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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. On 7/6/2022 at 9:26 AM, alvaroliam said:

    Yeah, here he can't even fulfill half of a stadium here. His concert was for 50K people and only 10K-15K showed up. ☠️
    Paul McCartney, on the other hand, performed for an 80K audience, and even when they're not comparable, it says a lot about the real impact of the legacy artists in some parts of the world.

    Again, it depends on which part of the world you are. For example, like saying hip-hop is massive globally when is almost non-existent for non-english speakers.

    There are several concepts that come into play if we compare these 2 artists: Success, fame and transcendence. Elton John may be successful and famous, but he never managed to be transcendental like Madonna, who is a much more attractive figure for the press and the media by continuing to generate headlines and media news that not only interest her fans but the public in general, as well as being world famous (on 5 continents), beautiful and filling stadiums ALL over the world, things that Elton John cannot brag about.

    By the way, I never liked this man for attacking Madonna so much, if I even thought that there was some obsession with her fame or some envy for being a woman since the insults were very strong and humiliating but fortunately Madonna never lowered herself to his level and she always responded with respect (something I learned from her). Because in theory many can boast of being the most immaculate in the world (as in religion) but it is in practice or in unexpected situations when we see what kind of people they really are.

  2. 2 hours ago, professormouse said:


    That's been taken care of several times before.


    Madonna can also sing about butts but the difference is that she does it with class and elegance, not like today's artists who go more to the vulgar and sexual side. In Hanky Panky, Madonna talks about the pleasure she feels when being spanked by her partner, but in a humorous way that does not offend the listener, using ironic and funny phrases for it, and at the same time we learn a little about the subject of fetishes, something that many may not know. In conclusion a song apparently frivolous but elaborated with intelligence. Something that cannot be asked of today's music, where apparently the more ordinary the lyrics, the more attractive to the listener it will be.

    That's wy there is no point of comparison with the music of the 80s, well in general everything at that time was much better: movies, TV series, forms of entertainment, social contact (lost because of cell phones). Sometimes I wish I had lived in such a beautiful time, but remembering the hairstyles and clothes that were worn back then, I don't feel so enthusiastic anymore.

  3. On 7/5/2022 at 5:26 PM, blondebenji said:

     But I saw saucy has a song coming out with latto called Booty.  

    Oh my God, is this serious? I can already imagine the video: grotesque close-up shots of many butts of all shapes and colors and deep, thoughtful lyrics about the functions and uses of this part of the body. In music, nothing surprises me anymore, having so many issues to sing about, apparently a hymn to the booty was what this world needed.

  4. On 7/5/2022 at 2:05 AM, Blue Jean said:

    I'm not sure which pronoun they prefer 

    Exactly. That's the point, although we can use "They" as you say (by the way thanks for the information, I didn't know that), this applies more in writing but in social interaction we will have to find out which pronoun that person feels more comfortable with (he , she, sie, zie, they) and thus avoid hurting her delicate susceptibility by using the wrong pronoun and perhaps an overreaction of this person (I don't want to imagine someone getting the wrong pronoun with a person of Saucy Santana's build). Definitely, these new realities make social coexistence more complex and complicated, but we have no other option than to adapt to maintain a cordial environment, even if inside we are not completely in agreement.

  5. 20 hours ago, Vasili said:

    Full high quality B-rolls of every one of her music videos.

    If I could choose one video it would be Music. How fun it would be to see all those scenes where Madonna interacts with the strippers, especially the scenes inside the limousine. One of her best videos that did not require large budgets (perhaps the most expensive was renting the limousine) and where it represented the perfect end to the party for many: taking a group of strippers home (men, women or trans depending on the sexual tastes unless you are pansexual) to continue the party and where everything would end in a quite predictable and expected way. As always happens, even to go out partying, Madonna always does it better.

  6. Amazing as the third official single from the Music album with a great video set in the cowboy world and where Madonna's cowboy image is exploited even more, which was interrupted with the release of What it feels like for a girl, which I feel did not contribute anything to this era and was a waste for the promotion of the album.

