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Ray of Light (album, singles, videos, remixes and performances) specifically reminds me why I miss the '90s so much, although I lived like last 10 months of that fucking marvelous decade. There was something weird in those years that my mother bequeathed to me, as if she had put the energy of the late '90s in my veins and my heart beated at that futuristic, crazy rhythm, half human half electronic, melancholic and full of hope for the future at the same time. And every '90s movie tv show, song makes me feel at home.
Tsk, we babies from the '99 class sucked nostalgia-infused milk from our mothers breasts 🥹. I'd trade anything for living them in full. 

I can't wait her to leave me broke with these reissues. 



Ray of Light (album, singles, videos, remixes and performances) specifically reminds me why I miss the '90s so much, although I lived like the last 10 months of that fucking marvelous decade. There was something weird in those years that my mother bequeathed to me, as if she put the energy of the late '90s in my veins and my heart beated at that futuristic, fool rhythm, half human half electronic, melancholic and full of hope for the future at the same time. And every '90s movie tv show, song or fashion choice makes me feel at home.
Tsk, no way, we babies from the '99 class sucked nostalgia-infused milk from our mothers breasts 🥹. I'd trade anything for living them in full. 

I can't wait her to leave me broke with these reissues. 

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