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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 10 hours ago, Piksel8 said:

    My goodness, thank you so much. I love how the base just went nuts for the tracks they played. Getting so emotional seeing her old team (gina and angela) behind her during those good old organic years.

    You're welcome!

    Sorry about the orientation but I didn't wanna compromise the quality by rotating it, or mess around with it too much.

    Yeh, such good times. It was kind of the last time she was brilliant on every single level, imo.

  2. Sigh. Guy Ritchie really messed her up in the lover department, hey?

    I get that she has sexual needs but the way she keeps selling herself embarassingly short is bewildering.

    Whatever, girl... do your thing, ride that payrolled penis, have that dumbed-down pillow talk, suck that young blood.

  3. 4 hours ago, steady75 said:

    I mean Madonna being so openly out there about the film may have been her way of saying to investors, studios and potential directors writers producers and actors that she is all in and involved. She’s queen of her own hype and if that’s what she needed to do to drum up the funding and interest etc then that’s whT she will do. She’s not had an easy ride when it comes to Hollywood. She will need to graft. This isn’t live nation or Warner records. 

    All the shoulder-rubbing at the many Oscar parties she's co-hosted has got to pay off too.

  4. 9 hours ago, Piksel8 said:

    can you recall if there was a distinct difference to the instrumental vs to the actual instrumental in the final version. I know between the demos they had to rework and drop musical channel/layers. But i assume for hung up at that time, they haven't gotten Abba's approval yet so it was almost like he was there to play a remix of Gimme gimme gimme, when in reality it was pending Madonna single.

    Yeh, pretty much!

    I remember it was a long mix without any vocals and that it was a 'souped-up' version of the Gimme! sample.

    Whenever I listen to the SDP Extended Dub of Hung Up, it sounds very similar to what we danced to that night.

    That was in February 2005. Flash forward to October 2005 and I'm in NYC at the end of a four-month backpacking trip.

    I'm at The Roxy watching Stuart DJ again, this time with M dancing in front of me to the official remix including vocals.

  5. 9 hours ago, Piksel8 said:

    I'm trying to look for photos or even videos of that time he played there. I believe he played it for Sydney's Good Vibrations Festivals. It would've been great to hear the first drafts of it.

    He was down for the Good Vibrations Festival but also played a side-gig at a small Melbourne club.

    That's what I went to because I wanted to hear a longer set not intended for the masses, y'know?

    I'll never forget hearing the sample and him having his phone up, 'cause it was unusual for 2005.

  6. 15 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

    If only she had kept that hairstyle for the show...

    I prefer the half-up-do she went with. I think it was more flattering, somehow.

    It was cool to stumble on these alternative take shots though.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Vasili said:

    I think wires may be getting crossed about this.

    I found this quote which clarifies that her representative personally delivered the song (CD? iPod?) with the letter:

    "...I think they may have had doubts about letting us sample their record. I had to send my emissary to Stockholm with a letter and the record begging them and imploring them and telling them how much I worship their music; telling them it was an homage to them, which is all true..."

    Taken from https://www.attitude.co.uk/article/relive-madonnas-in-depth-2005-attitude-interview/5327/

    Then there is this quote from Björn:

    "...Well we had this wonderful letter from her. I framed it. Very sweet. Her assistant came over to Stockholm with a CD and we played it. And we thought the record was great. But also realising that without the 'Gimme! Gimme!' thing in it, it wouldn't have been so great. So we said, "Well, fine, of course you can. But we just split the copyright, half-half...""

    Taken from https://www.theguardian.com/music/2008/jul/13/popandrock.film

  8. 2 hours ago, Enrico said:

    Is it possible that he is referring to two different meetings/steps?

    1) The assistant delivers the "nice little letter" (Angela?)

    2) "So she came over" (Madonna?) to play the record

    After all, he says it was "herself", not through lawyers.

    I think wires may be getting crossed about this.

    I found this quote which clarifies that her representative personally delivered the song (CD? iPod?) with the letter:

    "...I think they may have had doubts about letting us sample their record. I had to send my emissary to Stockholm with a letter and the record begging them and imploring them and telling them how much I worship their music; telling them it was an homage to them, which is all true..."

    Taken from https://www.attitude.co.uk/article/relive-madonnas-in-depth-2005-attitude-interview/5327/

  9. 12 hours ago, Markdonna said:

    Fun look back. I loved this era and personally believe it produced the greatest Madonna tour I have ever seen.  Confessions was simply EPIC.  And I’ve seen — and very much enjoyed every tour since I finally saw her sing live via Drowned World.

    Not only did I adore Confessions  as an album — but she brought out some oldies I’d long given up on ever seeing her sing LIVE…  Lucky Star, Like a Virgin… but the real stand out shocker was… Erotica/You Thrill Me.  Not to mention her up on a mirrored cross while belting out Live To Tell.  Confessions was the tour or tours I think looking back. Yeah…  It truly was just simply flawless.

    Stuart Price had plenty to do with that. 

    Funny, I never thought they had a huge falling out.  They certainly sound very friendly here.  And the tale of Hung Up is definitely one worthy of being told.  They clearly enjoy telling it, too. So much collaboration.   Be fun to see them reunite somehow.   His live arrangements were fantastic.

    The Confessions Tour often gets forgotten compared to most of the others, don't you think?

    It really was incredible in so many ways. Thank you for the reminder.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    Also here:


    That said, there was no Plan B if ABBA didn’t clear the sample [laughs]. We knew ABBA were reluctant to allow sampling of their work, so Madonna’s manager flew to Stockholm to meet with Benny and Björn at their Polar Studios. She gave them a handwritten letter from Madonna in which she expressed her admiration for their work, and the hope that we could collaborate. What resonated with them, I think, was that we had taken cues from them, but we had tried to move it forward, and they approved the sample that day.  

    It's true back then Madonna's manager were Guy Oseary AND Angela Becker, so maybe she sent Angela to Stockholm.

    But until now that was the official story. Not it's that she herself went there. :smile:

    No way she would fly to Sweden herself (with her letter) and risk getting rejected in person.

    She wrote a heartfelt letter and had her co-manager/assistant personally deliver it.

    And this, straight from the horse's mouth...


  11. Loved this episode. It was short but oh-so sweet.

    My fave part was hearing them talk about playing the Hung Up instrumental during a DJ gig in Australia.

    I've mentioned this before but I was there the night he played it and I distinctly remember him holding up his phone.

    By the way, for anyone that may have missed it, I recommend this Stuart Price playlist:


  12. 10 hours ago, Andreo said:

    Tried to watch this without the app and it freezes to load every second 

    i cant wendy williams GIF

    Maybe try a different browser or download the app? It's worth it for this skit lol.

    You don't need to create an account to view public TikTok videos, by the way.

  13. 3 hours ago, steady75 said:

    It’ll be an interesting time to see whether she can win back those bad gays in thier 50’s who abandoned her

    Or that she turned off.

    Nobody, including a 50-something gay man, is obligated to like any particular artist to the same degree for an eternity.

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