  7. Excuse me but is this artist, Saucy Santana, male or female? I thought Saucy was a man because of the beard but seeing that some refer to this artist as him and others as her already left me confused about the true gender of this artist. That is the problem when the original image of genders is distorted and one ends up confused by not knowing what pronoun to use for these people and if we make a mistake we end up being disrespectful, perhaps a new pronoun created for these cases would not be a bad idea, but well, in the end that topic does not interest me.

    What really interests me is about the possible release of this song and I think that if it is true that this song was already released a couple of years ago as someone here said then I don't think it has a chance of being a success by not offering anything new the listener despite its catchy rhythm. Perhaps in other countries where this song is not known it can be a success, like Latin America for example where we never heard this song or this artist Saucy Santana, but as always happens Usa will always be the priority for any artist and all music will always be launched with the aim of pleasing this public to the disappointment of the rest of the world.

  8. The credibility and recognition that it cost her so much to achieve from the beginning of her career and that she was finally able to achieve thanks to Ray of Light, at what point did she lose them?

    Madonna was never taken seriously as a singer since she herself caused it thanks to the scandals and controversy, especially this chapter in her life called Erotica that did a lot of damage to her career and made her lose the relevance and popularity that she had for so many years. This is why I consider that her first great comeback to music took place in 1998 with a wonderful album Ray of Light and a more conservative personality that pleased the general public. But over time, the provocative and controversial Madonna would return and this respect would be lost again and worse still, people would begin to reject her for a new reason: she does not behave according to her age.

    And we come to 2022, a lot of time has already passed, the public's opinion has not changed yet. Many say that Madonna should retire, that she should leave her place to young artists, that she should behave like someone from 60. What I want is a second comeback in a big way and see her again at the top of the charts, and not just to satisfy the ego of the fans to see their idol "regain her throne" but to demonstrate to all those accustomed to rejecting the strange, the different: that a woman over 60 years old can be successful and continue living life with the same intensity as someone of 30 without being dominated by the stereotypes of society.

  9. I just do not get it. So much mockery and contempt for Hey you, a beautiful song that could have fit perfectly on the American Life album, instead of the insipid and synthetic Die another Day, since it presents acoustic elements that are very sympathetic to the sound of the album. And not only that, the social message of the song would have contributed to the concept of the album where various life situations are narrated and a song where the message helps to reinforce our spiritual side was missing.

    If there were more songs like Hey you, this world would be a much better place, a world where values and morals are so neglected by society that it prefers to listen to songs where promiscuity, crime and vulgarity are encouraged. And the most unfortunate thing is that this music is also so popular among children, evidencing the lack of responsibility of these "artists" who, being role models, do not realize the damage they do to them. That's when I wonder who fights for the rights of children to avoid being influenced by these messages of this decadent music? Mysteriously, many social organizations decide to put on a blindfold and not confront this side of the industry and I ask myself: What could be the reason?, using a tone of sarcasm.

  10. 12 hours ago, PlayPause said:

    Ahem, why are we bringing this up? I mean what's your agenda here?

    Well actually I'm a fan of Lady Gaga and I love to bring to light the darkest episodes of Madonna's life in order to ruin the pure and inmaculate image that she worked so hard to achieve.

    It isn't true. Actually what I'm looking for is to know the reality of the facts. Although the photos are quite eloquent, it would not be strange if everything has been plotted by the paparazzi and the "supposed fans" to cause her to lose control and achieve an aggression on her part (not necessarily physical) in order to take her to court and get money from her. , a practice that would not be unusual in this medium and that perfectly symbolizes the title of the post.

    To me, as a fan, I am not only interested in knowing the pleasant side of her. The dark and unpleasant episodes (in case this incident was true) are also valuable because they allow us to fully understand the personality of the artist and to know will never be something bad.

