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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. On 8/12/2022 at 2:02 PM, Curtains said:

    #24 – Auto-Tune Baby


    - Average Rate : 2,93 / 10

    - Highest Rate : 10 ( @chaosmen1984mk )

    - Lowest Rate : 0 ( @Rebel Hugo, @Levon, @HC Charge, @EgoRod, @Jet, @TOpher, @musicinferno, @MattyMads, @PlayPause, @Drum Dub, @migsou, @Ayham, @bitchimmadonna, @desperateK, @Ch3rish, @spinningaround )

    The experimental Madonna who left everyone amazed in 1998 with a wonderful album like Ray of Light and who after that, unfortunately, dedicated herself to repeating or imitating trends, now returns with Autotune Baby, a song that surprises by mixing the sound of the crying of a baby with electronic sounds creating a piece of music that shines for its originality.

    And it is not about mixing these sounds for no apparent reason, because we discover the reason in the lyrics of the song where Madonna tells us about an affair she has with someone much older than her, let's say about 30 years older, and that due to the age difference between them these games are produced where Madonna assumes the personality of a capricious girl who seeks her father's attention impersonating it in her older boyfriend, ambiguity clearly highlighted in the final part of the song.

    What a pity that this song has such a low score because it cannot be denied that it is original and innovative. Moreover, this song seems much better to me than any song of these genres that are so popular today and that dominate the first places on the charts but that I personally would never dare to listen to at high volume simply because I would be embarrassed that people would think that I agree with the vulgar and immoral messages that most of them spread.

  2. I've been a fan of Madonna since 1999 and I don't like to criticize her so I'll say it as nicely as possible: From the waist up Madonna was definitely on point and elegant in her dress but from the waist down... Those extremely wide pants looked like the pants of a clown and although I am ignorant in these matters of fashion when it comes to dressing I do not think that those pants pass the evaluation of any fashion critic in the world.

    Definitely the Madonna of 1994, synonymous with class and elegance both in her attitude and in the way she dressed from head to toe, would faint from shock if she saw how her future version is dressing in 2022.


  3. I thought about it for a long time and my brain formed a theory: Madonna collaborates with these unknown or new artists who think that Madonna is doing them a favor by rolling her eyes on them because then she can be in control during the whole creative process and impose her own ideas and that's what Madonna likes because her ego is abysmally bigger than her humility. Something that she could not do if she collaborated with more established and important artists worldwide who would also try to impose their own ideas or perhaps contradict her ideas, something that she hates. This has been demonstrated in the films she has made (except for Evita, where she submitted to the director's orders because she knew that this film was not going to be a mess like the previous ones she made before or those that came after), in the filming of her music videos and even in the photo sessions (except for Ray of Light where Mario Testino was not daunted by her diva attitude and somehow managed to submit her to his instructions).


    And I don't like her latest collaborations because she barely appears in them and I feel like I'm listening to the guest artist more than to Madonna herself, something similar to Did you do it? From the album Erotica for those who don't remember it. Not for nothing is the ugliest song and forgotten by most Madonna fans and tell me otherwise if it is not. And I prefer the Beyonce remix not because I really like it but because between it and Material Gworrlll I choose the Beyonce remix because it seems the least worst to me which is not the same as saying it's the best, so I don't feel like I'm betraying Madonna by preferring the "other Queen of music" remix.

  4. Finally a collaboration that is worth listening to!  Good news to know that these two music legends will meet again. I always liked Britney, in fact she was the only artist who had my approval to be Madonna's successor: she had a melodious and pleasant voice without being the great voice, she was charismatic because everyone loved her, she danced very well and was wildly beautiful.

    Her albums Blackout and Femme Fatale revolutionized the music of that time but unfortunately she stopped publishing catchy songs and lost some relevance at least here in Latin America (specifying the place so as not to be insulted later as it happened with Beyonce fans) but it's never too late to come back strong to the music. And I'm sure that the final product of this collaboration will be of quality and a real pleasure for my ears, which are already somewhat deteriorated with these latest releases.

