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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 7 hours ago, androiduser said:

    Off the top of my head - the children's books, The Secret Project (basically just a typical Madonna/Klein half naked shoot with a "deep" message that isn't really reflected in the visuals), most side projects like the gym, shoes, design collaborations etc.

    Re the Secret Project visuals, you do realise that they intended to film the lingerie line but that it was cancelled on the day?

    M talks about it in the interview that supports it. On a whim, she turned into something else to not waste the shoot booking.

  2. I'd say her devolution into a youth-obsessed, Kardashian-inspired aesthetic has been the most disappointing to see.

    I didn't like her series of businesses after '08 but then I get that she was trying to earn back her fortune after the divorce.

    I haven't loved the confusing expectations and general roll-out of the 40th anniversary releases but let's see what happens...

    I wouldn't mind the grillz so much if they were used more sparingly and limited to shoots where she didn't need to speak.

    I'm cool with the B-grade movies and similar ventures as they all add to her pop culture canon in fun and interesting ways.

  3. On 8/26/2023 at 9:07 AM, MDNA22 said:

    1. Bum implant  -  not the fact she got work done there but unfortunately it does not suit her and just looks odd on her frame

    2. Madame X 'Documentary'  - was anything but a 'documentary' all of it so contrived  - really hard to watch it was so staged and scripted 

    3. Editing of her concerts since MDNA - too many shows used, glaring continuity fails in all of them, non HD screen footage included, poor selection of which shows to film for the MDNA tour DVD I think led to this approach.

    4.Over editing/filters of photos especially on social media - think is totally fine to edit them but the person doing them really seems to go OTT and make her look like a waxwork doll in some

    5.Performance last year with Maluma at his concert

    You raise a great point re the concert overedits, but I'd argue that the problem started as early as The Confessions Tour.

  4. 18 hours ago, Drownedboy said:

    Everything posted here I probably dislike of her or don´t about, although some things really were terrible for me so I don´t think I was not caring about really, but for example, passing the crown to Aguilera and Spears on MTV, although viral, I think it was the first step to real decline in a sense. She was realising such top notch  and diverse and creative and surprising music and videos such as as Frozen , Power of goodbye, Music, Don´t tell me, DIe another day, Nothing fails...and suddenly she was desperate, trying to go viral and saying those girls were going to be the next generation, C´mon? Sometimes I have serious doubts about her own selfsteem, really. 

    Ok, I don´t want to put those two girls down, don´t be mad, they are great pop artists, but sorry, never in the league of M, thats for sure.

    Hey, baby. Let's not forget that M was in career survival mode during that time, but I understand where you're coming from.

  5. 19 hours ago, Eyzonme said:

    Everytime she has sung covers of Hallelujah and Imagine. 

    Forcing her children down our throats


    Butt implants

    Leather caps

    Potentially shining a light on Katy Perry before she became mega famous

    Social media - there used to be a very special mystique about her before she started using them. Sorta cheapened her image. At the same time it's great she opened up her private life to us. Wish there was more quality over quantity.

    Yeh, apart from wanting her kids to be happy and healthy, the degree at which she posts about them is more than I'd prefer.

  6. On 8/26/2023 at 6:51 AM, McDonna said:

    Madonna posts a moving birthday tribute to both her daughters Stella and Estere.  So beautiful


    MADONNA: "It is indeed a Mad world that we live in. And where would we be without the innocence and imagination of our children to remind us that Magic is all around us and anything is possible!
    .Happy birthday to Estere and Stellla Mwale !! How could you be 11 years old already?
    Because you are The Most magical Twins in The World!! 👑👑
    When I look at older videos of you Speaking Chichewa And having tea parties or dancing with a trance-like joy, I want to cry!!
    Time is a cruel mistress who leaves us with our memories never again to re -live them Only to try desperately to remember.
    I will never forget The first time we met you in Machinji. Your eyes held the whole world in them. The same way we now hold you locked inside of our hearts.
    In a way…. we are all displaced children , looking for connection. looking for love, ♥️. Looking for a home which is ultimately ourselves! Zikomo" 🇲🇼

    Beautiful. She should write a song called 'Time Is A Cruel Mistress' with lyrics from her heart in this poetic way.

  7. 2 hours ago, Rebel Hugo said:

    I hope the dentist doesn't get fired after posting this pic of Madonna without filters 😂

    By the way she looks great without all of these filters she loves using for her selfies but I find it strange that Madonna has allowed such a natural photo to be uploaded.

    That photo has definitely been edited. Look at the teeth colour and top lip.

    By the way, how do we know this guy's her dentist?

  8. On 8/19/2023 at 12:40 AM, cosmic_system said:

    The last time she had a small muscular butt was 2009. She had implants since 2012. 
    Also, as said before, she was way thinner than now. She had a big butt in 1995 too as showed in the Versace pictures, and that it’s because her body was fuller than usual. And she’s 65, she can’t have a musical butt anymore.

    She didn't have that much of a fuller butt in the 1995 Versace pics. She was just cocking her hip.

  9. On 8/15/2023 at 6:25 PM, Redha DBL said:

    This is a thought i had the other day but i didn't share because i felt like it could be kinda insulting towards Mirwais, but after a second thought it's a Madonna forum and we're supposed to discuss her art the most honest way possible so...

    I just came to the conclusion that Mirwais is a one hit pony. He is one of the producer she has worked the most with, he has made many and many tracks for her during a long time span and in the end of the day he gave her only one hit : "Music". All the rest was or a flop or a very average success and "Don't tell me" was already a very good existing demo from Joe Henry so it wasn't difficult to make it sound good. If you're a good producer and you make like 30 songs with the most succesful singer on the planet you're expected to make at least 4 or 5 succesfull hits... i do believe, and this is my personnal opinion, that she overestimates his work, maybe due to the fact that she loves working with him cause they gets along very well together when they're in studio. 

    Sorry but this is a bad take and reveals interesting things about your shallow perspective of what music should be.

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