    Like this world, there are countries that enjoy peace and tranquility and where life is beautiful and pleasant, but there are other places where life is hell for its inhabitants, whether due to wars, terrorism, famine, slavery, etc. But many prefer to put on a blindfold and not see or know/remember this horrible and unpleasant reality and prefer to continue deluding themselves that everything is beautiful and pretty in this increasingly dehumanized world.


  11. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but coming from a tabloid, it would be prudent not to jump to conclusions. However, the eloquence of the images leaves us doubting and asking ourselves: What really happened one morning in June 1988, day in which Madonna was supposedly involved in an incident with some fans and a paparazzi that to this day has not been clarified and that, if proven true, would be one of the most extreme episodes of the artist.

    There are not many sources that talk about this topic, the little information I could find points to an alleged altercation between Madonna and a harassing fan named Darlene Sorrentino who, accompanied by her ten-year-old brother, made the star lose her little patience by insistently asking for her autograph and taking pictures of her without her consent. Fed up with so much insistence, Madonna supposedly tries to take the camera from the child, falling to the ground, a moment that was used by a photographer who "coincidentally" passed by to record the event and give the images to the National Enquirer.

    All this would end in a trial between Madonna and the child's family who would accuse her of having left him traumatized (according to them he suffered from nightmares at night and panic attacks every time Madonna's name was mentioned), a process that would apparently end in an unofficial agreement whose details to date are not yet known.

    Well, it is impossible to deny that there was an incident between Madonna and these people (Madonna can be seen being held by the sister thus preventing her from getting close to her brother) but the details could have been exaggerated by the press to make Madonna look bad. So the question would be, What really happened? Is there credible data on this incident? In a world where we believe that celebrities have no right to privacy and can be bothered by stalking fans and paparazzi, we forget that they, like us, also have the right to lose control.


  12. 7 hours ago, Tony Fortin said:

    It's done .............first time using a 0 since starting Megarates and have participated in all of them so far.......Some songs could have been saved with better production......I hadn't listened to it in full for years the whole thing remains unenthusiastic

    Really? For me, the only song to which I would have given a well deserved zero would be Did you do it? from the album Erotica. By the way, I was already curious what score that song reached in the survey that I didn't get to participate or see the results, having so many gems that didn't make it to the final version and that should have been included such as Dear Father, Shame, Goodbye to Innocence, etc. . They preferred to include this song where Madonna seems to be the guest and not the owner of the album

  13. On 6/24/2022 at 4:18 PM, Ayham said:

    Let’s keep it classy… because I respect this form I won’t lower myself to your level. Xx 

    More than class, I would say intelligence and emotional control when responding without resorting to insults or the use of rude words. Something quite difficult for them, as difficult as tolerating criticism or comments that they do not like. I hope that you, as well as all those who share your opinion in this forum, which must be many but who do not post for some reason (for example, I do not agree with your position but I do not respond disrespectfully like others), do not feel intimidated of being wrongly labeled as misogynistic or discriminatory and continue to give your opinion that this is what gives life and is the essence of the forums. Perhaps the perfect antidote to this poison is down there, in the emoticons.

  14. Who could despise the idea of working with true music legends like the PetShopBoys and decide to simply join the most popular producers (in the USA) at the time, wrongly thinking that she would achieve a successful album without the slightest effort or commitment? Well, Madonna, who apparently was more enthusiastic about future projects with a new label (Live Nation) and did not put the necessary dedication into this album and we not only saw it demonstrated in the production but also in the concept of the album (hard candy?) and even on the cover: too bland and simple for my taste.

    Hard Candy breaks Madonna's trend of putting out wonderful albums since Ray of Light. It has some very catchy songs but the album itself does not transcend. For the most demanding fans, it does not end up meeting our expectations, something that Madonna herself had accustomed us to since Ray of Light. Unfortunate collaborations (except for Justin Timberlake), forgettable music videos and the lack of promotion of the album on TV make this era the least interesting in recent times. In conclusion, a candy so hard that to this day it is impossible for many to digest.


  15. 3 hours ago, danielsevilla said:

    I am not sure if that was mentioned before but on "Hung Up" there is a moment when she says:

    "Tokischa, ¿qué es lo que es? Yo quiero un culo nuevo"

    "Tokischa, what is that? I want a new ass".



