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Posts posted by me1981

  1. On 2/21/2021 at 10:54 PM, Semtex1 said:

    "IT'S THE HUMIDITY !!"  Monica Geller

    That's what I assumed but webo1958 from instagram contacted Sharon Gault (I think, that's Mama Make-up right?) and she said Madonna wanted it that way. My assumption is that in Vigo her hair was pretty flat and loose and fell apart quickly, so she may have wanted more volume and hold. 

    And yeah I would say the humidity affected it, but seems Madonna did ask for her hair to be like this

  2. Speaking of rights and the business stuff, if I can bring up something related but off topic. Does anyone else remember a story told by a WB employee about Madonna, around the time Like a Virgin came out WB tried to screw her over, something to do with rights or royalties or something. She somehow found out and hired the most ruthless old school lawyer she could find, went into a meeting and grabbed them by the balls and never let go. The execs walked out saying "I guess Madonna owns the place now" 

    I wish I could remember where I read this and what the full story was.

  3. @LoveAffair Here you go



    Cherish / the moment

    each and every hour

    Cherish / the moment

    I laid eyes on you

    baby you cut right through

    you did it and I knew you would

    you're too good, you're too good to be true.


    savor / the flavor

    your lips touching mine

    savor / the flavor

    I know it's wrong but I call you mine

    I think about you all the time

    it may sound funny

    but it's from my heart


    and your love baby

    your love tears me apart

    yeah your love baby

    your love tears me apart


    it's no good trying to pretend that

    this will have a happy ending

    I can't pull myself away


    from your love baby

    your love tears me apart

    yeah your love baby

    your love tears me apart

  4. I don't know what to think of past Miley anymore. She herself said her vegan diet was causing her mental health issues and looking at her tongue probably a candida albicans overload too, which can affect mental health. She just recently stopped being vegan.

    Who knows what was going on in her mind back then. 

  5. There is this. A camera that looks to be on a crane during Where's the Party. This is where she says "My stage is too small" Just prior to getting into the song. Looks like it is filming her, but who knows. Would not be for the screens. None of those cameras were hovering like that.

    I must admit there are no cameras to be seen on the two bootlegs from July 4, 1990 that are floating about. Though maybe they got wide shots that night. Maybe all crane shots were July 3 and wide and some crane shots on July 4 (so they were too far back to be seen) and close-ups on July 6. The shot from Live to Tell where the camera circles around her as she is staring at the cross has to be July 6 as I have seen that part on the bootlegs from Jul 3 & 4 and no camera is seen



  6. On 2/11/2021 at 5:50 PM, Mp1992 said:

    yes and TGS was the same thing.  Arena's in the US, stadiums outside the US.  TGS made way more money than BAT with fewer dates and at the time has the highest per show gross of any female tour in history


    People forget that.  She was also expected to continue the tour in early 1994 with more US dates but Madonna opted not to because she wanted to record another album and concentrate on film roles, this would lead to her eventual fall out with manager Freddy DeMann who wanted her to continue her hugely successful GS tour in 1994

    That is more so because Girlie Show had higher ticket prices that were tiered. BAT had one basic price, because that was what the market allowed for. She was losing money on BAT which is most likely why we got three tv broadcasts. She made much back in Japan where she could charge higher as well

    11 hours ago, captainjay said:

    Right. Small venues in the USA, large stadiums in the rest of the world. 

    Both tours made almost the same amount of money overall:

    Blond Ambition made US$62.7 million ($122.7 million in 2019 dollars) - 57 shows

    The Girlie Show made US$70 million ($123.89 million in 2019 dollars) - 39 shows

    Actually these numbers look to be from Wiki and are a guestimate and not from any official source. They have no revenue numbers from anywhere but the US and the total gross for TGS was never actually reported anywhere that I have found, Wiki also has no source for the 70M gross either. In Australia she had $200 Gold Circle tickets and the cheapest was $80. She played to more than 300,000. Even taking the lowest ticket price of $80 would give you $24,000,000 for Australia alone. No way she only grossed $70M and she more than likely grossed $40M in Australia and similar in South America which had a similar price structure. Europe and US were only two tiers and much cheaper at the time but I can't remember what the prices were. Maybe 50 Euro and maybe $70 in the US or something like that

    In other words TGS probably grossed closer to $100+M

    BAT on the other hand had tickets that were a flat $45 in Japan $28 in US and $32 - $37 in Europe I think Canada was $25. 

