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  1. Hiya! Just saw this podcast was published in The Guardian last Friday and wanted to share it (in case it has not been uploaded here yet) Presented by Nosheen Iqbal, with Mary Gabriel and Donna De Lory, produced by Natalie Ktena and Jim O'Donoghue Martin, executive producer Homa Khaleeli https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2023/dec/15/how-madonna-changed-pop-culture-for-ever-podcast
  2. Another one! https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/madonnas-celebration-tour-is-more-than-just-another-greatest-hits-show/amp/
  3. the Huff Post made a compilation of the opening night reviews' highlights https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/madonna-celebration-tour-reviews_uk_652d0579e4b03b213b068980
  4. I wish i had any type of info…but I am as in the dark as most of us regarding if it is legit or not… 😅
  5. not sure of this was posted before... but I just saw it now and wanted to share in case
  6. reaaaally enjoying watching this! great work as usual @Blue Jean!!!!! Thank you, it helps soooo much to get extra hyped for this final night before the tour premieres
  7. and another The Guardian article about M today! they are defo hyping up to opening night ;) https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/oct/11/madonna-cone-bra-weapon-celebration-tour-women-power-passion-of-the-pop-icon
  8. Ahead of the opening night of the Celebration Tour on saturday (can u believe we are almost there?!!!?), the Guardian has published this article today. Hope it is ok to post it here https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/oct/09/get-into-the-groove-writers-go-head-to-head-to-declare-madonnas-best-album
  9. My best memories are from DWT, CT and MDNA. i remember the opening night of the DWT in Barcelona very vividly, but particularly the first time she "flew" in the air in Sky fits heaven, such a surprise and the reaction from the audience was incredible; also have great memories of the second night, she was much more relaxed and interactive with us. While waiting in the opening night, the crowd went crazy when we saw Guy Ritchie entering the arena to see the show. That and the reaction to the first notes of Holiday... Wild reaction! I managed to secure a front row space for the CT after many hours of cueing in the worst possible conditions in Amsterdam, and that concert experience was AMAZING. I mean... the mirror ball opening up right in front of me was the ultimate M experience live. But the best was when she (briefly) locked eyes with me and asked me something during the flags interlude. I could barely talk back at her hahahah Live to Tell live in that tour was simply stunning and moving, and what an ending with the whole disco section and hung up as a finale... Another great memory was winning the golden triangle lottery for MDNA. I started shaking from nerves and when I saw I was front row again I couldn't believe it. Got to chat with Guy O while waiting for the show to start and he took a pic of me and 2 other fans while we waited in the golden triangle, plus there is a pic he took from the stage (during M's sound check) where u can see her from the back and looking at us fans (and u can see me grinning at her) I loved the beginning: the bass was soooo powerful with the intro you could feel it deep in your body, a somewhat "scary" and espectacular opening. And the floating marching band in GMAYL was another spectacle (not a huge fan of the song but that live rendition made up for it) SS and RH tours, probably due to personal reasons, made no great impression on me (even if for RH i was again front row, I simply didn't manage to connect to it, it felt as if something was missing... i felt no urgency or artistic drive in that tour) And I unfortunately missed the Reinvention Tour due to work commitments the day of the show in Arnhem. A pity cause I had friends attending and they were sooooo enthusiastic about it. My Madame X show in Paris got cancelled... And I am unable to attend the CT2, unfortunately... unless things change, I'll only be able to enjoy it through fan videos. Gutted about it cause I have a feeling it will be spectacular.
  10. The SEX book is being exhibited in Barcelona's CCCB as part of a (quite good) exhibition around Marquis de Sade's work and its effect on society and art.
  11. one word: wow!!!!!!! Brilliant work, thank you for sharing it...
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