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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. Does anyone know if it's madonna who sings in this Shame demo released many years ago on Youtube?. The production is totally different from the official demo that was released with "You are the on"e since it is better produced and also the speed is slower. I remember that it was said that the part where the supposed Madonna speaks is a montage but I am referring specifically to the part where she sings, which to be honest seems to be the final version of the song and not a simple demo.


  2. On 12/7/2022 at 7:13 AM, alvaroliam said:

    Since she naver came here before, I was really looking forward for that trip. 😂

    Perhaps thanks to the 2023 tour, Madonna will finally visit Peru, a country she has wanted to travel to for years (2012) but for some reason has not done so until then. And not only Peru but other countries in the region such as Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Panama, etc., where I am sure they would receive her like a Queen and her concerts would be a total success. It is that it is about Madonna who represents perfection and is a character that although many try to imitate they will always be reductive copies since she is the best and always will be.


  3. To be honest I didn't like this reissue: it's too loud. I prefer the version that was released with La isla Bonita single. On the other hand, with the relaunch of Gambler, the chances of Madonna singing it live on the new 2023 Tour are once again gaining strength. Gambler is one of Madonna's songs little known by the general public (and some "fans") because the song was never part of some of her albums or her compilations but the song is so catchy and beautiful that it is not necessary to be published on an official album so that people end up falling in love with its contagious rhythm that you like so much the first time you listen to it.

    I hope that Gambler is part of the setlist of the new tour and if it is not like that and Madonna comes to sing in my country in Latin America, I will take care of convincing people to ask for it loudly and I am sure that due to the insistence of the public Madonna will end up singing it after so many years of not doing it and we will end up being the envy of other countries that will not have the happiness of having Madonna sing such a beautiful song for them. Something similar to what happened with Take a Bow in Asia where Madonna decided to sing it live after so many years due to the screams of the audience. And That's what I hope to achieve with Gambler as well.

  4. Several days have passed and I still can't get over the anger and frustration I felt after discovering that the rumor that Madonna would announce her new world tour this week turned out to be a big lie. It made me feel like a fool  because I feel like I should have maintained even a modicum of skepticism and not blindly believed everything that was said. Probably the anxiety and desperation to see her live for the first time in my life was to blame for all of this. And it is not only for this reason, but also to feel that everything has finally returned to normal after being locked up at home because of the Covid, since the return of the big concerts is the last sign we need to feel that everything has returned to be like before.

    Although it is true that Covid 19 was in a certain way something positive for the world, since it meant a respite for our beloved planet by reducing the emission of polluting gases and the depredation of natural resources, no one thought that social confinement would last for so long, but fortunately thereturn of great concerts like Madonna's in 2023 will make us feel that we have fully woken up from a terrible nightmare that no one could have foreseen but that I hope has served as a lesson for the entire world and to treat our planet better, which is the only place that we have to live.

  5. 24BBEC50-190E-4A7E-A1BA-C09964E84AB6.thumb.jpeg.a5fe4fb09086fac111871218db1dd144.jpeg.5533b5d25015b5de0dc3574b20917496.jpeg

    I don't know why but this photo reminded me of "Lady Lilith" because of the red hair, the mirror and the candles. Lady lilith represents the evil and powerful sexual temptation while the red and abundant hair represents the sexual appetite. In conclusion, the feminine beauty idealized in a single woman. Something that very well represents the Madonna of recent times.


  6. Now it turns out that all the female singers want to go on tour "coincidentally" at the same time as Madonna. Well, I love the idea because that will serve to show who is who in the music industry. I am sure that in the case of Madonna all the tickets will be sold out because the public wants to see her after so many years of absence from the stage. Not like others who, when they came to Latin America, failed to sell out the tickets, not even lowering them to half price, despite being at "their best moment".

    On the other hand, I would like this new tour to be called “the return of the Whore from Babylon”, a rather controversial title since it suggests all forms of sexual immorality personified in a single woman. But that is what it is about, generating controversy and that this new tour is already beginning to generate headlines even from the moment of its preconception. The only thing that worries me is the ticket price, I hope it's not too high because I don't want to miss what could be the last opportunity I have in my life to see it live and direct.

