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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. Automatically this remix of Erotica came to my mind that although it is not official but made by a fan that takes the background music of one of the PetShopBoys songs and merges it with Erotica, the result ends up being a pretty good mix, besides that makes the song take on a melancholy sense. Personally it makes me think of those unfortunate people who lived in the past or maybe right now in the present who, due to religious fears or social scandal, never fully lived out their sexuality or dared to fulfill their fantasies and once they reach old age is when they end up regretting having given in to social pressures or the moralistic customs of society but that it is already too late, they will no longer be able to return to the past and will live the rest of their days with the sorrow of not having lived life to the fullest on the sexual level.


  2. I would like that, as a way to promote the release of her remix album, Madonna would present a Megamix where she includes several of her hits that she has had throughout her career and that ends in a fusion between Vogue and Music (similar to what that was done in the SuperBowl) accompanied by several transvestites dressed just like her in her different eras, something similar to the tribute that was paid to her at the 1999 Mtvs Music Awards, but this time with more class and professionalism, not like that time that he tribute seemed to me something ordinary and ridiculous to see (and not only to me but to Madonna herself).


    After the megamix Candy Shop would be good and finally to end the show it would be perfect I don't search, I find where a couples dance is presented (similar to the presentation of Erotica during the Confessions Tour but this time a little more explicit and suggestive in the movements) implying the satisfaction that each one feels at having found their ideal partner in every way, especially sexually. A presentation that would meet my expectations but hey, dreaming costs nothing.

  3. 1 hour ago, animalinstinct said:

    I’d rather she worked with Rosalia, rather than someone that worked with her…that nobody has heard of. But here we are. 

    I doubt that Madonna will do it because Rosalia, in a certain way, spurned an invitation from Madonna herself to perform for her on a birthday that she had in Morocco because she demanded too much money that Madonna naturally refused to pay because she was not yet as popular as she is today.. An attitude of Rosalia that puzzles me because who in their right mind would despise an invitation made  by such a musical personality as Madonna is. On the contrary I think that she should not have charged her anything since how many would have wanted to be in her place and act before such Godness of music. An opportunity that she foolishly missed but that Fate, in any case, wanted to lead her to the success she enjoys today.

  4. The fact that a song reaches number one does not necessarily mean that it is a quality product, as an example we have precisely this song she made with Rosalia called Linda where the lyrics are terrifyingly ridiculous, full of vulgar phrases and where false lesbianism is promoted since it encourages friends to kiss each other on the mouth for no reason and only to seem cool and empowered when in the end it is only to satisfy the morbidity of men and receive their acceptance. Definitely I do not take with joy this news of this collaboration given the background of this      artist. Madonna should collaborate with Shakira, she is indeed a source of pride for Latinos, her career is clean without reaching vulgarity and the lyrics of her songs are elaborate and almost poetic. That collaboration would really make my day.

  5. Beautiful Stranger, one of my favorite songs and which served to give us a break from so much spirituality that we were already tired and bored with. For the video of this fabulous song, Madonna returns to show that sensuality that characterizes her so much and that she had to keep repressed during the Ray of Light era and frees herself from those mystical clothes to start showing some skin (without becoming vulgar). With Beautiful Stranger we would wonder where the spiritual Madonna is (probably buried several meters under the ground by the Madonna herself) but in the end we wouldn't care as this Madonna is much more fun and entertaining to watch.


    The irony of Beautiful Stranger is how a song so beautiful and loved by most fans could come out of such an ugly movie and that is why we regret that its live performance during Drowned World was so simple and insipid because for a song as beautiful and fun as Beautiful Stranger is, a better presentation should have been made. My hopes of this happening are still dormant.

  6. 54 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

    I think you are conflating two different ideas to mean the same thing. Discrimination has nothing to do with objectifying women. And in fact, I would argue that there are alot of women who enjoy being objectified. that's their own stuff to work through.  But also, wearing a bikini doesn't automatically make you objectified. In fact your implication is more problematic than helpful. There's nothing wrong with having twerking girls in bikinis in your music video. Just watch MUSIC by Madonna. Or Holy Water Live from the Rebel Heart Tour. 

