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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 15 hours ago, steady75 said:

    You're correct bad wording on my part. I've corrected to say allegedly. Was referring to a thread in here for last year when a surgeon deconstructed her work. Bit of a gross video to be honest but none of that as my wider point. She'd no stranger to surgical and non surgical enhancements since pretty much her 30's. In the years of the really good work we didnt notice as much (as good work should do). My wider point was she follows trends as well as wanting to look her best, and trends are changing. That was all xx

    A lot of those YouTube videos are way off.

    In the '90s, she clearly dabbled in collagen lip filler and botox.

    And it's safe to say she had her first facelift in 2005, after Live 8 but before Hung Up's video.

    Interestingly, that was also the period of time that she was hospitalised due to her horse accident......

  2. 13 hours ago, Alpha said:

    I actually thought that was a brilliant part of the speech. Yes all those people are dead. Madonna has more tenacity and skill to avoid all the trouble they went through despite her mother dying, her dad marrying their maid, her siblings all having drug issues, being raped, and having to be constantly told she was a dumb slut who only got famous by using her vagina. Out of all the celebrities she mentioned you would've thought she was gonna end up a crack head but nah. She's still here bitches and gonna live to be 120 flashing her cooch.

    If you can't empathise that it can be seen as tastelessly boastful, then that's on you.

    Bowie and Tupac, in particular, died due to circumstances out of their control.

    You can say you're a survivor without having to compare yourself to contemporaries who struggled or had terrible luck.

    It's called humility but the low-vibe Leo part in her jumped out, I guess.

  3. 19 hours ago, Madge said:

    anyway the film should not end on that speech it should end on the michael jackson mtv tribute speech instead lol

    Now that was an excellent speech. Still not climactic enough for a film ending though.

    The film should climax with her climaxing on the bed while performing Like A Virgin during BAT.


    The end! Roll credits!

  4. 19 hours ago, Kieran said:

    I got round to watching Elvis last night - a really good film which covers so many years in approx 2hr 40mins. I did not find it is effective as Rocketman, which I thought was a bit more deep. Elvis suffers from skating over so much very quickly, which is the problem that I imagine M's biopic suffering from. Also, it reminded me that to effectively capture both the drama of the story and the effectiveness of the live performances, M needs to choose very carefully whether she is the director of this movie or not. I think she should be the main producer, or even co-director.

    I've thought about this too and have the same concerns.

    In reality, she is probably going to be Co-Director #1 but will be billed as Director.

    I'm sure the studio is approaching her remarkable story (and ego) delicately and wisely...

    I've also thought about the people in her earlier life who may come out of the woodwork re their representation in it.

    There's so much to navigate with autobiographies of the written or visual kind.

    For instance, it's her story to tell but she has to be careful, legally speaking, telling the story of others.

    You'll notice in the Elvis film that only one member of the Memphis Mafia is represented by name (Jerry Schilling).

    He's on good terms with the Elvis estate, whereas I think the other living members are not, which is interesting.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Madge said:

    What makes you think billboard removed it lol it was prob madonnas request and it just came out wrong as she got a bit emotional 

    lol at you jumping to a conclusion billboard removed it !


    Came out wrong? Bit emotional? She literally prepared a speech and read it from the teleprompter.

    Please stop trying to make excuses for her and try to accept that she can say dumb shit sometimes.

    If Billboard didn't remove it on their own accord and it was M who asked them to, it just justifies my point.


  6. 13 hours ago, Madge said:

    She was right to say that she is still here after Michael , Whitney are dead because the speech was basically telling her critics to fuck themselves and the critics basically killed them and this is prob what she believes and i think she is right ! Anyway i think the film should start with her losing her mother and end with her becoming one ! Finally enough love 

    That's not quite how it went. These were her words:

    "People say that I'm so controversial, but I think the most controversial thing that I have ever done is to stick around. Michael is gone. Tupac is gone. Prince is gone. Whitney is gone. Amy Winehouse is gone. David Bowie is gone. But I'm still standing."

    Michael, Prince, Whitney and Amy suffered from mental health issues and/or succumbed to drug addiction.

    Tupac was murdered.

    Bowie died of cancer.

    It was insensitive and boastful and Billboard were right to edit it out of their main broadcast.

  7. 7 hours ago, Blue Prince said:

    I am okay with anything she puts out as long as she keeps her studio albums strong and tight. What really bothered me was the huge droughts we used to get between albums with no music release whatsoever. What's so bad about hearing Madonna's voice on any new or semi new track every now and then?

    On the flipside, there's something to be gained by having an inspiring break and coming back strong and fresh.

    M's albums used to come out in quick succession because her contractual obligations required a new one every X years.

    Less can be more. That's a lesson M can learn from Beyonce when it comes to releases and content in between releases.

  8. On 8/11/2022 at 7:11 AM, thegoldencalf said:

    Beyoncé fans are busy supporting her because they’re aligned in taste with what she’s putting out. 
    Meanwhile Madonna has done an album that most of her fans didn’t enjoy and all these side projects that are catered to an audience outside her fan base. 
    Also her fans are older and have specific expectations. While Beyoncé also caters to a younger audience that’s more open to embrace experimentation.

    I agree with a lot of what you're saying.

    I'd add that M fans too were once very open to what was considered 'experimental' during previous parts of her career.

    We are just more fatigued, I'd say; a side-effect of an unusually long career.

    Let's see what Beyonce is still releasing in 23 years, right?

  9. 16 hours ago, lightyears1981 said:

    Ignore them. They're likely the type to bitch about everything, making them a victim because not everything is going the way they wish it was, in their own life, so they cut down things that are wrong about everything else. A victim of boredom and having a negative viewpoint when if anything, it came at a time when women would sadly have to find inner strength against men who devalue women to the point of forcing women to carry a dead fetus because abortion was taken away as an option. She has a platform and used it to point out what matters. She showed strength, NOT playing being a victim!

    Sure. Whatever.

    If you actually listened to M's Billboard speech, she makes a big point of criticising other women's attitudes towards her.

    There's also a chunk of it that Billboard had the good sense to omit from the broadcast, where M tries to self-righteously one-up her deceased idols/contemporaries because she hadn't succumbed to disease or addiction. Real humanitarian.

    I stand by my opinion that M ending her biopic with this speech would be pathetic and anti-climactic.

    Anyway, Camille herself said it best.

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