  5. If Madonna had sung much longer, my vote would have been for Material Gworrlllllllllllllll since those 30 seconds in which Madonna starts rapping seem insufficient to me and I want to continue listening to her rap even more. By the way, I find it quite curious that despite the fact that I hate this musical genre (hip hop/rap) the feeling changes when it is Madonna who raps. The same thing happened to me with American Life and God Control. Maybe it's a contradiction or maybe it's because it's Madonna that I decide to put aside my musical hatreds but I have to admit that when Madonna raps she does it very well and her fine and pleasant voice helps a lot in it.

    A full album of Madonna singing in that genre wouldn't seem so far-fetched to me to be honest, I even feel like I'd accept it without question. And to be honest, how many rappers would like to have Madonna's melodious voice and not the big voice with which they were born and that personally hurts my ears.

  6. Rebel Heart meant for me the reconciliation and recovery of my admiration for Madonna after the disappointment suffered because of Mdna. I have to be honest and admit that my fanaticism in a certain way cracked after Madonna released an album as ugly as Mdna and that is why I decided to "disconnect" from everything. That is why I did not know anything about what happened prior to the release of this wonderful album such as the leaks of the songs, the demos, the rumors about the double album, etc.

    It wasn't until I accidentally saw her sing Devil Pray and Ghosttown live on YouTube that my fanaticism was reborn again, I was surprised by the quality of these songs and the feeling with which she sang them: the Madonna that I liked so much had returned after to be lost and disappeared for years. With some fear and suspicion I decided to listen to the entire album and discovered more gems like Illuminati, Holy Water and Autotune Baby, making this album one of my top 5.

    I've definitely learned my lesson: we shouldn't let a small mistake affect our long-standing fanaticism towards Madonna. We all make mistakes in this world and the easiest thing is to criticize or censor but the challenge is knowing how to forgive and give second chances and turn the page. Although I have to admit that these latest releases are once again testing my fanaticism towards Madonna, but I am confident that I will succeed in this new internal struggle. If I did it before I can do it again now.

  7. It's good to hear from Beyonce again! I haven't heard from her since Single Ladies. I remember her first solo album: Dangerous love, Baby boy and Sweet Dream were my favorites. Then she released a song about the pink panther if I remember correctly and then she made everyone dance with Single Ladies but unfortunately she disappeared from the music but I am very happy that she returns in a big way with this remix / tribute to Madonna that is not bad at all and that surely over time, let's say a couple of months, I will like it even more.

    But what seems great to me is how a star as important as Beyonce pays homage to Madonna, this will help new generations who cannot be blamed for not knowing who Madonna is or perhaps know her superficially , know the importance she has had in the career of other artists. I hope that more important artists continue to pay tribute to Madonna as I think that tributes are made in life and not when these great artists are no longer with us.

    In addition, this will help young people to know who is who in this industry and thus not be carried away by what some mediocre artists or insignificant media do by mentioning that the Queen is another singer, despising or ignoring Madonna's legacy in this way. 

  8. What a difficult question. Of course I'd like to meet her in person and tell her how much I admire and adore her and that I like all her albums except MDNA and ask her why she didn't release Falling Free as a single and many other things but at the same time I would get so nervous having her in front of me that I could practically not say a word or know what to do, literally it would be like looking Medusa's eyes and turning to stone, that moment would be that shocking for me since Madonna is such a media character and not very accessible to any mortal that not many could maintain security and act as if they were with someone ordinary without feeling faint inside.

    If it comes to choosing a special moment to meet her, it would definitely be during the filming of God Control at the disco, since according to what was seen on her social networks, the entire filming process was very fun and colloquial and it must have been very pleasant to be there and see how Madonna enjoyed making the video.

  9. Despite injecting myself with an overdose of positivity and a certain amount of hypocrisy to try to find both this song and the guest artist likeable, in the end it did not help because my disappointment when hearing the final result is so great that I end up feeling rejection towards this song. And it is that I expected Madonna to sing a little more, I dislike that she only sings for 30 seconds and after that she disappears and the song ends up being devoured by Saucy who, prey to insatiable gluttony, will not stop until she is satisfied singing until the end of the song snatching Madonna's protagonism, something incomprehensible to me but I see that she repeats the formula that she started with Ciao Bella from the Madame X album where her participation was also minimal.