    Well, the difference in Madonna's case was that the appearance of nude women was totally justified. In the case of Music Madonna was in a strip club so it was to be expected to see the girls in tiny clothes moving their butts and in the case of Holy Water the song uses religious phrases in a sexual context so in the tour showed some nuns who were shown naked, perhaps fed up with the sexual abstinence to which they are subjected. On the other hand, in many music videos of other artists, semi-naked women are seen making sexual movements that are too explicit, such as twerking or being groped for no apparent reason, just to satisfy the morbidity of men and implying that you are just a piece of meat and that if you don't get naked at parties then you're not cool. That's what I don't agree with.

  7. 32 minutes ago, baymad4her said:

    I didn't read that crap you posted. Why don't you lefties do what you do best and cancel people. Bored now.

    Your post should have been more respectful, you have freely insulted without substantiating why or the reasons for your insults, which looks bad in a forum and anyone would call you out for disrespect. For the next try to control your impulses and base your opinions without insulting. The only thing I agree with you is that she should choose well who she should collaborate with to achieve a new number one on the charts. For example, Britney Spears would be a good choice since she is in force in the media due to her recent wedding and her media friendship with Madonna.

  8. Jozzy?, it's the first time I heard her name but when I checked her Spotify profile and read that she defines herself as an activist against discrimination, that encouraged me to watch her video thinking that maybe she would make a difference in not using women as a sexual object but seeing scenes where men slap women's butts or dedicate close-up shots to that part of the body, as if the butt is the most important part of the woman proved me wrong. Being a man I find it disgusting and unpleasant and I am surprised to see how the years go by and this reality does not change, we continue to see how women are denigrated in these music videos and worse is when they are artists who brag that they are against discrimination but their actions show the opposite. Well, in the end it is just an opinion, it is not a personal struggle, that is up to women who, if they want to achieve change, must openly protest against it and be more radical in their struggle, otherwise this will continue for eternity.


    And not to deviate from the topic, I have a feeling that this collaboration does not imply a new theme but a new version of one of her hits, I can't guess which will be the unfortunate song chosen by Madonna for this but we'll see very soon. Something like what happened at the SuperBowl where there were so many guests that I don't even remember their names anymore. But what we fans who have become addicted to their music want is new material! It's already been three years that Madonna has us suffering from this musical drought, she should take pity on us and give us even if it's a new song while we wait for the release of her new album and thus be able to endure the abstinence to which she has subjected us.

  9. As long as I don't see a drunk Madonna falling to the ground, vomiting in public or running naked and disoriented, everything is fine for me, she can continue having her drinks but always maintaining the class and glamor that characterizes her so much.

    By the way, I see many insults from some who do not agree with the debate, I see too much susceptibility and intolerance on their part. I bet that not even Madonna herself is affected by what we fans speculate about her. We are also in a forum where we can express ourselves on any topic and we are all free to participate if we find the topic interesting and those who find it offends their susceptibility can go to other topics and ignore the matter but not fall into insults and qualify us as discriminators or racists so light. By the way, a characteristic of certain groups that do not admit any type of questioning of certain realities, such as not liking a musical genre, the physical features of a certain population or the food of a country, because we automatically become discriminators. Fortunately we are not in the times of the Holy Inquisition because we would already be being burned by them at the stake even though it seems that this was their objective.

  10. The Queen and the Princess of pop, unanimously worldwide, reunited again after so many years showing us that their friendship is genuine and true in a world where it is so difficult to find a true friend and especially in the artistic world where everyone pretends to be friendly but secretly they seek to take advantage of each other at the slightest opportunity.

    By the way I loved this photograph, four beautiful and elegant women gathered for a special occasion and where we see that Madonna's beauty is still intact despite the years and that everything we see on social networks are simple artificial manipulations that have nothing to do with reality (and that some find it difficult to understand). Selena Gomez looks great and Paris Hilton is spectacular, I haven't heard from her in years but I always liked her for being an animal advocate just like me.