    I think Madonna actually says:

    "Tokisha, quiero qué? Yo quiero un culo nuevo"

    "Tokisha, I want what? I want a new ass"

    While Tokisha replies:

    "El tiempo pasa lento y yo 'toy rápida"

    "Time goes by so slowly and I'm fast"

    These musical genres are characterized by destroying the structure of the language but at the same time I think that it gives them a certain identity that distinguishes it from the rest of the genres and that, furthermore, if you are not from the country of the singer in question and you do not know their local slang, you simply will not be able to understand what they sing and it will seem that they are speaking in a totally different language from yours.

    I think that in the medium term Madonna will make me look at these genres with different eyes, I guess it's a good thing even if I don't completely agree with the messages they promote in their lyrics.



  16. "It's a tough job but somebody has to do it!" ... and no one better than her to do it, although over the years we have seen innumerable copies that, in their desire to surpass her, ended up reaching vulgarity or simply did not measure up because originality and genuineness can never be falsified. How fortunate I feel to be her fan and get excited every time she goes on stage expecting the unexpected because Madonna is so unpredictable that we can expect anything from her, perhaps this is the trait that most characterizes her and sets her apart from other artists.

    And as for those who are still dissatisfied and demand risky choreography, I would recommend simply living on the memories: there is enough old Madonna material to keep them entertained for the rest of their lives. But let's be realistic and don't expect someone over 60 to have the same physical performance as a 30-year-old, regardless of their weight or their implants.

    ... If only selling one's soul to the devil in exchange for eternal youth were a reality, how many of us would have already succumbed to the offer, because for people who love the intensity of life, the passage of time will always be our worst nightmare.

  17. 20 minutes ago, Ayham said:

    I don’t know why most of you keeps mentioning her age & how she’s old & still dance & sing like if it’s a miracle or something… totally weird… a 64 year old is NOT that old! Please we need to STOP with this age excuse. 

    can you give me some examples?

  18. 3 hours ago, nodoman said:

    i haven’t watched an episode of RPDR in my life and don’t know most of them either. it’s a legitimate question to ask.

    Me neither, and I wouldn't watch it even if they paid me because because I don't like to watch this kind of programs (reality shows) where most of the contestants are almost always people willing to do anything and make a fool of themselves in order to attract attention and gain five minutes of fame . That is why my ignorance, like many who think the same as me, of not knowing who these people are is totally justified.

    And regarding Madonna's dancer, I didn't know his name either, despite the fact that as a good fan I have seen the Blond Ambition Tour in its entirety, but I didn't feel it was necessary to know the name of all her dancers because in the end they are only a secondary element in the show. since the real star is Madonna. That is why on each tour the dance cast is always different (with exceptions) although to be honest the only dancers who caught my attention due to their physical appearance and who encouraged me to be interested in knowing their names were Jason Young and Sofia Boutella. The rest didn't matter to me.


  19. 24 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    #8 – Let It Will Be


    - Average Rate : 7,86 / 10

    - Highest Rate : 11 ( @GhostOrchid, @panosgk )

    - Lowest Rate : 2 ( @Holger )

    I never really liked the album version of this song, but the live version (Confessions Tour) is definitely something else: It transmits so much energy and desire to move that it would motivate even the most apathetic. It is surely for this reason that Madonna dedicated to this song the most demanding choreography of the entire tour setlist. Ideal to listen to after having a couple of drinks at the club, it is the song that decides you to go out dancing no matter what they say, so you make a fool of yourself. If only this version had been the official album version I would definitely have given it a higher score. But not the same as the one to which I gave an 11 and which I hope will be in first place in this vote.

