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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. I can't wait until 2025, it's too long, I'm already used to a new album every two or three years and if we take into account that the album Madame X came out in 2019 then it would be 6 years of waiting which I think many fans will not be able to bear. The ideal thing would be, to be able to endure the wait, that while she is making the film, she is releasing reissues of her previous albums with new songs that could be the demos or new remixes (but better remixes than those of Frozen 2022, which did not meet my expectations at all ). And about going on tour in stadiums, I do think that we will have to wait until 2025, which saddens me since her last presentation in a stadium in Medellín a few days ago left me wanting to see more, but well, everything is for the movie .


    About Cyberraga, I have always had the doubt of which is the original version and I am referring specifically to the final part of the song, to the last seconds. I have downloaded it several times from different pages and it lasts 5 minutes and 35 seconds (I even downloaded it from this forum and it also has that duration) but the ending sounds half altered, as if the volume had been turned up at the last moment and it is especially noticeable when You listen to it with headphones.

    Until I downloaded it again I don't remember on which page and this time the duration was 5 minutes and 30 and this time the ending of the song was different but now it did sound clean and without distortion. In fact, in Wikipedia they mention that the song lasts 5 minutes and 31 seconds, so I don't know if this version so popular on the Internet of 5 minutes and 35 seconds is legitimate. I leave 2 Youtube videos with the song and different ending, I would like to know to those who have the record or vinyl which is the original song.


  3. Apparently Bored with the spirituality that she showed during the Ray of Light era, which she had already exploited enough and the novelty that it generated among her fans had passed (personally I was already tired of that image) and the press, Madonna decides to launch a new disc where she seeks to return to that image of diva and Queen of the dance floors. She herself would admit it in an interview where she says that she felt trapped by the monotony (of spiritual life I suppose) and felt like an animal desperate to escape from its cage (Wikipedia), and what better way to show it than going out with her friends and ending up in a strip club (as seen in the Music video).

    Music (the song) is the perfect example of how a song can reach number one: simple lyrics, innovative sounds and catchy rhythm in addition to its short duration, a formula that so far she has not managed to replicate (Candy Shop is the only one I feel which resembles Music in structure but sadly she didn't release it as a single). Too bad the rest of the songs on the album don't look anything like Music, but they're not bad for that. In addition, this album was the beginning of a productive relationship between the producer Mirwais and Madonna, who have already given us 3 albums and have fulfilled the expectations of most fans.

  4. It would not be unusual or reprehensible for Madonna to be a follower of Satan, in the first place because throughout her career she has done things such as fighting with the Church, the Sex book where she promotes sexual freedom (strictly prohibited by religion), using diabolical symbols both in her concerts and in her videos or the messages she gives in several of her songs such as Devil Pray or God is Love where she questions God for fomenting hatred among people through the Bible when he supposedly represents love, they form a profile which coincides with those who are followers of the cuckold character.

    But unfortunately everything remains in assumptions, we cannot know. Some might argue that she only does it to attract attention or that she only takes elements of Satanism to create art because even in these times it is reprehensible that someone openly declares himself/herself a follower of Satan.

    At the 2015 Grammys, this final scene reminded me a lot of the scene of the ascension of the Virgin Mary, could it have been just a coincidence? I do not think so.



    Personally I would love Madonna to be a follower of Satan, I don't see anything wrong with that (many political leaders have been related to followers of Satan as seers or sorcerers to make important decisions), contrary to religion that is based on censorship and in condemning the forbidden and where we have all known the heinous crimes caused in its name throughout history. And because Satanist masses have always seemed much more interesting and entertaining to me than the monotonous and boring Christian masses: all dressed in black wearing religious symbols to make fun of God in the midst of stimulating vapors based on some drug creating excitement among the attendees to finally end up in an orgy. Much better than listening to hours and hours of a boring sermon from a priest while you feel yourself melting inside with boredom.

  5. 8 minutes ago, RebelHeart said:

    Maybe that was a side reason, idk. But clearly this is not the main issue of the whole performance. She had forgotten the lyrics to her songs before during the tours and have you seen here any meltdowns about it?

    I am not just referring to forgetting the lyrics, I think you have not read my post well and you were left with only part of it.

  6. Just now, RebelHeart said:

    Do you really think that we're meltdowning because she made a mistake with the lyrics? Read the discussion again, coz that's not the real problem.