    I hope that this reunion between Madonna and Britney is a sign of an upcoming musical collaboration between them, it would be a success among so many useless collaborations that have not served to reach number one on the charts so far.

  11. On 6/8/2022 at 7:17 AM, Askeroff said:

    When i watching "Say Yes" i noticed Natalia Dyer have some pre Madonna vibes :Madonna001:








    I can definitely see Madonna in her, she would definitely be a strong choice to play her, not only does she have the resemblance but the attitude and mannerisms, she should play Madonna. I don't know her, I'm not much into watching movies or series but when I saw your post I decided to watch some videos of her and you're absolutely right, I also felt that feeling of seeing the Madonna of the 80s.

  12. Julia Garner, it's the first time I've heard of her, so I decided to watch some of her videos on YouTube and I came to the conclusion that

    I don't agree that she is the lucky actress destined to play such a complex character. I feel that she lacks that natural rebellion and mischievousness that has always characterized Madonna since her beginnings. I see her as very sweet, very good and boring, so I feel that it will be difficult for her to interpret someone totally different from her. Another thing that I don't like is that she has certain masculine features on her face that make her not look much like Madonna and give her a certain hard expression on her face and therefore less expressiveness.

    Well, I have no choice but to Trust Madonna's perfectionism and demands when choosing the lucky actress who will play her and let's not end up disappointed when going to the cinema to see the movie with an actress who does not give the size at the end.

  13. After making us reflect on the theme of wars where we don't know who is the good guy although probably none is, and the superficiality of the world of Hollywood where not everyone manages to achieve fame and those who do have probably paid a high price, now Madonna decides to give us a break and take us to dance to the disco through this wonderful album whose structure makes us not stop from the first to the last song of the album and where it reminds us, in case we have forgotten, who is the true Queen of the dance floors, and of course Pop.

    Hung Up, Get together, Future Lover and I love New York are some of my favorites. I also find this version of Forbidden Love much more appealing than the one on Bedtime Stories, and that sample of West End Girls by the PetShopBoys used in Jump fits this song perfectly. I really enjoyed this era and it made me wonder what wonderful record Madonna would surprise us with after this album. I definitely had no idea that the worst was yet to come.


  14. I definitely prefer a world tour. Madonna has already fulfilled her dream of doing a tour in theaters, which she wanted so much, which was surely a different experience but that cannot be compared to everything that involves performing in stadiums or large auditoriums where the energy and the shouts of the public form an indescribable and stimulating adrenaline for the artist.

    Seeing her perform in Medellin reactivated my desire to see her live again, to see her choreographies full of sensuality and her imposing presence again, although some suggested that she limit herself to sitting in a chair playing her guitar all the time after seeing her last performance, well I'm sure Madonna will show them how wrong they were to underestimate her and they will have no choice but to retract their hasty opinions.

  15. Although I am surprised (disappointed) that Mother and Father is so low and Die Another Day is so high in the results, I am glad that the album in general has a good score and reception from the fans, so it was predictable a tour based on the songs on the album...

    …but it wasn't like that because this album was practically relegated and few songs were performed on the tour taking their place nosy songs due to the cliché speech of “Reinvention”, by the way, could this have been something genuine or forced? Soon I will talk about this topic in a post (I need a little more information)

    and I'm still waiting for a live presentation of one of the best ballads on the album: Love Profusion, since Madonna made me believe that she would perform it live on tour, since it was not only a single from the album but also had a video (quite insipid and sleepy to be honest) but I was very disappointed not to see this song in the setlist of the tour (not even in the discards) but despite this I still have the hope of seeing it performed live as it deserves.

  16. 19 hours ago, DrunkBySix said:

    "Material Girl" is a fun, cheeky pop song. It neither empowers nor minimizes women. Lighten up. :Madonna017:

    I think that if it were just a dance pop song it would not generate so much controversy to this day about its real meaning, that is why nobody questions the lyrics of Into the grrove or Holiday because these are danceable songs and where there is no message behind .

  17. 1 hour ago, poodle said:

    I still stand by my opinion that the protagonist is a high class escort, judging by the lyrics and considering the decade.