    I'd say BAT was probably pretty close to $60M though

    ETA: I checked TGS in the US she charged $55 or $35 at MSG and The Palace UK was $41/$34 USD and Japan was $64USD and $73USD and South America was $125/$56/$28. Oz was definitely $200/$110(maybe)/$80 all AUD as I remember looking at the tickets back then

  7. On 2/6/2021 at 7:44 PM, Luci nln said:

    In October, she said the script was 133 pages. I think a series would be ideal. She has lived an eventful life and wants to cover a lot a lot of moments. After seeing these Post-it notes and hearing her talk about the film, I can see why she didn't want someone else telling her story. I skimmed the script that was written for the Universal biopic Blonde Ambition, and it was mainly a melodrama between her and Jellybean that ended with her telling him she had an abortion after her 1984 VMA performance. There is no mention of her friendships with Martin Burgoyne and Keith Haring. Jellybean's sister Debbie is in the script, but not Debi Mazar. No mention of her relationship with Basquiat either. 

    Wow 133 pages. That is well over two hours, I assume there will be trims, though who knows. It honestly sounds like it will be a big production which I am all for. She needs a big budget to tell her story right

  8. She easily could have done legacy releases in between new album releases. 2010 to 2011 was a perfect time for it and again 2013 - 2014 and so on. Gives fans something to whet their appetite with too while waiting for the next new thing.

    I don't think it would have made her an oldies act, but would have been a great intro for younger fans and kept her in the public eye during down time and may have even helped bring attention to her newer releases at the time. The spaces between albums I think, in this even faster paced age, actually hurt a bit too. I noticed as the years went on people simply forgot about who she was, not her name, but her legacy. 

    I do hope the film does bring to light what made Madonna the legend she is. I also would love a Crown type mini series, though not sure five season would go down well, with me it would, haha. Even three or four seasons, the 70's, 80's, 90's and hell the 00's too.

    She could still do both, but I highly doubt that will ever happen. 

  9. 10 hours ago, Jakey said:

    Absolutely not. Did you not read his FB posts detailing the recording process?

    Start at the middle, then do the update at the top.


    That is quite a turn around, considering how annoyed he seemed originally. I guess officially she was there and they had a great creative experience.

    Reading between the lines seems to suggest different. How good could things have been between them if he felt the need to say anything publicly and couldn't actually talk directly to her in the studio? Why is he e-mailing Guy about it all. In fact why did Guy e-mail him and not Madonna. It isn't as if WO and M didn't work together before. Seems odd.

    But hey I wasn't there so I will just say I was wrong and move on

  10. I don't thnk she is working with people who bring enough of their own creativity to the mix. They do what is asked of them and nothing more. In other words, pre-2007/08 she had a more true form of collaboration and her work was a mix of herself (pretty much as a sort of director/producer) and the people she worked with.

    With HC that changed as that album is pretty much all Pharell,Timberlake and Timberland and MDNA was mostly WO left to his own devices. She either left people to do their thing with little input or made choices that no one was willing to challenge.

    And moreso from 2008 to 2013, I felt like Madonna was just trying to get through her career. Another album, another tour, wash, rinse, repeat. A spark seemed to have died somewhere and it all became more about fulfilling a contract with WB and Live Nation.

    I think she had hope with Rebel Heart though, but working with Diplo, I feel was disappointing. I will never understand why she had to chase after him to get him back in the studio. When she talked about recording that album she seemed sombre in many ways when talking about how things had changed in the studio and she did seem disappointed.

    Even so I felt like with Rebel Heart she was ready to kick ass, but the leaks were the first of a few things that really hit her hard. Then the fall at the Brit Awards and the general lacklustre performance of the album, and yet she had to tour again. Was her heart in it? Not sure it was. It all seemed to be her just going through the motions.

    It does not surprise me that she said in an interview to promote Madam X that she had no intention of doing another album at that point. Part of me felt like she was over it, and part of me felt like it took a lot for her to push her way back into the studio and if it hadn't been for Portugal, who knows when she would have gone back into the studio.

    I think she has hired guns and yes people around her now and they have no idea what they are doing, except the minimum of what she asks and nothing more. I don't think it is just Antunes. I think Guy has fallen into the same thing, just getting things to #1 and doing what he is told and nothing more. It isn't just Antunes that needs to go.



  11. 3 hours ago, Clark_Kent said:

    Yes, it was definitely a sign of just releasing things as they are and that's it.  In the end, we are talking of the same  team that never bothered to upload the HD version of confessions tour on the itunes store.

    On the other side, reconstructing the videos from scratch is highly expensive, is she really that profitable at this time to justify the budget?