  7. I'm glad to see something that I always suspected: Madonna only has fun on Instagram experimenting and playing with the editing of her photos and her image and we should not take all this so seriously or get excessively dramatic thinking that Madonna is in a self-destructive stage from which she will never come out. This is just a momentary thing and it's definitely generating worldwide controversy and if that's the goal she's looking for she's already achieving it and I love it.

  8. 6AF7B8F2-1F6C-448F-8F10-6F953BA7659A.jpeg.38deb0f9beb04ad5da81406e544ab321.jpeg.6e36097c3ac6aafa9b0d76fec579efcf.jpeg

    Even though I find wearing a fur coat disgusting, I'm going to have to put my indignation aside for a moment as the end result of this Madonna photo shoot has completely blown me away. The eroticism and sensuality that these photographs give off is impressive: they practically transcend the material and become something stimulating and exciting for the viewer. Madonna's new body contributes a lot to this: the perky breasts that protrude from the fur coat end up distracting our attention at times, but it is definitely Madonna's look full of desire and expressiveness that steals the spotlight. And now I wonder: Where are those who said that Madonna was finished, that she was no longer the same as before and that she had become a caricature of herself!? Where are they!? Madonna is still the same as always and these photos are the proof.

    Sometimes I wonder how the public's reaction would have been if Madonna had decided to put on the prosthetics back in 2005, in the Confessions era, an era where she tried to regain her fame as a sex symbol by showing off in daring outfits like leotards but unfortunately her body too muscular at that time ended up intimidating men because for them the muscles in a woman unfortunately do not seem very attractive but quite the opposite. Probably another would have been the story if these prostheses had made their appearance at that time.:sad:

  9. How proud I feel knowing that Madonna will go on tour again at the same time as other artists much younger than her, such as Taylor Swift and Christina Aguilera, showing that age is not an impediment to continue doing what she likes the most. Madonna's name is already known worldwide, it's practically a label, so the expectation to see her is something that will never go extinct even if she doesn't release any new albums.

    And I don't think it's disrespectful to compare other artists with Madonna, rather they should feel flattered because they are comparing them to a character who has practically gone down in history. It's like comparing a young painter to Frida Kahlo or a new actress to Meryl Streep. I do not remember the case of someone who has expressed discomfort when compared to Madonna. On the contrary, everyone would like to be like her, but that is impossible because Madonna has set the bar very high and no one will ever be able to equal her, much less surpass her.

  10. madonna_316057266_1080886299271247_2599098137908670123_n.thumb.jpg.52d536e779b0d37ead033256b1c2cb29.jpg.969f1bb20371bf9e181dda4cef0f8821.jpg

    Oh, my God! Braids again! I don't know why Madonna is so pigeonholed with this hairstyle that is characterized by its simplicity and that does not attract attention or surprise at all. Throughout her career, Madonna has always been characterized by wearing countless hairstyles, totally different from each other, and some even made her look totally unrecognizable, such as the hairstyle she used in the Nothing Really Matters video or when she looked redheaded in the Hollywood video: personally I would not have been able to guess that it was Madonna if I had seen her on the street with those hairstyles.

    That is why I think it is time for Madonna to explore new styles such as shaving certain areas of her hair, something she has never done and that would allow her to have a wide variety of totally new options and always look spectacular. It is a style related to female empowerment and the rebellion against the stereotype that women's femininity depends on how long their hair is. And that is what I admire most about women: their ability to experiment with their hair and always look different, something that men cannot do because our offer of options is more limited due to the fact that we have short hair. This is not a criticism of Madonna but a piece of advice because as a fan I am interested in her maintaining that innovative side that has characterized her so much and that I feel she has lost when it comes to her hair.


  11. "Everybody" is a very special song for any fan because it represents the beginning of this whole adventure that we are living with Madonna until today. That is why for me it has a very special value and I would be unable to minimize or make jokes in bad taste about this song. "Everybody" symbolizes the hopes of a young and innocent Madonna who dreamed of world fame and money. And fate and good luck were definitely on her side because the song became a hit in the clubs and her name began to be mentioned in music magazines. It was the musical birth of a legendary artist who would leave an important mark on music and that many singers have tried to erase to this day but without success.

