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About wenxiusi

  • Birthday 04/27/1999

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  1. I think the show is partly autobiografical, but mostly chronological. I agree with NRM being kinda like a prologue. To me, the first act is clearly the 80's as a whole (that would explain why LAP closes this segment). The second segment is the 90's, while the third is the 00's. Still, I can't see how Hung Up fits in the second act (maybe she couldn't suit it in another section?). But for me the biggest mystery is the fourth act (BS, ROL and Rain)... it doesn't fit neither autobiografically nor chronologically, so I still didn't get the concept of this segment, although I pretty much like it. Last but not least, the fifth act/encore is the 10's.
  2. It's still weird if we consider that in other tours there were shows that appeared 98%, 95% sold out, so why the Celebration Tour ones were considered 100% sold out and the ones that were actually 95% sold out are shown as indeed 95%? Anyways, it doesn't make sense to me
  3. These numbers are so weird.... I remember seeing some tickets still available a few hours before the show started. And this is not the first time it happens with a the boxscore of Madonna tours. I also remember some fans saying that Madame X was considered sold out while there were still tickets available when the show was about to start. Anyways... It's great that she's still breaking records after 40 years, but it would be greater if the data they reveal were 100% true
  4. I think y'all are overanalyzing things. I think the album is pretty clear in its purpose. Madonna basically wanted a softer and cleaner image after the Erotica era scandal, so people would buy her music again. I mean, she was really being bashed at those times, so she basically had the idea of writing songs about love, incorporating R&B sounds in it (since it was the genre that was charting in the 90's) and that's it lol. Except for huma nature, she was not trying to make a statement like in Erotica, American life or Madame X.
  5. I mean... did we all wait for that?
  6. well, but even if the streaming service takes the concert out, it's pretty easy to find it to download online.
  7. it's funny cuz I heard the exact opposite from ppl who watched the show. I heard that she looked quite happy (although she also looked tired cuz of the injuries and pain) and I think this was actually the era she was most inspired and passionate about since confessions. she put so much effort... she shot six videos, done tones of (boring) interviews and even presented the songs live.
  8. Do you realize Madonna is now 60+ y/o? I mean... she is rocking for her age! But you really can't expect her to dance in the same way she did ten or even five years ago.
  9. oh gosh, do you guys have some kind of illness? she literally said they're editing the show and you guys know she DOES takes time to release the tour DVD/Bluray. I mean... what else do you need to stop whining???
  10. 1. Like A Virgin (I love DYU, LAV and MG, but I honestly don't ever listen to any other one) 2. Madonna (I love Borderline, BU and LS, but I honestly don't ever listen to any other one) 3. MDNA (I love some songs, specially GGW and GB, but I think this album was a mistake and simply the worst from Madonna)
  11. I avoid Miles Away cuz it has in indirect relashion with my ex boyfriend. It's been a while since we have broken up, but I still can't listen to it - and I wouldn't be surprised if I never could
  12. I actually like most final versions from Rebel Heart, I just think it has too many songs. I understand why tho... she first intended to make a double album - which explains the big amount of music. Anyway, personaly, I have nothing against Rebel Heart. I think it's a nice album, but nothing more than that. Kinda forgetable. I would pick these ones: 1. Living For Love 2. Devil Pray 3. Ghosttown 4. Unapologetic Bitch 5. Bitch, I'm Madonna 6. Hold Tight 7. Joan of Arc (Demo) 8. Iconic 9. Heartbreak City 10. Holy Water 11. Inside Out (Demo) 12. Beautiful Scars (Demo) 13. Addicted 14. Wash All Over Me 15. Messiah 16. Rebel Heart (Demo) I like Body Shop and S.E.X. but I think the album could handle without them lol
  13. I can't think in how to organize the songs like she does, but I'd like it to have these songs: Borderline Lucky Star Like A Virgin Material Girl True Blue Open Your Heart La Isla Bonita Like A Prayer Express Yourself Oh Father Vogue Justify My Love Erotica Fever Rain Bad Girl Waiting Secret Take A Bow Drowned World The Power of Goodbye Nothing Really Matters Music What It Feels Like For A Girl Paradise Hollywood Love Profusion Nothing Fails Intervention Hung Up Sorry Falling Free Ghosttown Wash All Over Me
  14. The problem is not only Madonna. She's not a good actress, but she has also been in awful movies. Evita was an exception of that, she was actually good in it. She deserved her golden globe award. I'm honestly not a fan of any of the films she's been to.
  15. I really like the RHT setlist. I would just add Hold Tight and Wash All Over Me somewhere... The main thing that bothers me in this tour is her hair during the second act. That hair is atrocious
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