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Madonna has 2 Entries on Thump's Greatest Dance Albums of All Time


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Thump has published its list of the 99 Greatest Dance Albums of All Time. Two entries from Her Madgesty (and her likeness is represented in the illustration at the top). So spot on with the commentary:
26. Madonna: Madonna [sire] 1983
All the groundbreaking, world-changing, genre-defining, imitator-inspiring aside, Madonna's first album is just really f**king fun to dance to. From "Lucky Star" all the way through to "Everybody," the stream of bright, sexy, and unfussy pop doesn't falter once. Madonna provided the New York City dance scene a much needed post-disco palate cleanser and drew the blueprint for future dance pop.
3. Madonna: Confessions on a Dance Floor [Maverick] 2005
Long after many started saying "I only like her old stuff," the Queen of Pop dropped this start-to-finish perfect album of disco-inspired club cuts, each track mixed—a rarity for non-compilations. While a pop star's club throne is never guaranteed forever, Madonna has more claims to the top spot than most and Confessions proves why. This is the album all her subsequent albums is compared to; for its enduring relevance and how it redefined Madonna as an artist, it should be.
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Confessions is an amazing album. It's the perfect balance for her, an avant-garde edge, profound lyrics, and uber commercialism. To me it really represents everything pop should be. Not to mention it is masterfully composed and arranged, you can tell Stuart Price is a very musical person with some classical training (probably)

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Confessions is an amazing album. It's the perfect balance for her, an avant-garde edge, profound lyrics, and uber commercialism. To me it really represents everything pop should be. Not to mention it is masterfully composed and arranged, you can tell Stuart Price is a very musical person with some classical training (probably)


avant-garde? :dead:

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Again with this "young gay Gaga fans like it" argument? Is that supposed to be diminishing to Confessions in some way?


I get it if you don't like the songs themselves but I just can't with people - let alone fans - who won't recognize how brilliantly connected, cohesive and contagious the album as a whole can be. Do you really plug in your headphones, listen to it from beginning to end and don't get involved or carried away in any way with it? I mean... I just... I can't.


And while we're at it, this is probably M's last album where the songwriting is really meaningful and on point, not just [sounding] false pretense, and where her vocals were still as natural and well explored as they could be.


People who hate on Confessions seem to hate on it just because of the hype as if you'd be less of a fan if that was among your favorites... I mean, just forget about the fuzz and allow yourself to enjoy it.


Btw, I know Gaga fans who are obsessed with Ray of Light and American Life, so... yeah, I don't get that argument at all.

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