    Something that always surprised me was the decision not to put Madonna's face on the album cover. Something perhaps understandable in cases where the singers are uglier than a scarecrow but it was about Madonna whose beauty was undeniable in those years and I think that the song would have been more successful if they had put her beautiful face on the cover and, even better, all that confusion of believing that Madonna was a black woman would have been avoided. A bad decision for which to this day I find no explanation.


  12. On 11/6/2022 at 7:08 AM, Marcello77 said:

    Taylor is making history right now: First artist with all 10 songs in the Billboard 100

    Incredible achievement. I love that Taylor Swift is so successful, she's one of the few artists that I respect. But something that always surprised me about her was her radical change in personality. She went from being a shy and insignificant girl to a self-confident and totally outgoing woman. Perhaps the humiliation suffered worldwide after Kayne West's misogynistic and racist attack during the 2009 Mtv awards was the cause of it: I remember that Taylor Swift had just won the video of the year award when Kayne appears and snatches the microphone from her to shout that it was Beyonce and not her who deserved to win that award. All this before a Taylor Swift about to cry due to the humiliation suffered and before a Beyonce who smiled pleased and amused although at first she wanted to pretend that she was surprised by the situation. From that moment I found these two so unpleasant and I love that now Taylor Swift is now more successful than Kayne and Beyonce combined, something that must surely make them burn with envy. The twists and turns of life.


    Taylor Swift is definitely the only one indicated to be Madonna's successor because they have so much in common: they are successful to this day, they are charismatic, they play musical instruments, they are blonde, they have a stage presence, etc. A collaboration between them would be a dream come true but I would be satisfied to see them sing together on this new 2023 Madonna tour and give us a moment as magical as the one they gave us when they sang Ghosttown, back in 2015.


  13. On 11/7/2022 at 6:19 PM, adirondak said:

    Ok, a fan since 1999 that doesn't notice things I guess, because fans have been criticizing Madonna's appearance heavily since the Drowned World Tour.  I remember them calling her granny in a leotard during Confessions. 

    Believe me I didn't know. At that time I only entered Madonna forums in Spanish and I never saw comments as offensive as those. Perhaps that happened in Madonna forums in English since in Latin America we are known for having an open mind and we would never be shocked to see a woman in a leotard even if she is 90 years old.
    But are you sure that those who said that were fans or the general public? Because I, as a good fan, would never express myself like that about Madonna and probably those people were haters or fans of other infiltrated artists whose mission was only to ridicule Madonna.

  14. 1 minute ago, adirondak said:

    You think Madonna wrote a message on someone else's instagram account because she was afraid of pissing people off under her own name?  How long have you been a fan?

    It is NOT the account of anyone but of the person responsible for editing her photographs. In addition, Madonna has never spoken badly of her fans because they did not criticize her before. Something that now does happen excessively and abusively so for me it is really possible that she has decided to respond to them but through the person in charge of editing her photos because it would look bad to the media if Madonna herself is the one who directly responds to her own fans who are still determined to live in the past, something she hates by the way.

    And I've been a Madonna fan since 1999 by the way.

  15. 1A9C8154-7880-4C15-A82F-04DF6F069CA4.jpeg.613a0279b3b87bbedd8ae52b4f179048.jpeg.0b663b49f62af72a79bd3505c9488229.jpeg

    It was ricardo gomez or Madonna herself who wrote this message because I feel that it is not him but she who, fed up with her own fans criticizing and making fun of her new body, decided to let them know what she feels about it and used Ricardo Gomes to this and I doubt that Ricardo Gomez has written this on his own initiative without first consulting Madonna because this message is directly addressed to the fans of Madonna and any misunderstanding or offense could have cost him his job.

    Personally, I don't feel alluded to at all with his comment because as a fan of Madonna I would be unable to criticize her decisions. Although at first I was shocked by this radical change in her physique, I ended up accepting it because it is her body and she can do what she wants. If in the future she wants to increase the size of these prostheses even more, she will have my support and full backing.