    Many commented that it is not possible that with so much experience she forgets the lyrics of Music, surely you did not see those comments but I did and I am not going to believe that you have read all the thousands of comments in this thread to tell me that it is not So.

  7. First of all, I had never seen Madonna nervous, it is the first time I see her like this and I noticed this from the beginning of the performance when she was holding hands with Maluma, at that moment I felt that something was not right and I confirmed it when I saw the rest of the presentation.


    I had an intuition, so I decided to look for more information and I found this interview in Dazed and Confused magazine where Madonna says:

    “I have moments where i feel incredibly invincible and know that i have the audience in my hand. I know that everything is absolutely perfect. And then I have panic attacks, where i feel like everyone is breathing my air, and I might just die on stage. I normally try to turn my back to the audience, take a deep breath and remind myself that it’s all temporary"


    I think that this theory of panic attacks, which as some may know make the person nervous for fear that something bad is going to happen to them, was the cause of the show not being as many expected. These nerves were perhaps the culprits of forgetting the lyrics and choreography or starting to sing ahead of time. By the way, it reminded me of the 2021 Mtv awards where she also almost forgot what she was going to say and it is probably more difficult for her to control these panic attacks in front of so many people, this could also be one of the reasons why she decided to make her presentations in theaters which are a more intimate place and where the amount of public is smaller.

    On the other hand, many have commented on her outfit that they found it ridiculous. It seemed extravagant to me, just like Maluma's pants, maybe it was all about that. Therefore, to say that her outfit was ridiculous is somewhat exaggerated, in any case, true ridiculous costumes would be these:


    If the panic attacks were the cause that the show did not turn out as many wanted (I loved it and I already downloaded it and it is saved on my hard drive) as good fans it is up to us to support her and not make fun of her or put her in the same bag of other artists who did let themselves be carried away by vices and ended their lives in an absurd and predictable way. And even if Madonna has 30 years of experience, we must hope that one day she will make a mistake with the lyrics because she is not perfect.

  8. 5 hours ago, PanditaRulez said:

    As I said before here in Latin America we don't have good taste with the actual music or performers, if someone dresses "sexy" and weird and "sings" some cheap reggaeton or trap then everyone will love it, that's why "artists" like Bad Bunny are successful in this part of the world that is the 3rd world... 😅😅😅

    You should also include USA as another country without good musical taste since it is the rappers who lead the charts and where I find no difference between Bad Bunny and those artists: in their lyrics they promote drugs or crime and where they see women as sexual objects.

    On the other hand, it is true that Latinos are not very demanding when it comes to live performances, we enjoy music and live orchestras more than seeing elaborate choreographies or impeccable dances. And we value artists more than looking at superficial details like if she had bad makeup or a horrible outfit or if she fell on the floor while dancing. That is why artists love to come to Latin America because they feel truly loved, as Madonna herself has declared.

  9. Although I understand that nervousness is the cause of forgetting the lyrics at certain times or singing before time (for example at the beginning of Music) I think they are mistakes that can be overcome, however there are other aspects that I doubt they can overcome as easily as the clumsy and heavy movements when dancing (and which many have made fun of in the comments) and the cause of this is definitely the implants that she got and that we were able to observe when she appeared in the Mtvs of 2021.


    I know that for thin people like Madonna, the size of these implants is too big and that definitely affects when it comes to dancing, it is more difficult for her to make the movements (resulting in something clumsy and unnatural as seen in today's show) and she ends up getting tired faster than normal (which also affects her when singing). She was definitely poorly advised on this issue of implants in both her buttocks and her breasts.

    Another detail that was evident in this presentation is the alteration of her facial expressions and this is perhaps due to some treatment carried out on her face. She has always been characterized by gesturing a lot in her performances but now I see that her expressions do not look natural and I feel that she has noticed it herself and is not comfortable with the results. It will be for this reason that throughout the presentation she lowers her gaze or avoids looking at the camera, even when Maluma looks into her eyes, she turns her eyes away.


