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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. On 7/30/2022 at 9:13 PM, steady75 said:

    If anyone can’t find the original version of Material Girl DM me and I’ll post the link to the original version for you to stream or you can get your fat asses up on your walkers and go dust of your old worn out 7 inches. 

    Would you look at that… A body-shaming and ageist clap-back in defense of M. The irony.

    You must’ve hopped on board during MDNA bringing all that wisdom with you.

  2. On 7/30/2022 at 7:16 PM, Roy said:
    The only sample we can hear on the remix is that small warbled synth on the chorus, which is exactly the synth used at the beginning instrumental of the original song. 
    The thing is, this is not only a reinvention of Madonna's song but also a reinvention of Saucy's song but this is primarily Saucy's song. Still, it is fun, it is fresh and it's Madonna and Saucy having fun with us. :D

    I appreciate your excitement but, with such little M in it, it comes across as her being opportunistic more than anything.

  3. This film is so so so shitty.
    The only M film I saw on cinema and I was so ashamed when I saw it because I was more fan then ever in 1999 but the film was just shit and nothing else. But I'll defend Dangerous game and Swept away that can be saved in her cinema story. Actually the Ferrara movie is the only time she really played something and it's impressive at the end of the way. It's a good movie. She hates because she couldn't control anything and she was overwhelmed but fuck it, the result worth it ! Face it for godsake... In opposition to Body of evidence where she is just bad in her act.
    Susan and WTG are important too.
    All other movies can be forgotten for me. I adore Evita soundtrack but the movie in himself is absolutely failed, chaotic and uninteresting for me.

    I don’t get how you can call Evita a creative ‘failure’ though?
  4. of course, Madonna's number one problem with movies is that she never really understood how the movie industry works and that rules from the music industry don't apply in film making .. and that her status in the music industry didn't mean much in the movie industry so micromanaging everything wasn't an option, and she was just an actress hired for the role, not the producer or the director.

    Dangerous Game really messed her up.
  5. 49 minutes ago, androiduser said:

    Legendary out director John Schlesinger, who died in 2003, blamed Madonna's prima donna behavior on the set of his final film, The Next Best Thing, for his 1999 heart attack. The New York Daily News quotes a letter written by the hospitalized filmmaker to his agent in which Schlesinger writes, "I am fucking angry with [producer] Tom [Rosenberg] being influenced by Madonna. I do not for one moment think that their behavior has not added to the reasons I have ended up here." Another Schlesinger memo said that Madonna wanted producers to use postproduction computer imaging to "beautify" her in 34 separate shots. The director also said that Madonna lobbied to have a key scene removed because she felt it was too "gay," much to Schlesinger's disgust. Madonna's publicist Liz Rosenberg told The [London] Daily Telegraph that she was surprised by Schlesinger's allegations, adding, "No one has ever questioned her level of professional behavior."

    I believe John. Liz was paid to reply that way.

    She obviously had that postproduction imaging applied to her face for her Die Another Day film scene.


  6. 5 hours ago, popsong77 said:
    During the making of this, an anonymous production assistant had a blog about what a mess the shoot was. Is this still online somewhere? I remember being so excited for the online trailer premiere and then waiting 15 minutes for it to load via AOL dial-up, haha.

    I’d be interested to read that blog.

    Re the movie itself…

    I think its overall lighting direction was built around the apparent need to soften her on camera.

    Alas, it was all worth it for those two new songs and new music video.

  7. Fuck these 16/25/18 track records every four years. Give me a 10 tracks concise affair every 2.5 years. There’s nothing that’s been said on the last three albums that couldn’t have been done in 10 tracks.
    These weird deluxe versions on day of release affairs, rendering two albums worth of material pretty much dead after release day. I ain’t a fan of it. Madame X was better delivered but Hard Candy through to Rebel Heart was ill considered and the “gaming” of the albums for maximum sales with bundles and such really didn’t give the material space and time  to breathe. It was pile em high, sell em quick and abandon til the tour comes round. 


    If you need to release an album with more than 12-14 songs, you are compensating for LQ music.
    It’s very transparent and beneath her, I presumed.
  8. Oh wow, ok. I don't know why I remembered it being the picture I posted 

    No, there is a different pap shot of her holding the cover image that you posted, and that was one that I was referring to, but I vaguely recall this more blue alternative too.
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