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Next Week On TODAY: @CarsonDaly's interview with the queen of pop, @Madonna!


Can @Madonna get out of jury duty? @CarsonDaly gets to the bottom of it next week on @todayshow




#FlashbackFriday: @CarsonDaly and @Madonna in 2000 at TRL! We're glad they are back together for their new interview!

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Madonna’s top 3 tips for college students (including her daughter, Lourdes Leon)
Madonna dropped out of the University of Michigan to pursue her career, but she told TODAY’s Carson Daly she still has some advice for one of the school's current freshmen: her daughter, Lourdes Leon.
“Try to do everything in moderation,†Madonna told Daly during a recent TODAY interview, whose first half aired Monday. “Try not to kill all your brain cells. And try to go to class.â€
Daly said he encountered the “most open, honest and playful version of the material mom†when they chatted about matriculation, music and motherhood — and celebrated with tequila shots.
In some respects, the Material Girl can be just like many college moms who visit their kids at college, even if her approach to setting up a humidifier may be fancier than most.
“I'm very, you know, worried,†she told Daly. “‘Are you OK? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating right?’ You know, I set up a humidifier in her room with eucalyptus oil. I was worried about the fact that she didn't have enough towels, Q-tips, you know.â€
In the end, however, she’s still Madonna. So, you probably won’t see her at Michigan Stadium anytime soon.
“I'm not allowed at games,†she told Daly. “You think my daughter wants me at a game?â€
The best-selling female recording artist of all time, Madonna said she’s excited but nervous about the official release of her 13th studio album, “Rebel Heart,†arriving this Tuesday. 
But the release hasn't always been on her terms: In December, her team scrambled to finish mastering six of the album’s songs after someone leaked early versions of more than a dozen tunes online. One suspect was arrested, but Madonna called the situation “horrifying,†and remains frustrated.
“I mean, it's a process,†she said. “Music is really personal to me. A lot of the stuff is out there that I had no intention of ever finishing. They're, like, scribbles on a pad. You know what I mean? It's unspeakably embarrassing.â€
With Kanye West and dance-music guru Diplo contributing to the album behind the scenes, Madonna is hoping the finished product works on the most fundamental level.
“I wanted to be able to write songs that, if all the electricity went out, that I could still sit and strum a guitar and sing the song,†she said.
Her children have been “opinionated†about what they've heard to this point, with Lourdes touting one Diplo-produced song as “fire,†according to her mother.
“[Lourdes] kept sending me text messages saying, ‘Mom, can you please text me the Diplo track?’†Madonna said. “I'm like, ‘The record’s not out yet. No, I can't send it to you.’â€
When Daly complimented Madonna on the new album, she demurred, “It might sound better if you have a shot of tequila,†which happened to be within their grasp. They poured a couple of shots to celebrate.
“To ‘Rebel Heart,'†Daly toasted.
Madonna countered, “To being rebellious and romantic.â€
Part two of Daly’s Madonna interview airs Tuesday on TODAY.
"Rebel Heart" will be released on Tuesday, March 10.
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Madonna on explaining sexy lyrics to her kids: 'Lo is horrified by all of it’
Rarely one to shy away from the risqué, Madonna admitted to TODAY’s Carson Daly that she was a bit self-conscious when her children witnessed the production of her new album.
“Every time my kids would visit me in the studio, it would just so happen that I'd be working on a song like ‘Holy Water’ or ‘S.E.X.,’†she said in Tuesday's interview.  â€œAnd I'd be like, ‘OK, just could — I’ll be — stay outside. I'll be right out.’â€
She said her kids — college freshman Lourdes Leon, high-school student Rocco Ritchie, and 9-year-olds Mercy James and David Banda Mwale Ciccone Ritchie — react in different ways to her mature content.
“At this point, Rocco doesn't care,†she added. “It just goes over his head. He's like, ‘Oh, mom. Mom's being mom.’ The other little kids don't really — they’re not tuned into that frequency yet. And Lo is horrified by all of it. She just wants me to be her mom.â€
Of course, Madonna doesn’t have to choose between being a boundary-pushing music icon and a loving mother. Released Tuesday, her 13th studio album is the appropriately named "Rebel Heart."
As Daly noted, Madonna’s Instagram feed reflects both components of that album title, with controversial images mingling alongside family photos.
“The more kids you have, the more responsibilities you have, the more you have to really be aware of time, time management, and juggling lots of balls in the air, and thinking, ‘Oh, my God, this is how am I gonna do this? How am I gonna promote my record and show up at my daughter's show?’†she said. “You know what I mean? It's a tug of war.â€
In November, Madonna returned to the African country of Malawi, where she adopted Mercy and David.
“I love taking all of my kids there,†she told Daly. “They walk into hospitals, and tell jokes and stories, and embrace children who are in some pretty extreme states health-wise. And they're not afraid. And I love that. And I love to see them behaving in a generous way towards human beings, you know, outside of their world.â€
Traveling the world remains a constant for Madonna, who turned 56 in August and remains one of the world’s top-grossing touring acts. But, as her onstage tumble at the Feb. 25 Brit Awards proves, it’s not always a glamorous experience. “It's just physically draining,†she said. “It kills me. But, I mean, that's life.â€
Despite amping up the energy as a stage performer known for turning heads, she insists a mellower Madonna emerges when the show’s over. “No partying when I'm on the road,†she told Daly, who’d suspected otherwise. “I'm really boring on the road, I swear.â€
Sometimes, her life is pretty boring at home, too. Daly recalled running into Madonna at an Oscars party, where he said she told him she had to leave because she had jury duty the next day. "I got out of it," she told him. "I had to go, they just cut me for creating a disturbance. They were like, ‘Get lost.’â€
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