. In the 80s, such covers were regarded as "bonus" or b-side material, not original enough (indeed) for a young artist. In the 90s, times had changed and covers were trendy again, hence Fever, the remix single version of LDLHA and American Pie.

    3. Bitch I’m Madonna

      Bitch I’m Madonna

      Well, then it most definitely should have been the b-side to Over and Over which deserved a single release over Gambler (which should have been the b-side to Crazy for You).

  7. Posted Image
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. James19709
    3. Bitch I’m Madonna

      Bitch I’m Madonna

      OMG HEY JAMES! It#s been so long! How have you been?

    4. James19709


      Ya babe it's been forever, I wanna know how you are too I'll message you

  8. How Burning Up made it into the RHT setlist and not Nothing Really Matters is beyond me.

  9. First There's a Kiss

    1. stefo


      don't do that, don't tease us ... it hurts in these lonely lonely times

  10. I wish someone would make an acoustic version of The Power of Good-Bye using the guitar stem from the song.

    1. Den991133


      And i wishing about acoustic version of secret in HQ...



      I'd love someone to re-cut Survival with the demo. Just think the demo packs a bit more punch.

    3. Gabvinet


      And I'm wishing for an acoustic version of Ghosttown & Miles Away

  11. Posted Image UK Version Posted Image US Version
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fighter
    3. luchoypx


      How much different would Madonna's career be if they were the actual covers? Nice work, BTW :)

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