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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. We shall wait and see. It's still only rumored and was even mentioned as a rumor in that Hollywood article. Reasons why I do not believe that is...she mentioned Evita with Diablo...when mentioning titles she mentioned What it Feels Like For a Girl and Nobody Knows me...and the ORIGINAL universal script prior to her involvement was titled Blond Ambition so unless her and Erin totally redid the script I am not believing it. Also how lame would it be for her to end it there? It seems so anti-Madonna to only talk about the 80s in regards to the story of her life especially since so many make digs at her saying she was only good in the 80s or a hasbeen from the 80s. I would also think she'd wanna show her major backlash in 92 since she's mentioned the troubles of being a woman in the industry and always mentions that period. I know alot of fans are hoping it ends with the ROL grammys but who knows. 

    I get your point but how lame would it also be to end it on a superficial awards win?
    Besides, the Grammys are more irrelevant than ever this decade.
    Ending it at BAT is a strong punctuation in that it illustrates how she became the female pop concert blueprint.
    She did tease the possibility of a two or three-parter too.
  2. But this is the greatness of Madonna. Every fan is different. Some fans love "Like A Virgin", others don't like it. Some fans think "Like A Prayer" is her best song, others "Live To Tell"... The same works with MDNA and Rebel Heart. Me and my boyfriend love MDNA and don't like Rebel Heart (the final version). I think Madonna has the most heterogeneous fans, and that is really good.

    However, to say that the GMAYL remix is filler but not the original itself, and calling MDNA a perfect album minus a few songs? Nah.
    Also, her voice has become very thin with time and is often so buried in the mixes on these two albums, dwarfed by the instrumentation.
    All of these songs would shine more if her voice was stronger and better produced.
  3. The only fillers in MDNA are Superstar, B-Day Song, Best Friend and the stupid bonus track Give Me All Your Luvin' (Party Rock remix). Without these tracks, MDNA would be a perfect album. Anyway, MDNA is almost a perfect album.
    With Rebel Heart is another different story. The album only needs to restore the original demos leaked. 

    I could not disagree more on both counts, but okay!
  4. 15 minutes ago, Drownedboy said:

    I like the AL cover but it´s not something like the ROL that I enjoy to look each time I have a chance. She was trying a che vibe on that but I did not really worked with her audience, maybe cause they want pop music, maybe cause it did not feel authentic..anyway, it´s a cover more, whereas the true blue one or rol one are pure icon on itself.

    It's just less 'beautiful' than those is what I'm hearing, essentially.

  5. I've always felt that MDNA was a half-assed album, and that RH was one big, messy soup.

    What if M had more time to perfect what would follow HC and precede MX?

    What if she released just one very strong album instead of the two during that span of time?

    Post your imaginary tracklisting totalling 14 songs, with 7 from MDNA and 7 from RH. Released songs only.

    Think about the album experience rather than just slapping together your favourites.

    Screen Shot 2022-07-17 at 5.18.54 pm.png

  6. I'm surprised that more fans aren't commenting on the Elvis biopic in relation to M's upcoming one...
    I think it's wise of her to not try and shoehorn in her entire life story till present, and instead cap it at the BAT.
    One of the failings of the Elvis film was the zip-line approach to chunks of his life that didn't do his story justice.
    Despite its failings, it was a hugely entertaining watch and a true cinema experience.
    I bet the pressure has now heightened for M's film.

  7. On 7/16/2022 at 4:01 AM, Ayham said:
    Madame X blonde cover shits on that ugly american horror movie sealed lips cover lol…
    it’s actually a renaissance painting inspired art! It’s a shame we didn’t get a vinyl with this cover!

    I’m not buying that theory, sorry. Nope.

    The blonde version looks like an after-thought.

  8. for me i love very much Music for everething its great area for all music and great artwork for album standard and crazy for all cd in digipack jeans sleeve is my opinion.200.gif:heart: and the beautifull Music blue vinyl.:hearteyes:

    I love the shoot and concept but think the cover shot is weak.
  9. The one with her lips sealed. It's Madonna's vision and it has a meaning, and it's the one that was printed for the vinyl. The blonde one was probably pushed by the label because they thought blonde Madonna was more recognizable 

    I hate the blonde version with her bung left eyeball.
  10. I think after Rebel heart bombed comercially, even with all her effort, and the Rocco Battle, she really had a sense of not controlling anymore and maybe a depression...she never has been the same. I will say that even in Tears of a clown,  she was still there but that was like the end of the vintage Madonna as we knew her.

    Add Bowie and Prince’s 2016 passing to that list.
  11. 7 hours ago, Prayer said:
    But "Frozen" didn't flop. 75M streams on Spotify only and still strong after 7 months. It helped her almost double her monthly listeners on Spotify. And most importantly: she capitalized and make hers a trend that was using her song. It will be the same with the new "Material Girl" remix if it's released. It arrives late, yeah, but there's always s**t and contracts going on behind the scenes (with "Frozen" it took them some time to figure out who was really behind the remix), plus timing. The Standard edition of "Finally Enough Love" was released on streaming less than two weeks ago. They need to give space between releases.
    For the first time in years she pays attention and have a team that pays attention of what's going on and that can only be good. Plus she seems to be interested in all these little one-off projects and remixes, I think it keeps her creatively flowing. :cute:

    In some ways, it was successful, yes.

    In other ways, it didn’t do much at all…

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