  20. 7 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    #12 – I Love New York


    - Average Rate : 6,66 / 10

    - Highest Rate : 10 ( @sidney78a, @Danton, @chaosmen1984mk, @MDNA22 )

    - Lowest Rate : 0 ( @Jet )

    Among so many dance songs on the album "I love new york" put the rock quota and although the lyrics are somewhat silly for my taste and my intellectuality, I cannot deny that the rhythm captivated me from the first time I heard it. Guitars are my favorite instruments and I will always value when an artist uses them in his/her songs because it adds quality and elegance to his/her works, unlike other musical genres where everything is limited to a few simple and common "beats".

  21. 8 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    #16 – Hey You


    - Average Rate : 4,24 / 10

    - Highest Rate : 10 ( @sidney78a, @PanditaRulez, @Enrico, @chaosmen1984mk, @Rebel Hugo, @Tony Fortin, @Fernando )

    - Lowest Rate : 0 ( @MattyMads, @EgoRod, @migsou, @musicinferno, @Levon, @mikenmark, @desperateK, @MPowered, @Bohh, @bitchimmadonna )

    Hey you is a beautiful song with a beautiful message that tells us about how people who are lost on the "bad path" can return to the "good path" if we wish it with all our hearts and not only that, since we can also help others to do the same.

    What a pity that it is so low in the vote, because it is a song that at least does not talk about love/heartbreak, a theme that is almost always touched on in all the songs and that makes me bored listening to the same thing, having so many other things to sing about.

  22. If I already had to assimilate the sad ending of Frozen being destroyed through these remixes that I did not like at all for being too simple and insipid, I do not want to imagine that the same thing will be repeated but with other classics like Music, Hung Up, Express Yourself, La isla Bonita, etc. And all thanks to this recognition from Rolling Stone that could excite Madonna to want to repeat the experience using her other classics for it.

    A news that leaves me with a bittersweet taste because on the one hand I am glad that Madonna's work continues to be recognized by the media but at the same time it worries me because if this practice continues to be repeated in the future it could definitely make my worst nightmare come true .

  23. 2 hours ago, MDNA22 said:


    Quentin Tarantino directing a video for 'Gang Bang'


    I didn't know that but what a pity it didn't materialize because I'm sure this director would have overcome the brutality shown in the American Life video that remains Madonna's most violent video to date. That not even God Control could overcome and less so with such fake blood (it seems that Madonna smeared lipstick all over her face) and where the violence happens so quickly and for a few seconds that it fails to impact the viewer and make him reflect. If only Madonna had summoned Tarantino for God Control, I'm sure this director would have shown more drama in the bloody scenes (for example, Madonna hiding in the bathroom covered in blood in her desire to survive and then confronting the murderer) and managed to transmit with greater force the message that I feel was not achieved in the final video due to the rush of the images.



  24. When I thought that seeing Madonna emerge from a giant disco ball during the start of the Confessions Tour would be impossible to top, one thing that would change my mind would be her spectacular entrance into the SuperBowl dressed as an Egyptian Queen full of beautiful jewels and carried on the shoulders of a group of gladiators: a symbolic way of making it clear who is the true Queen in this world of Music and in the process show how a woman can be above men as rude as gladiators thanks to feminine power . Can Madonna overcome this start of the show? Only time will tell.


    By the way, a show that started out spectacular but was deflating as time went by until it ended with a version of Like a Prayer that was somewhat simplistic and insipid for my taste. Another thing that I did not like was the excessive number of guests that would be justified if it were an artist without much experience, but when Madonna is the main artist, I feel that these guests are left over and their presence is not needed at all, which is precisely verified, at the beginning of the show, when Madonna sings Vogue by herself and it is, by unanimous decision, the most spectacular part of the entire show.


    And to top it off, this guest Mia who tried to steal the show by making an obscene gesture by raising her middle finger in the middle of the broadcast without thinking about the emotional damage it would do to millions of families who were watching the broadcast at that time and that would force the NFL to sue her for several million, something that could have also harmed Madonna since it was she who took her as a guest and in a certain way she also had a certain responsibility. Fortunately, Madonna came out of this problem clean, but she would make sure to keep a certain distance from Mia in the future. And it is that in the case of Madonna, that someone tries to steal the show instead of her, will always be something unforgivable.


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