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Madonna wants to meet with far right French leader


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Have you guys seen this? This was the only website I could find regarding the topic, but they have a video linking to an interview with Madonna at the Le Grande Journal. Apparently, Madonna said that she wants to sit down with Marine Le Pen, who is a far right politician in France, and goes against everything we and Madonna believe in. 


She continues to say that she wants to understand why she believes all of these horrible things, face to face. I for one, hope this meeting occurs, so Madonna can talk some sense into her!

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Have you guys seen this? This was the only website I could find regarding the topic, but they have a video linking to an interview with Madonna at the Le Grande Journal. Apparently, Madonna said that she wants to sit down with Marine Le Pen, who is a far right politician in France, and goes against everything we and Madonna believe in. 


She continues to say that she wants to understand why she believes all of these horrible things, face to face. I for one, hope this meeting occurs, so Madonna can talk some sense into her!


A talk with Madonna wouldn't change a thing in that bitch's mind or actions.

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