    I also thought about that possibility because the lyrics fit with the way of life of those women (especially the final sentence) but I am more convinced by the version that she wanted to empower women by not making them feel guilty for being ambitious and using men to achieve benefits because they also did the same with them using the power of money and everything would be justified because "we live in a material world."

  18. On 6/1/2022 at 2:57 AM, Prayer said:

    To me that's classic Madonna since day 1:

    Presenting a contradiction in a way that she doesn't stand in one corner or the other ("is she a virgin? is she a slut? is she a material girl or only wants love? or both??"), but push your buttons and make you think and hopefully deconstruct some of your own prejudices on the way, while she gets your attention and feeds on that.

    She does that PERFECTLY. Genius.

    Contradiction that would not have been formed if Madonna had made the music videos for these two songs (Material girl and Like a Virgin) respecting the original message but surely the controversy would have been too much, especially for those times when women were very repressed to express their sexuality or what they wanted to do with their body. That is why I think that the videos for these songs softened the original message and that is where the contradiction is formed because one does not know whether to believe the lyrics of the song or the video that tells us something different. Let us remember that at that moment Madonna began her provocative phase and the controversial plot of both songs was enough and perhaps she did not want to risk too much because it could have been counterproductive. She would have time to do it without fear in the Like a Prayer, Erotica and American Life era.

  19. 22 hours ago, The First Citizen said:

    I do not really see how this song is about empowerment one way or another. Just because Madonna happens to be enacting a piece of satire as a woman who was heavily inspired by Marilyn Monroe does not mean we should read into this song  that much. Even if the lyrics by themselves lead us to believe the song is about a materialistic and shallow girl, is that a bad thing? So I would say the song neither empowers nor minimizes women as a whole because it is describing one particular girl who you might think was materialistic if you did not watch the video.

    More than describing the story of a single girl, it is narrating a real situation that happened, happens and will always happen in the world: women who see in the rich man the opportunity to achieve a life full of comforts and without having to work. Maybe that reality was something taboo in the 80s (I don't know because I'm not from that time but I imagine it was because in those times they were scandalized by everything), that's why they used satire to talk about that topic and the rhythm used in the song helped a lot for it.

    A theme that is still valid to this day (in fact now more and more men are going after rich women and we see it in the current popularity of the terms "sugar daddy" or "sugar mommy"). And about the video, by altering the original meaning of the song, I don't take it into account when formulating the original question of the post.

  20. Something that always caught my attention was the fact that the video made for Material Girl totally contradicted the original lyrics of the song. As we all know in the video, although Madonna is shown obsessed with material things and money, we later realize that all this was only in appearance since in real life she was a woman who valued simple things and romance ( although I can't imagine someone in real life who prefers an insignificant bouquet of roses to an elegant and expensive jewel as seen in the video)

    This "happy ending" is not mentioned in the original lyrics of the song, which rather talks about a woman who prefers to relate to men with money, always speaking of them in the plural, implying that she is not looking for a formal relationship (marrying a millionaire ) but relationships as brief and fleeting as possible (hinted further by the final phrase “Experience has made me rich…” where I think “Experience” refers to multiple relationships with several different men.

    That is why I see that it goes against the empowerment of women since it contradicts the ideal that women should not depend on men and fend for themselves without the need to use their bodies or their beauty to seduce rich men and get material things or economic stability, thus becoming sexual objects.

    On the other hand, I also feel that the song empowers them in a certain way by showing that in the end it is they, the material girls, who have the power to decide whether or not to be with someone despite having a lot of money and these men will have to submit to the final decision of the woman who, thanks to her beauty, has power in her hands. Two opposite thoughts to each other but that are found in an apparently simple song but whose lyrics contain a lot of complexity. Perhaps it was for this reason that Madonna decided to make a video that changed the original and controversial meaning of the song for something more digestible and romantic, although this would not prevent the public from identifying her as a material and ambitious girl, an image that apparently will follow her until the end of her days.