    To be honest I prefer this voluptuous Madonna with a body full of sensual curves to the muscular and buttless Madonna of the Confessions era since so much muscle made her look less feminine while this new Madonna has the most attractive body, with curves quite pronounced both in front and in the back. It IS a type of body coveted by Latin American women and lustfully desired by Latin American men. Maybe that's why in this part of the world we don't dislike Madonna's new body at all.


  16. I don't know about you but I'm already getting bored of seeing Madonna so many times with those braids that, although they look good on her and make her look elegant, she has already used them countless times. If I remember correctly, the first time was at the 2018 Met Gala.


    Then Madonna returned to wear braids at the Mtv Video Music Awards 2018 but perhaps many of us did not realize that she repeated the same hairstyle because the awful suit she wore on that occasion caught our attention more. An event where many funny things happened because Madonna met Maluma there for the first time, then despised Camila Cabello live when giving her her award and finally stole the show during a tribute to an artist whose name I do not remember because Madonna decided to talk about herself and her beginnings in music instead of talking about this artist. Egocentrism at its best, it's true, but it's something I love about her.


    To stay on topic I think Madonna should stop wearing braids now as she is becoming predictable in her hairstyles when there are so many alternatives she could use and always look different. It is simply advice since I as a fan would be unable to criticize her decisions. And also for health problems because if you don't know, the use and abuse of braids causes hair loss over time due to the excessive tension that this hairstyle causes in the hair And I, personally, couldn't bear to see Madonna bald, like Sinead O'Connor for example. What do you think?



  17. On 10/29/2022 at 3:02 AM, EgoRod said:

    You can tell they are made by the almost extinct Panthera Pumilus or dwarf Leopard. His tiny presence and the constant killing of them makes it so difficult to know how many still around.  Carrie Bradshaw is one of the main culprits of this tragedy, when she started wearing shoes made of their petit skin around 1998.

    :cry:What a shame to know that it was real skin from an almost extinct animal. And the worst thing was when I went to Google and typed Madonna + animal skin and all the images that came up. I really did not know that she also liked to wear those kinds of clothes and I felt my fanaticism for her falter for a few moments but what reassures me is that apparently Madonna has already stopped wearing those clothes because all the photos I saw were from the past and not current.

    And that disgusting and frivolous series that you mention, Sex and the city, how much damage it did to the animal world because it increased the demand for wearing the same clothes as its irresponsible protagonists. And it is not only fashion but also in the field of medicine, animals are tortured and everything to discover new medicines to cure a population that should assume and suffer the symptoms of their diseases caused by themselves, by their disordered lifestyle , by eating junk food and not exercising. Perhaps one day the human being will have to pay the consequences of all the barbarities he has committed and the universe is so infinitely large...

  18. 12 hours ago, PlayPause said:

    I was reacting to "Madonna hasn't gone on tour since 2015", the parenthesis seemed even more picky and ludicrous to me. She did several shows in different venues in many countries. What does it take to count as a tour, ffs?

    Underestimate what? Does she have to sing in front of zillions of people to prove anything? I was at a TV show recording during RH promo, probably 200 or 300 hundred people in the room and she gave it all, and it felt like we were 10 thousand.

    For MXT, she wanted to tour differently and she delivered. (And in comparison, MDNAT is one of the worst shows I ever attended, even at le Stade de France)

    The atmosphere at Le Grand Rex in Paris was grand and the crowd was more than enthusiastic. You can't change that.

    A hall with 3000 seats is NOT small.

    In case you don't remember, Madonna only offered shows in the United States and THREE European countries. That is why it is not considered a world tour at the same level as the previous ones. Another aspect to consider is that Madame X tour were more intimate and discreet shows (something Madonna herself said) that is why there were certain rules that somehow limited or repressed the behavior of the public.

    An example was not being able to use cell phones. Another example was that the public had to behave in a more discreet way because a place as formal as the theater demands it subliminally. That is why excesses or exaggerated situations such as shouting all the time, saying bad words, showing the breasts, etc. were not allowed. Excesses caused by seeing your favorite artist and allowed in a stadium but prohibited in a place as formal as a theater.