    I must admit that I am completely ignorant on aesthetic issues but I hope there is some way to solve these aesthetic excesses that affect her career as an artist and that she can perform better on stage, always bearing in mind that she is 63 years old and it is illogical to demand that she dance the same as in the previous tours but at least be able to see her act with naturalness and elegance in her presentations. And not so much for the fans but for her, to see her comfortable and happy and not nervous or tense like I saw her tonight.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Enrico said:

    Excuse me, but I have the impression that those who try to justify her saying she hasn't rehearsed enough or she hasn't a proper backing track or she was nervous are offending her more than the critical fans, because they treat her as a beginner at her first performance. Do you really think that she's not experienced enough to remember the lyrics and cues to Music, one of the songs she has performed the most live in these past 20 years?

    I rather think that Madonna perhaps values more those comments from those trying to find a justification for tonight's bumpy performance than those who express that it is the end of her career without giving her a chance to rectify.

  11. 20 minutes ago, mikenmark said:

    There seems to be a rotten core to this "community". People who think it's ok to comment on a woman's body.  People who think it's ok to accuse a person of being an addict with very little evidence.  People who think it's ok to claim that someone is so sick that they are going to die soon.

    It's 2022. Wake up

    I wish you success in trying to change the world, I hope you succeed.

  12. 8 minutes ago, The Ghost said:

    I think my expectations are just too high now,  she's '63'.  

    She needs to realize she's '63' too..   her body just can't do what it used to do that's a fact.

    The pink dress does her no favours at all.

    Why oh why can't she sit on a stool and sing..    Why do we always have to have these massive productions.

    A Madonna Unplugged sort of thing with her with a live band and her sat on a stool,   would be perfectly feasible and probably amazing.  :(

    A fan that wished for a different approach..   

    Asking her for that is like wanting to take away her essence, an essence that has characterized her since she began her career and despite the fact that the passage of time is her worst enemy at the moment, she will not change her style even if other people make fun of her and when she feels that she cannot make a presentation like the ones she is used to, she will decide to retire if not from music at least from live shows.

  13. Mistakes such as forgetting the words or singing ahead of time shows that she was nervous. Let's not forget that it has been many years since she has performed in stadiums full of thousands of people, perhaps that affected her and also the fact of singing in front of an audience that is not hers but her great friend Maluma's, an audience more oriented to Urban music, that's why as a good fan I understand these mistakes and I'm not going to condemn her but try to put myself in her shoes and understand her.

  14. It was at the 2018 Mtv awards that Madonna and Maluma met for the first time. In the video it is clearly seen how Madonna is shocked by Maluma's presence and personality, her way of looking at him after speaking to him, and he would also say the same about her on his social networks. Since then they have formed a beautiful friendship. He is the artist who has collaborated the most musically with Madonna while the others were only limited to a single song.


    They would definitely make an excellent couple because I personally think that Madonna's last boyfriends have not been up to her standards: boring, apathetic, without personality, without energy. While Maluma represents the opposite as a good representative of Latinos and someone with those characteristics is what Madonna needs. In addition, they are both single (Maluma is dating a girl but has not yet made it official publicly, so in theory he is still single) and that is why I am sure that today's presentation ends yes or yes in a kiss, a kiss so desired between the two since that they made the Medellín video but unfortunately at that time both were not single.



  15. 3 hours ago, GregVsMatt said:

    To be fair Janet's biggest markets were the USA and Asia circa 1986-2002 - she didn't have that many hits outside of those regions so not worldwide as such

    I share your opinion. In many forums they also comment the same. I can speak for Latin America: Janet Jackson was never popular, in fact even Toya Jackson is better known than her in this part of the world (a very charismatic and pleasant woman by the way). I searched for information about her history in Europe and they mention some hits but they did not reach the top of the UK charts. So I think that a true Queen of pop should be recognized all over the world and her songs stay in people's memory. That's why I was surprised to discover that many in the USA consider Janet to be the queen of pop, but I respect that opinion, although I don't share it. Something similar happens in Colombia: many say that Shakira is the Queen of pop but I feel that they say it motivated by a feeling of nationalism instead of seeing reality.

  16. 22 hours ago, Karma said:

    With all due respect, we have very unrealistic expectations for a mature woman entering her fifth decade in the music business. I think, as fans, we were spoiled with the idea of Madonna ruling the world for decades that perhaps we forgot, that in fact, most pop stars have a very short shelf-life. Madonna held on to the top of the charts for much longer than anyone could have ever dream of - 30 years of Top 10 hits to be exact - so a gradual decline was bound to happen at some point.