    For those who like the genre, they will find that this song fulfills its objective of making them dance and shake their butts, since it does not lack rhythm in addition to its fun and humorous lyrics, but those of us who are accustomed to quality and are a little more demanding, it is not enough to have good rhythm, we also want deep and meaningful lyrics as well as a good instrumental.

    Anyway, I will keep waiting for a song that fulfills those requirements because my loyalty and fanaticism towards Madonna is unwavering and I know that for now she is just having fun sailing in swampy waters but soon she will get tired and return to the clean and crystalline waters that she should never have left.

  10. I do think that Madonna has enough capacity to go on tour again, I'm not going to offend her by saying that she can't move anymore as if she were a poor invalid in a wheelchair unable to perform a complete choreography. Hasn't she proven otherwise in the last Pride? Medellin was just an unfortunate anecdote. And I'm not going to compare her with other singers like Cher or Janet Jackson who are her contemporaries because they don't interest me in the least. Here the theme is Madonna and I know that she is not going to disappoint us, I have faith in her

    I would like her to go to countries where the public receives her as she deserves, where she feels loved and adored. Latin America, Asia and Australia are some examples since in those places the public literally screams until they lose their voice for her, unlike other places in the world where the public looks like a bunch of mannequins or dissected people who do not show any expression. By the way, that reminded me of the confessions tour DVD where I think Madonna should have chosen a better place to film it since the public left a lot to be desired, literally colder than the ice of Antarctica.

  11. What a pity! I found out too late about this and I couldn't ask her anything! It's just that I'm not one to follow her on social media, in reality I don't follow anyone because I've never been struck by this habit of being aware of anything people do on social media as if you didn't have a life of your own.

    Anyway, I would have liked to ask her about what happened to her chihuahuas even though she already answered about this in a live recently but more than anything to check if what she said on that occasion was true because to date it is an issue that still worries to many fans. And another thing that I would have liked to know is about the song Indian Summer (aka Broken) from Takara's commercial, if she has it in her possession and if she could release it so that we can listen to it in its entirety since I remember that when she sang Music in the Grammys in 2001 good quality images of this commercial were seen on the screen so it made me think that Madonna may have the song stored among her personal belongings.


  12. On 7/26/2022 at 2:58 PM, Curtains said:

    #6 – Falling Free


    - Average Rate : 7,54 / 10

    - Highest Rate : 11 ( @musicinferno, @Ayham, @chaosmen1984mk, @mikenmark )

    - Lowest Rate : 0 ( @Robertthenurse )

    Am I seeing right? I can't believe that Falling Free finished a mediocre sixth place when it should have been, if not first, then at least in the top three. Apparently good taste is exclusive to a few because I don't understand how little fans appreciate this beautiful song that personally, despite the fact that the lyrics have nothing to do with it, transports me to the past, a time definitely better than now where these electronic devices did not exist that have altered our lives so much in the bad sense of the word, dehumanizing us and literally turning us into slaves to them because we are always aware of social networks, stupid and ridiculous Tiktok videos or Internet trends , where apparently we are gathered among friends but everyone is in their own world busy with their cell phones.

    Where there was not so much pollution or so much overpopulation that the planet can no longer deal with so much depredation of its natural resources to satisfy a consuming society to the extreme and where the day will come when the planet decides to teach us a lesson for our selfishness, I would not want specify how not to hurt susceptibilities but we should be more responsible with this world and value it more because it is the only place we have to live and where our descendants will live and better not continue otherwise it would occupy the entire page and that is not the purpose of the post but hey, that's what makes me feel when listening to this beautiful song Falling Free, maybe it's Madonna's way of singing or the music but it would have been perfect if the lyrics also talked about this social issue and not about the boring and vomiting theme of love and romance that both have me fed up.

  13. 20 hours ago, deathproof said:

    Quick question, where you that skeptical when the Levitating Remix came out?

    I don't know what one thing has to do with the other, but well, answering your question, the answer is NO, because Dua Lipa is a world famous artist as well as beautiful and talented, so the expectation for the success of this remix was positive and as I repeat, in this song Material Gworlll Madonna hardly appears while Saucy occupies almost all the space of the song.