  19. I would have liked to see her dressed as Catwoman because Madonna has always liked to dress as a dominatrix and the costume would have been perfect to show off her stunning curves thanks to the blessed prosthetics. What I really want is to see Madonna showing off her new body proudly all the time and it baffles me that she rarely does as she is always covered in clothes when she attends some public event or even in her music videos like she's a bored nun. If you are not going to be proud of your new anatomy, then why did you get the implants?


    Although to be honest I was almost sure that Madonna would end up dressing up as Annabelle, the lovable doll from horror movies. And this because we saw her redhead again recently (just like the doll's hair color) and on the other hand we all know Madonna's taste for braids because if I'm not mistaken I think it's the hairstyle we've seen the most in recent times (just like the doll). That is why All these details played in favor of my theory but finally I see that I lost the bet although the chosen costume is not entirely bad but I would have preferred something more elaborate and where Madonna looks more unrecognizable.



  20. On 10/28/2022 at 11:18 PM, Blue Jean said:

    How silly do you think we are Simon ?

    What did you say?:scary:
    I am sorry to tell you that you are wrong, COMPLETELY wrong. I am not the user @simonsays but I am surprised to see that several, like me, missed his presence and had also noticed his unexpected absence.
    But don't worry because sooner or later he or someone with the same characteristics, in terms of the passionate defense of Madonna I mean, will appear to put order when things get out of control again.

  21. off topic but does anyone know what happened to the user @simonsays because I haven't seen him commenting for days. I liked reading his comments because he tried to expose some users for criticizing Madonna too much or telling their truths to others, but always with respect and politeness. was he banned? did I miss something? Her presence will be missed because sometimes I felt like I was in a Lady Gaga forum because the criticism and ridicule towards Madonna was too exaggerated by some users. I hope he comes back because I liked to see how he defended Madonna with a passion worthy of a fanatic with capital letters.

  22. I love it. It's about time Madonna showed off her implants with pride after keeping them hidden for so long behind uncomfortable clothing. I even thought that she regretted having put them on because if I remember correctly the only time she proudly displayed them was during the 2022 mtv awards causing worldwide controversy, something she is already used to by the way.

    Something that would cause a lot of controversy would be that Madonna appeared completely naked in a video to promote her new album, something similar to Britney Spears's Womanizer video but more daring and brazen. If Madonna wants to be on everyone's lips and guarantee the success of her new album, then she must do it. I don't see any other way to attract the attention of the press and the public in an industry where everything seems to have been seen already and where it would be the first time that we would see a female artist over 60 years old proud of her nudity and showing that she can challenge the passage of time and gravity and emerge victorious from it.


  23. On 10/27/2022 at 4:54 PM, androiduser said:

    the crowd reaction at the DWT shows was insane, because she came back after a long break of not toruing for 8 years, 

    Do you mean that in this new tour 2023 we will probably see similar reactions to the era of the Confessions Tour or the Drowned World Tour? because if we count the years, Madonna hasn't gone on tour since 2015 (Madame X Tour doesn't count because there were few dates and in theaters) and probably the public misses seeing her again after so many years of absence on stage.

    And I am sure that for Madonna it is not enough to receive applause, it also motivates her and fills her with adrenaline to see the dramatic reactions of her audience such as seeing them scream until they reach hysteria or even see them faint due to emotion, things that have not happened on her last tours and I hope that with the arrival of new fans thanks to remixes like Frozen 2022 or Hung Up with Tokischa these situations will repeat themselves and Madonna ends the show happy and satisfied with all the commotion caused by her.

  24. Interesting detail. To be honest, I hardly ever look at her shoes, but at her hairstyles or her clothes. By the way, will there ever be an occasion where Madonna repeats the same hairstyle? because it seems to me that she always looks different in that aspect as far as public appearances are concerned.

    And about the footwear... I hope it's an artificial print and not real animal skin because I don't want to think that Madonna is also part of this list of... celebrities who proudly wear garments of this type without caring about the suffering and spilled blood of thousands of  innocent animals and all to satisfy the frivolous and reprehensible desire to look elegant at all costs.

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