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Unapologetic Bitches
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Who's That Girl

Who's That Girl (19/89)



  1. Apart from the first minute what is complimentary? They sound really demeaning especially the camera guy
  2. Gaga obviously, but in the 80's and beginning of the 90's Kylie's copying was blatant and embarassing
  3. Girlie Show Girlie Show Girlie Show (somewher indoors or where it's dark when the show starts For the secone I'm torn between Who's That Girl or Blond Ambition tour in Bercy (or another indoor venue in US) I saw BA but outdoors in daylight, but to see that energy of WTG is also something.
  4. Can’t post them here now but OP lyrics are wrong, the lyric sheets says non compos mentes among other minor different spellings
  5. I would love for M to work with Honey Dijon and Arca. It would be such a great development for M to work with more women behind the desk. I'd be very interested what sensibilities come out if she would co create with women
  6. I think a colob with oney Dijon and Stuart would be amazing, as long as Stuart brings his A game (think PSB electric over Super and Hotspot) 11 fantastic tracks with an ep of bonus tracks and mixes to follow. I wanna dance in a familiar way
  7. Pic one or two producers, bring all the stuff she's been working on in the last few years and make a coherent fresh new album that's reflective, but mostly looking forward. Let Jonas do the edit of CT, release that at the end of summer/fall with a limited theatrical release and drop the album directly after.
  8. Is rain back? That’s fantastic, just to realize that she understands it’s the better song but also wanted to please the American audience. I hope it will be included in rio for the broadcast
  9. The best for me are True Blue (US) Erotica and AL The worst is a toss up between confessions and HC, but confessions is more of a mess, HC at least still has a bit of irony. I's a pity that since MDNA we have the multiple cover thing, which makes them a bit less iconic, here the MDNA one I absolutely hate, graphically it's not a pretty picture. The negative spaces are too big for such an obscured image, the deluxe version however is gorgeous. I have the same problem with MX, I hate the cheap font on the lips, but the font used on the blonde cover is stunning etc.
  10. How incredibly boring that this thread has become yet another trite discussion on M's live vocals, when one's ability to sing is a much bigger subject. On that note the whole title of this thread already suggests a negative point of view. To me M was always a great singer in her delivery, it's already there on songs like PA, Stay, CFY ut becomes truelly powerful on True Blue, especially its first half. Than LAP and IB arre the highlight of her raw and very emotive soulful vocals. Evita put a bit of a dent in her singing personality (I had difficulty recognizing her voice) and ufortunately that still lingers on ROL. Of course the vocals there are good but they are so controlled there is very little space for emotion. Music and AL are among my favorite M vocals, after that technology takes over and it's hard to find that urgency in her voice. We had to wait until MX for a real proper delivery (even with all the autotune the emotion is still there.
  11. Yes yes yes to new music, but only if she has something to say or feels the need to record. Those albums inbetween confessions and MX are so forgettable. I would love for her to do a way more experimental route and release an album of eclectic sound recordings rather than another attempt at pop music. I could listen all day to those hallway videos when she was living in Lisbon, just her raw voice in beautiful acoustics, and maybe Arca can throw in some destruction in the back ground
  12. I love this ongoing debate among fans wether or not it's an original album or a soundtrack. I agree with you that of course it's both. I just always feel that fans don't want it to be part of her album discography because it's not as contemporary as the rest of her catalogue. Talk to a Prince fan and tell them Purple Rain doesn't count as an album, or Parade for that matter. Not sure though if she wanted additional songs in the movie as she only started writing and recording long after shooting was done. The three Sondheim tracks are also rearranged and re recorded for the album.
  13. Thank you for pointing this out! Most iconic M looks are stripped back, almost cartoon like. Funny enough the Lacroix corset was already a bit fussy to begin with (compared with the other costumes from RIT, though it's absolutely beautiful) I think the red negligee is actually a fantastic costume
  14. Isn't it also a bit sad for al these minor celebrities to have to release these biographies for a quick buck and all anyone is ever interested in is what little tidbits you have to share about celebrities bigger than you. I have very little words for the hypocracy which is RuPaul, just that I once bought into the idea that he was sincere and not this conservative self serving capitalist
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