    Yeah it is expensive and time consuming which is why it won't happen or might only happen for select showcase type videos like Bedtime Story or maybe her David Fincher videos, if we are lucky.

    I honestly never expected them to go that far anyway and can appreciate why they wouldn't, but celebration was lazy in so many ways, which is what makes it so disappointing.

    In terms of her profitability - well I think most fans feel she has damaged her legacy somewhat and neglected it for too long that she probably isn't bringing in the money should could have been at this point. Maybe the biopic will restore that if it is a decent and well recieved film. Though if Madonna is still directing and since she co-wrote it, I feel critics are going to give her a hard time if it isn't flawless which could lead to it doing more bad than good. All my bits are crossed for that project though.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Clark_Kent said:

    Indeed, this is a polished and upscaled tape master. Looks good for what it is, definitely better than nothing and an upgrade from previous sources.

    Sadly, that's what we have to accept of M's team, it's been years this way and I don't think it will change anytime soon.

    Yeah I think Celebration (Greatest Hits) should have been a big sign that the word effort isn't in their vocabulary. That release could have and should have been a gold standard for the time. 

  13. I think 84 - 86 she was considered a threat. A lot of it was overblown because "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" and Tipper Gore was after anyone that wasn't as uptight as her.

    Back then she had a free and fun sexuality that got more serious, dark and edgy the more everyone gave her a hard time. 89 - 93 Madonna (still sorta 80's) was far more edgy and controversial and she seemed a lot more in your face about it.

    I think any woman in the 80's that enjoyed their sexuality and sex and their body was considered controversial or as many called her "a slut". 

  14. I wouldn't miss the DT section, especially if it allowed for three other songs from her back catalogue. I assume La Isla Bonita would have been in there. Not sure what else I would have added. It could have been a spanish section with WTG and Spanish Eyes. 

    Rest her voice, even if it meant a delay in the tour. She needed proper vocal rest.

    Bring the tempo up for KIT, just a bit. It works well in ToD but I have never been impressed by the other live performances of the number which often feel flat. I do love ending it with that theme of family though, so I would keep it in.

  15. I realise how much Madonna hasn't changed so much as she has relaxed enough to show herself as she often was in private but never in public. Rosie O'Donnell said in 1992 that going to a party with Madonna is like going with your 13 year old brother who burps, farts and picks their nose. Or something to that affect.

    The grillz and "get off my pole" and the cringey IG fit that perfectly. As does her attitude in general since about 2012. 

    I'd say the only thing that actually pisses me off is how serious she takes herself sometimes, when she had more of a sense of a humour in the past. And how she acts like a real freedom fighter fighting a revolution, but it just isn't really who she is or what she is doing, at least it feels hollow to me and it feels like she takes that part of herself way too seriously.

    I do find she has gotten preachier than she used to be. In 1990 she said - I don't want to slap people in the face with my message. I'm not militant to anything.

    I do miss that Madonna. I think we all know what she stands for, I wish she brought back some subtlety, but I also just accept she is who she is. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Blue Jean said:


    I guess most people know this but for those that don’t. The versions of Crazy for You and Gambler used in the film are earlier versions different from the final finished versions. So it’s possible it is the second version of Warning Signs that is not finished.

    I have read a number of Madonna interviews from 1983/84. She always stated she filmed three songs for the movie, but didn't know which one(s) would be picked. So what you are saying makes the most sense in terms of Warning Signs.

    I guess when Gambler and CFY were chosen, any need to polish up Warning Signs was pointless. 

  17. I don't think Confessions is over rated, I think the era is. Fans look back at the era as the last amazing MADONNA era and attach all sorts of praise to it. The album gets caught up in that, the look was on point, everything was stylish and worked at the time. Since many dislike the Madonna from 2008 onwards they probably make more of the Confessions era than there really was at the time. It has a ton of nostalgia attached.

    I also can't say it is over rated by the general public, because outside of fans, it doesn't rate anywhere. It is largely forgotten by most people and doesn't really rate much of a mention when people talk about early to mid 2000's music. At least I never hear it being brought up at all or praised. As a result of going back to University I am around a lot of 20 somethings. They know ROL and Music well enough that if I hum a few bars of music they know and can sing the song, but anything after that is a mystery to them. 

    I like Confessions and the tour and everything did feel like it came together and worked well. It all felt cohesive and solid, and I agree it was the last era that was truly like that, everything else has been a bit messy since. I wouldn't say it is an amazing album, but it is fun and great to pop on here and there.

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