  21. I always wanted to see a rock or acoustic Madonna and with this album both wishes were fulfilled and better still, discreet and ear-friendly electronic sounds were added and all this mix resulted in a product that exceeded my expectations although I admit that it is not an album many will like it at first listen, but right there lies its charm and particularity, it is an album that you learn to love over time.

    The only song that I feel breaks the cohesion of the album is Die Another day, I feel that it should not have been included for this reason because its sound differs a lot from the rest of the songs on the album (something similar to what happened with 4 Minutes on Hard Candy), plus I don't like it because I find it overproduced both in sounds and in Madonna's distorted voice. Therefore, for being the different and rejected of the group, I will have to give it the score it deserves, although the video for this song is wonderful and it has nothing to do with hating the song.

    Special mention for Mother and Father, my favorite on the album, both for the message and for the production, the perfect example of how sounds can transmit emotions, especially the final part where Madonna, whose voice is distorted like a girl, repeats that she is trying to overcome the memory of her mother's death and lead a normal life while in the background the sounds come together and gradually increase in intensity until they end up in something chaotic, a chaos that reflects the mental struggle that develops in her because of the difficulty that it is for her to overcome the trauma and that we do not know if she will be successful in it. That's why I think that The song that should have followed after should have been Easy Ride and not Die Another Day since its slow and calm rhythm made the perfect contrast with the intensity of the final part of Mother and Father.

  22. 12 hours ago, Vasili said:

    She now looks and acts remarkably different to the woman in these photos, so I remarked.


    But think that it may be something temporary, in fact if I wanted to define Madonna's personality I could not since throughout her career she has shown different personalities. Just remember how she behaved in the Ray of Light era and the radical change in attitude in the Music era, totally opposite.


    Now we are in a new era where she behaves in a different way (a mixture of artificial and synthetic) which I think will last until she releases a new album and promotes it and at the end of that era she will show us a new personality different from the current one.

    And as for her physique, well she decided to resort to the help of technology to face the passage of time and gravity and I think it's fine since more and more people are looking for "eternal youth" and the only option for it are these methods although I would have liked them not to be so excessive in the case of Madonna but well.

    And you also think that at least Madonna has not ended like other stars who did fall into decline like Michael Jackson, for example, who became the mockery of the whole world due to his physique (the urban legend of his change in skin color ) and his pathetic scandals (when he covered his children so they wouldn't take pictures of them). If Madonna reached that extreme, I would want her to retire from music.

  23. One detail that seems disturbing to me is that she falls just when she says "I let down my guard, I fell into your arms", a detail that one could describe as a coincidence and not take it seriously but then this happens:


    During a presentation in Chicago, the incident would be repeated in a certain way (01:12). Madonna sings “I let down my guard ..” and almost falls again, this time due to a problem with the platform she was supposed to climb on. I don't know if I should call it a coincidence again or if I should use another word to explain this fact.

    And of course I will never forget this performance, if it was the only time that she perfectly executed the choreography of the final part of the song, that part that begins when she breaks the neck of one of the demons with her cape. Here Madonna executes all the synchronized movements even with the light effects. What a pity that here she does take care with an audience that is not exactly her fan, however on the tour where we are all her most staunch and extremist fans she did not make an effort to perfectly replicate this performance but well.







  24. 4 hours ago, Curtains said:

    The version on my digital collection (that comes from the Music album) lasts 5:31. I guess you previously downloaded the Unmastered version, which came from the Music Unreleased DVDr, as you say there were volume problems.

    That being said the version that you quoted on your post (the second one) is not official. The quality is better, more like the one on the CD, but the real ending (which can be found on your first version) is cut.

    The version of Cyberraga of 5 minutes and 35 seconds was downloaded from links where the entire album came from, which included Cyberraga as a bonus track and I was always surprised by that background distortion that is heard at the end, it seemed manipulated at the last moment. And the second version that I downloaded (the shorter one and with a different ending) I found when I downloaded the single version of Music and the final part of it sounded cleaner to me and I always thought that this was the official version (despite having a different ending) but with what you tell me it seems that I was wrong.

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