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50ft Queenie

Unapologetic Bitches
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    50ft Queenie reacted to Debord in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    Yes, that would be exactly the same as some dancers dancing during a show. Christ, you're doing that thing of committing to your bit and working backwards from there, leaving all logic and reason behind. I'm sure this time, the 'Madonna is corrupting the kids!' discourse will prove worthwhile!
  2. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Debord in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    It's got nothing to do with 'fandom' cos the arguments you're wheeling out are the EXACT SAME ONES used by bigots to attack drag queens and Pride parades. Do you actually know any 11 year olds? They're a lot savvier than you think. They don't need to be protected from the human body or the notion that sex exists, indeed they are already understanding these things. What matters is that they understand consent, self-respect and the difference between expression and oppression, and between artifice and reality. If you want to worry about children perhaps spend your time supporting orgs which support children who are being abused by their families or family friends, by their trusted adults, by their religious leaders, rather than wringing your hands over an enormously privileged girl who's having the time of her life on stage with her mum.
  3. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Roland Barthes in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    First you should start by writing her name right, it's Estere, before clutching your pearls and pretending to act in her interests because the mere fact you did not even check how her name is spelled before writing about her shows how much you don't give two fucks about her and you just want to go after Madonna like the no life rural little troll you are. 
  4. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to EgoRod in Should she be called out for Esther?   
    There are no more naked that if they were in a beach.
    All the dancers are wearing nude clothing matching their skin , quite common with dancers.
    This is a safe space for all of them, queer kids that are embracing being in a familiar environment having a ball. Like the spirit of the ballroom. She is wearing a full catsuit and doing vogue. Nobody is doing anything sexual to her. She is not doing anything sexual she is duckwalking and being cheered.
    If you see something sexual about it maybe you should ask yourself why? Why for you queer people celebrating their bodies is sexual?
    While a show with performers dancing is sexual? Why do you see anything sexual in a 12 years old?
  5. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from VogueMusic in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I am excited how quickly she has managed to get herself in shape, it shows in her stamina and improved overall appearance. Hopefully she continues this routine after the tour concludes and straight into the next album cycle. I think fans need to remind themselves of where we came from before Celebration kicked off, she nearly died and a string of unrehearsed performances and appearances in which nobody outside her fanbase did anything but criticize her alleged "botched surgeries" I always knew talk like that was total nonsense and fast forward to Celebration Tour where she looks amazing and people are starting to wake up to the fact that the "botched surgeries" are nothing but fillers and weight gain (mostly weight gain) Like I said before, I am glad to see everyone talking positively about her online.
  6. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to vespertine in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
  7. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Pipine23 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I can’t believe how amazing she looks on this tour.. just stunning.  Love all the looks.. the ROL jumpsuit is just perfect. 
  8. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Drownedboy in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    Such an amazing message! I missed that Madonna so much. I remember her MDNA TOUR speeches, I loved each and every one of them on each country, those on Russia were very brave. I was feeling that Madonna was not with us anymore, but look at her, she´s here with us again, fighting for a better world and shining with her talent.
  9. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to androiduser in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    marcalmondofficial Huge emotional moment during Madonna’s Live to Tell , her moving tribute to all those lost to AIDS especially those that had touched her life . When Martin Burgoyne’s face appeared on a huge screen i’m not ashamed to say that I had tears running down my face. . I knew she would tribute Martin during this song , he was with her at the beginning and designed her first record covers and I was glad to have known him back in those times . It was Martin who asked me if there was anywhere Madonna could stay in London on her first PR trip to the U.K. as the record company wouldn’t get her a hotel .. ..yes it was that long ago and early in her career , Holiday was just about to be released.
    Martin was such a sweet lovely person and so terribly sad for Madonna and us all who knew him , to lose him in those early 80’s years. An emotional moment indeed in what was a moving show in many ways . A gob smacking kaleidoscope of all things @Madonna , sometimes joyous, sometimes euphoric , dark , Vegas , arty, erotic, vulgar, touching, funny ,glamorous , mystical , bonkers , Pop, sexy , Queen, vamp, truly a Pop cultural icon . and she’s always challenging . Totally fantastic , exhilarating . The years of our lives flash before us . And suddenly we are old but we Live to Tell .
  10. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to wtg1987 in Stuart Price Shares Sonic Secrets From Madonna’s Celebration Tour   
    Jees guys give Stuart a fucking break - you all moaned about Kevin Antunes ( myself included ) and she gets Stuart back who does a fantastic job with this tour and now you are over analysing an interview he gives with back story on the tour  - get a life bitches 🙄 children are being killed in Gaza for fucks sake 🥹
  11. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to madgefan in Stuart Price Shares Sonic Secrets From Madonna’s Celebration Tour   
    It's always interesting to read/hear about the technical aspects in Madonna's shows. I hope we get more interviews like this during the tour. And I too think Madonna's singing live for the most part... it's just that the backing track sounds louder than her mic sometimes  But I really don't care. She really looks like she's having fun and every time she smiles genuinely is out of this world.