    Yes, I know that this song is originally by Saucy Santana but I expected the same thing to happen as with the Levitating remix where Madonna practically took over the entire song leaving Dua Lipa as a guest singing just one verse. Something understandable because what artist would not want to have the privilege of having Madonna participating in one of their songs, a sign of humility on the part of Dua Lipa to accept taking a back seat in this remix giving Madonna more participation, something that does not happen with Saucy in Material Gworll where apparently his uncontrolled appetite for fame and exposure prevented him from allowing Madonna to have more participation in the song. Saucy should have gone to the background in the song (as happened with Dua Lipa), that would have made this artist have more respect from the fans but apparently Saucy will think that he/she is doing Madonna a favor by leaving that she participates in her/his song, Saucy will surely think that thanks to her Madonna will have relevance in the young public and thus reach the top of the charts. Saucy is totally wrong.

  14. I NEVER thought that this abstinence from hearing something new from Madonna would be worse than sexual abstinence. It's been more than three years since Madonna is punishing us with her indifference by not releasing new songs, perhaps as punishment for the lukewarm reception from fans of her latest album Madame X, which for me is a jewel and is in my top 5.

    That is why I don't know whether to consider this song Material Gworlll with this artist named Saucy Santana a new song, and it is that in the first place he/she/sie/zie/they has already released this song recently, so it is nothing new for the listener. Secondly because Madonna seems like the guest instead of the main artist since most of the song is sung by this voluminous artist and who I want to listen to is Madonna and not this intruder. The only good thing is that he/she/sie/zie/they is popular among young people and that will help Madonna to be recognized by this public, which is the one that decides who reaches the first place in the rankings.

    Oh well, since it's the first time I've heard this song, since I'm not from the USA, I'll pretend it's a new song and I'll make an effort to accept it, a situation similar to when you invite a friend to a party but he arrives accompanied by a person you don't like and who is unpleasant and disagreeable to you, but in order not to offend or annoy your friend, you appear cordial and kind with that person, even though inside you would like to disintegrate that person with your eyes. This is how I feel.


  15. What nostalgia to remember these Mtv awards, especially those in the late 90s. I remember that I even saw the repetitions and it is that in those years it was worth seeing these awards, pure legendary artists such as Justin Timberlake, Coldplay, Radiohead, Britney Spears, etc. Even here in Latin America they created their own version of these awards called the Mtv Latin America Awards where Madonna herself made a surprise appearance at the 2003 awards (after the kiss scandal with Britney Spears) greeting all her Latin fans. Although the pronunciation of Spanish left much to be desired (even Dido spoke much better than her at that award and even being British) we forgive her since it is a mortal sin to question a Goddess.

    I hope that Madonna or Foo Fighters win this award because they are artists worthy of admiration because despite the years they maintain the quality of their music in a world where unfortunately quality takes second place and where great artists end up being forgotten or overshadowed by a musical genre where the goal of their songs is to provoke people to shake their butts in a vulgar way. As for the other artists who are also competing with Madonna for this award, I don't know them nor am I interested in their music.

  16. 1 hour ago, MPowered said:

    I’ve also read on a forum that the songs Rain and Wash All Over Me were about sex. 🤡

    Sometimes it’s better to not give into conspiracy theories no matter how "plausible" they sound. 


    True. Other songs that come to mind where it might seem that the lyrics have another more extreme meaning than it really appears are:

    Material girl : Most think that it is about a flirtatious, empowered and ambitious woman but the most extreme believe that it is the anthem of prostitutes.

    Liquid Love: Every time I listen to her I feel like she's singing about her lover's semen: “Can't hold it, control it, It runs from my touch, It slips through my fingers, The taste of it lingers …”

    God is love: Here I don't know if she is praising or denying God because in certain parts her criticism of this fantasy character that many deluded believe really exists is evident.

    Devil Pray: At first I loved thinking that it was a prayer to the devil and in this way it gave more strength to the theory that is talked about so much that Madonna is satanic but then she said in an interview that it is about addiction to drugs drugs of certain people who use this medium to feel that they are close to God (??????), although to be honest, who would publicly admit that it is a song about devil worship without their career being harmed since this is still a taboo subject in our society.

