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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 3 hours ago, Brendonshayart said:



    I'm sorry for causing any confusion or upset!

    I accidently "quoted" someone instead of leaving a separate comment..

    Sorry I find navigating this website a bit hard! Totally new to forums so again, I apologise..

    Just want to clarify that I didn't start a thread to "promote" myself, I did it to converse with other M fans and have fun, not trying to sell or promote anything :)


    Sure. Don't strain yourself navigating this forum's challenging user-interface.

    And you only quote-replied at least a dozen times in the past in that thread you started...

    You did mention adding products to your store in that thread, but what's wrong with promoting yourself?

  2. 48 minutes ago, steady75 said:

    Christ alive the dark clouds are rolling in overhead again. Imagine being that much of a willingly active kill joy. 
    Couldn’t be me. 

    Some boys cry and some boys wry 

    but I don’t let them play 

    No way. 

    you should have just sat there and ate your cereal….gworlllll

    First love yourself
    Then you can love someone else
    Then you can change someone else
    Then you have saved someone else
    But you must first love yourself
    Then you can love someone else
    Then you can change someone else


  3. 2 hours ago, Brendonshayart said:
    On 7/31/2022 at 5:28 PM, Vasili said:

    Sick song. Just another bit of Madonna to have! She could release a 50 track remix ep of only candy shop remixes and I’d love it haha 

    Hey @Brendonshayart.

    You're very new to this forum, at least actively, and we have never conversed.

    We're happy for the work you've done for M, and when you started your thread to promote yourself, we welcomed you.

    When dozens here harshly criticised your graphic design skills, I felt bad for you and extended a compliment out of pity.

    However, please don't go cyberbullying me with a fake quote designed to directly point fun.

    You might get a few emoji reactions from the Discord mean girls, but it comes across as juvenile.

    Your art is already widely panned so best to not aim for a character self-crucifixian as well.

  4. The song itself is nice but if it hadn't been for Madonna I strongly doubt I would have listened to it ( not because it's hideous but just because it's not my kind of music ).I prefer this song more than the version of hung up with tokischa which I found horrible.This is my opinion, what is perhaps not yet clear reading this post is that each person above has his own personal taste that is not LAW, but remains personal taste,reading people who insult themselves , provoke or argue is quite ridiculous and very childish..if you don't like something you're an idiot, boring and ancient (as if the Madonna's fans were 14 years old) it's always the same story that repeats itself every time, maybe it would take more respect, so in the end none of us will ever change our mind.

    Agreed. Ironically, there are some very basic members here for such a deeply layered artist.
  5. 2 hours ago, steady75 said:
    I mean. If you want more stuff y’all better stream. The more business this does the more little nuggets we’ll get. Like… If stuff like this does well the label might consider additional streaming only content for the special editions. Imagine them digging out selected studio versions of tour songs related to that specific album release. A collapse. 

    Or how about just streaming things you actually like and when you want to?

    This isn’t 1999 and we aren’t the Lambily.

  6. On 8/2/2022 at 10:53 PM, Pretender1978 said:
    Maybe style has changed and I am really not in the know anymore, but what strikes me most is the lack of balance and refinement in the design, I mean the fonts and the sizing and placement is sooo off since MDNA. The back cover for FEL is a new low, everything is out of balance and nothing makes sense with the cover of the 1 disc edition. The cover for this too is awful, is it really that much more work to actually handwrite the names and title and scan them in? This font is a choice lol

    The whole graphic design suite for FEL is inconsistent.

    From the two editions (ridiculous to have them worlds apart in aesthetic), the back cover of the 16-track edition, to the social media visualizer (what does that typeface with the big red M in the first frames have to do with the package?).

  7. A tour actually does not sound that far fetched to me, she has been talking about being eager to go on stage again where she is happy, I just wonder if she will be able to swing it with being so busy with the biopic right now. The most important thing is that she does not nearly kill herself like last time and I can't speak for everyone but it would be totally cool if she cut down on the amount of choreography and added an acoustic set. 

    I’d like to watch her visual autobiography this century please.
  8. Instead of a film, imagine an episodic limited series where each one is named after her albums?

    Episode 1: Madonna
    Episode 2: Like A Virgin
    Episode 3: True Blue, and so on...

    After all, she puts so much of her personal life into her albums and fans segment her life by 'eras'.

    No-brainer, right? It would also put some extra focus onto her back catalogue.

    Anyway, it seems like it's going to be a movie since she is currently further editing the script, she said.

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