  12. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to mickeyderon in Stuart Price Shares Sonic Secrets From Madonna’s Celebration Tour   
    I think getting Stuart back was a great idea. 
    It's quite clear they are working on new music and he can't say.  
    I managed to meet him at one of the London shows this week and he was an absolute gent, genuinely lovely. 
  13. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to Donna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Same here, but she deserves her rest.  She's still performing on a pretty intense schedule.  I rather her to have a few days rest between performances.  Anyone at any age can easily get exhausted or risk harming themselves by performing consecutive dates in a week.
  14. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from blondboi559 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    The pictures from the shows are great, Madonna really looks fantastic and its nice that the gp is saying the same thing. She is getting lots of love from people on tiktok.
  15. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from BuggedOut in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I am excited how quickly she has managed to get herself in shape, it shows in her stamina and improved overall appearance. Hopefully she continues this routine after the tour concludes and straight into the next album cycle. I think fans need to remind themselves of where we came from before Celebration kicked off, she nearly died and a string of unrehearsed performances and appearances in which nobody outside her fanbase did anything but criticize her alleged "botched surgeries" I always knew talk like that was total nonsense and fast forward to Celebration Tour where she looks amazing and people are starting to wake up to the fact that the "botched surgeries" are nothing but fillers and weight gain (mostly weight gain) Like I said before, I am glad to see everyone talking positively about her online.
  16. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from MikeyK in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    The pictures from the shows are great, Madonna really looks fantastic and its nice that the gp is saying the same thing. She is getting lots of love from people on tiktok.
  17. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from mouse in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I am excited how quickly she has managed to get herself in shape, it shows in her stamina and improved overall appearance. Hopefully she continues this routine after the tour concludes and straight into the next album cycle. I think fans need to remind themselves of where we came from before Celebration kicked off, she nearly died and a string of unrehearsed performances and appearances in which nobody outside her fanbase did anything but criticize her alleged "botched surgeries" I always knew talk like that was total nonsense and fast forward to Celebration Tour where she looks amazing and people are starting to wake up to the fact that the "botched surgeries" are nothing but fillers and weight gain (mostly weight gain) Like I said before, I am glad to see everyone talking positively about her online.
  18. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Voguerista in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I am excited how quickly she has managed to get herself in shape, it shows in her stamina and improved overall appearance. Hopefully she continues this routine after the tour concludes and straight into the next album cycle. I think fans need to remind themselves of where we came from before Celebration kicked off, she nearly died and a string of unrehearsed performances and appearances in which nobody outside her fanbase did anything but criticize her alleged "botched surgeries" I always knew talk like that was total nonsense and fast forward to Celebration Tour where she looks amazing and people are starting to wake up to the fact that the "botched surgeries" are nothing but fillers and weight gain (mostly weight gain) Like I said before, I am glad to see everyone talking positively about her online.
  19. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Voguerista in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I have not seen the show in person yet but I can already tell that the Erotica segment will end up being my favorite.
  20. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Voguerista in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    The pictures from the shows are great, Madonna really looks fantastic and its nice that the gp is saying the same thing. She is getting lots of love from people on tiktok.
  21. Thanks
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Arckangel in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    The pictures from the shows are great, Madonna really looks fantastic and its nice that the gp is saying the same thing. She is getting lots of love from people on tiktok.
  22. Like
    50ft Queenie reacted to MattyMads in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    The show is amazing I can’t wait to see it again in December. Never thought I would ever hear Erotica and Open your heart in their original form. We get NRM, BS, Rain, and Demo of Burning up, come on peeps let’s enjoy it it’s a Celebration!!!!!
  23. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from kevdrwg in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I have not seen the show in person yet but I can already tell that the Erotica segment will end up being my favorite.
  24. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from Scor-pi-o in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I am excited how quickly she has managed to get herself in shape, it shows in her stamina and improved overall appearance. Hopefully she continues this routine after the tour concludes and straight into the next album cycle. I think fans need to remind themselves of where we came from before Celebration kicked off, she nearly died and a string of unrehearsed performances and appearances in which nobody outside her fanbase did anything but criticize her alleged "botched surgeries" I always knew talk like that was total nonsense and fast forward to Celebration Tour where she looks amazing and people are starting to wake up to the fact that the "botched surgeries" are nothing but fillers and weight gain (mostly weight gain) Like I said before, I am glad to see everyone talking positively about her online.
  25. Like
    50ft Queenie got a reaction from nito84bcn in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I am excited how quickly she has managed to get herself in shape, it shows in her stamina and improved overall appearance. Hopefully she continues this routine after the tour concludes and straight into the next album cycle. I think fans need to remind themselves of where we came from before Celebration kicked off, she nearly died and a string of unrehearsed performances and appearances in which nobody outside her fanbase did anything but criticize her alleged "botched surgeries" I always knew talk like that was total nonsense and fast forward to Celebration Tour where she looks amazing and people are starting to wake up to the fact that the "botched surgeries" are nothing but fillers and weight gain (mostly weight gain) Like I said before, I am glad to see everyone talking positively about her online.
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