    And there are many others like Holy Water that talks about the sexual abstinence of nuns or Like a Virgin, etc., which lend themselves to various interpretations although only Madonna knows the true meaning of these songs and may never admit them in public so as not to hurt susceptibilities and end up giving an unbelievable explanation of the lyrics of her songs as happened with Devil Pray


  17. Who would say that I would feel so much expectation for the results of this survey considering that we are talking about Madonna's worst album, but the anxiety to know if my favorite song Falling Free will be the winner is what consumes me daily. Madonna should have released it as a single, so at least this era would have had some quality and it wouldn't be so bad after all. Silly, nasty and boring videos (in that order) were what characterized this era and the worst thing was that no ballads were released as singles that could have saved the album. Falling Free was crying out to be released as a single but unfortunately it was never taken into account. Not even on tour. A shame. But I trust that in the future we will have the fortune to listen to this song live and not only this ballad but many others that have gone unnoticed throughout her career and who knows, a tour whose setlist is exclusively ballads would not be a bad idea .

  18. On 9/2/2018 at 5:03 PM, Enrico said:


    I suspect it was during the Vogue/Bat/TOD era, and then for Erotica.




    Yes, that was definitely the moment when straight men stopped following Madonna when they saw that she included gay people in her videos, tours and documentaries. They hung out with her all the time and that made her an artist identified with the gay public and that at the same time caused her straight fans to stop following her for fear of being labeled as possible covert gays. Perhaps the reaction would not have been so exaggerated if it hadn't been for the behavior of these dancers, too feminine in my opinion that even I, being gay, also recognize, felt some discomfort seeing them, especially during Like a Prayer, Now I'm following you and Cherish. Perhaps it is the rejection of the strange, the different, the new. Accustomed to the masculinity of men and the femininity of women, and then suddenly seeing something that contradicts that natural image, it will definitely take us some time to be able to accept it and feel comfortable with it.

    Unfortunately, to this day the stereotype persists that gays are effeminate and dress as women, affecting gays who are not, and I think that the ideal would be for new concepts to be created so that we can all differentiate ourselves according to the behavior we have and thus avoiding misunderstandings, having to make clarifications or hurt other people's feelings.

  19. Madonna's special posture that makes her appear like a statue in True Blue or her enigmatic look in Ray of Light were the reasons why these two covers caught my attention at the time. But in the end I decided to vote for Rebel Heart because I still can't find the meaning of what Madonna wanted to express with the cover art.


    On the one hand, perhaps the ropes represent the oppression of freedom of expression suffered by people in some societies, especially towards those people who are branded as rebels because their actions or opinions go against what is established. And on the other hand, the look of Madonna, so inexpressive that it reminds me of the look of a corpse, which is precisely what these people become, since being prohibited from doing or expressing what they feel, they end up becoming lifeless beings, heartless, limited to acting all their lives like automatons according to the norms of the society in which they had to live.

  20. 1º) What was your first contact with madonna's music?

    I am from Latin America and the music I listened to as a child was in Spanish, there was little diffusion of music from the USA and Europe both on radio stations and on TV channels, and I was not interested in listening to music in English at that time. But I definitely must have listened to some Madonna songs like Holiday or La isla Bonita without them calling my attention back then and I vaguely remember them.

    But what made Madonna's name engraved in my memory, I don't know if it was for the better, was in 1993. I was 9 years old at the time. It was late at night, no one was home, so I turned on the TV and they were just showing a program of varied music videos (in Spanish and English) and at that moment I remember that they showed the uncensored version of Erotica.

    My innocence as a child was destroyed in that instant. I had never seen such scenes: kisses between people of the same sex, women showing their breasts laughing, sadomasochism, threesomes, orgies, etc. It was too shocking for an 9 year old like me who was unaware of these realities. Not only did the song seem disturbing and terrifying to me, but Madonna herself seemed to me to be an evil and diabolical woman and that caused me a lot of fear. But I would not see that video again or be interested in her until years later.

    2º) When did you start loving Madonna's music without being a fan?

    It never happened, although I knew some of his songs from the 80s and they seemed nice to me, my taste was for music in Spanish and I didn't pay attention to music in English. Until 1999.

    3º) What song / remix /  video-clip made you a Madonna's fan?

    Nothing Really Matters is the cause of my fanaticism towards Madonna. I had never heard a similar song before and the video made me feel like I was watching a horror movie. This song hypnotized me so much that I decided to know more about this artist and her other songs, but now the challenge was to discover who that mysterious woman was since the music channel of my country did not put the corresponding credits so there was no way to know or identify that it was Madonna who sang and even worse with that geisha look that made her unrecognizable to anyone who wasn't a fan of hers. Over time I came to discover that it was Madonna thanks to a radio station that played the song and what followed was a rediscovery of her past gems like Holiday, Someting to REmember and Express Yourself that did not catch my attention at the time but now it made my fanaticism even stronger.

    And we reach 2022, the feeling is still intact but I can't help but feel sad knowing that the expiration date of this adventure is yet to come and I can't deny the envy I feel towards those who had the joy of enjoying it from the beginning. If only I had the power to go back in time.


  21. If with the previous albums the challenge was to know which of all the songs deserved the highest score, now the challenge is reversed thanks to the poor quality of the album and scores close to 0 will be constant in this personal evaluation. Perhaps it would have been a better idea if this album had never seen the light of day due to the enormous damage it did to Madonna's career. But realizing that the price of this alternative reality would be that a song as wonderful and beautiful as Falling Free had never existed definitely makes me change my mind and then try to justify the mediocrity of this album in various ways although no argument will save it from to be the winner of the title of Madonna's worst album (it's about time she had one)

    Songs without identity, without soul and where the maturity present in previous albums now seems strange. I look for Madonna in these songs and I can't find her. I don't even identify her on the album cover. About to throw in the towel, Falling Free appears and makes me regain hope, that all is not lost. It is like the prize that one receives after going through various torments and tortures to check and verify your faith and resistance.

    I am sure that Falling Free will be victorious in this poll, I trust the good taste of the fans even though many will surely not understand the message of the song given the complexity of the lyrics but it is the only song that deserves to be rescued from these quicksand where unfortunately most of the songs will end up sinking hopelessly due to the weight represented in their poor quality and mediocrity, especially B-day Song.

  22. 49 minutes ago, bitchimmadonna said:

    These Megarates make me realize how many people are truly insane lol

    I agree, I am also surprised but at the same time it is fun to see how fanaticism towards Madonna can lead some to extremes such as madness and lack of control of their emotions and more when it comes to defending her. I'm sure Madonna greatly values this kind of fans who defend her and value her despite her mistakes. And who knows that Madonna herself enters this forum from time to time to entertain herself with the comments of her fans now that she is so involved in this social network thing. Maybe she will surprise us one day by sending greetings or mentioning this forum, it would be very exciting :hyper:

  23. 3 hours ago, Curtains said:

    #17 – Spanish Lesson


    - Average Rate : 4,76 / 10

    - Highest Rate : 11 ( @poodle )

    - Lowest Rate : 0 ( @HC Charge, @Tony Fortin, @Foreigner, @Nowheretohide, @Enrico, @TOpher, @Winn )

    Spanish Lesson could have been a worthy successor to La Isla Bonita but its ridiculous lyrics, her disastrous pronunciation of the Spanish language and the grammatical horrors present in the lyrics definitely prevented it from being on the same level as that 80s classic. As a Latino I was offended to see how my language was mistreated but my anger was directed solely towards Pharrel as this was the composer whose intention was definitely to make fun of Latinos. The only good thing about this song was knowing that Madonna still has us in her heart since, as she herself admits, we are her most ardent and passionate fans, while in other parts of the world it seems that she is singing before a group of dissected people and with the same expressiveness as a stone.

  24. With Hard Candy, the custom of not putting Madonna's name on the album cover began, something that did not seem like such a good idea to me since for the general public that is not a fan of her, it would surely be difficult to recognize her just by looking the cover because Madonna has changed her image so much that it is sometimes unrecognizable to some people who are not used to her many changes in appearance. (by the way couldn't they find a more simplistic and boring typeface for the cover of Hard Candy?)



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