    That being said, I'd say she is still doing pretty well for herself - her tours still sell out, her albums still debut at #1, she's the most streamed female artist from the 80's, 'Madame X' was her best reviewed album since 2005. Granted a 63 year old pop star cannot compete with the Arianas or Billies or the world but which of her peers possibly can? Will anyone care enough to post in a Billie Eilish forum in 2048, though? That's still to be determined.

    The passage of time is like a powerful enemy that most artists cannot defeat and we see that when the radios refuse to play the songs of artists who are past a certain age or from the same society that considers it uncool to listen to songs by someone older but I think that you can defeat that enemy and the key is innovation, creating an innovative product with good compositions will make the album reach the top of the charts by itself. Madonna herself said in an interview in 2001 where she talked about Radiohead and where she considered their work as art and that good things somehow make it to the top of the charts

  17. Well, what I mentioned about Britney about her personal problems and being overweight was not my own or subjective opinion but rather something objective and that anyone can find if you google the Internet back in 2007 where numerous pages make fun of her for her presentation in the 2007 Mtv Music Awards and believed that her career was over. I personally adore Britney and I really would have liked her to be the new Queen of pop and the owner of the crown since she made a REAL global impact by being the first teenage pop star and she opened the doors to many of them who took her for reference, but sadly her peak popularity only lasted ten years and could not be sustained. Just in case I leave a link to a serious page (not tabloid) where they chronicle that:



  18. 13 hours ago, Love Is The Groove said:

    This thread is just a major delusion of grandeur, especially the Janet comments. Janet is a worldwide phenomenon, not just a US only commodity and it's downright disrespectful to downplay Janet's legacy (as well as the other female artists mentioned, including using that picture of Britney's lowest moment) to uplift Madonna's legacy. Female artists and their stans need to lift everyone up instead of cutting each other down. It's so gross to continually downplay legacies to uplift other legacies.



    Well, except for the North American singers who have declared that they are influenced by Janet Jackson, I have never heard other artists from other countries mention her as a reference. And when I talk about global impact, I mean the whole world, not just the United States and a few other countries

  19. In this 2015 interview, the journalist tells Madonna about the princesses of pop that exist today, but she does not correct him or tells him that she does not agree with using honorific titles in music, rather she seems to agree with it  and she mentions that she likes to see princesses in music among them Taylor Swift whom she praises and I feel like she approves of her to be her next successor but I think that although she is very successful, she still has much more to do to be her worthy successor.

    It starts from the minute 01:59.



  20. Apparently it is already a custom that every time a new singer appears with a couple of hits, the media start calling her the new Queen of Pop, making her and her fans get excited thinking that this could be a reality. But having the most watched video on YouTube or 500 Grammys are not enough to have the right to hold a title or a crown that requires much more than that to be considered Queen of pop.

    It's not just about sales or who has the most number ones, being the Queen of pop involves not only being a successful singer but also making an impact on popular culture and Madonna did it in a variety of ways, whether it was fighting for minority rights, encouraging women to express themselves openly and without fear before society, challenging the power and censorship of the Church, etc. And this in times where it was very risky to do all that since it was like fighting alone against the world but she didn't care and kept going despite putting her successful career at risk, which shows that she did it because she really wanted a change in the society even if she lost the fame, money and power that she had at that time.

    So we see that having a new Queen of pop will never come true since achieving everything that Madonna did for society is something that today's stars don't seem to be willing to do since they don't want to compromise their careers on behalf of some social struggle (and that there is still so much to do in this world and they could use their popularity to achieve a change). So Madonna can rest assured that no one will be able to take away her crown because none of these artists deserve it and just as the Egyptian emperors were buried with their personal belongings and even with the servants who served them in life, when she dies her crown will be "buried" with her because there will never be someone in this world capable of equaling her, much less surpassing her.


    This beautiful crown only has one owner and despite the fact that many appear who want to take it away, they will never achieve it even if they have billions of views on YouTube or trillions of followers on their social networks. They will have to settle for being pop princesses or duchesses.



    Britney Spears was the only artist who represented the most serious possibility to become the new Queen of pop but let her personal problems and being overweight affect her musical career.



    Wearing extravagant/ridiculous outfits or hairstyles, dressing as a man (creating a rather unpleasant and unbearable character to watch) or creating unnecessary controversies did not help Lady Gaga in the long run since people ended up getting bored of her and her songs. Here we see how important charisma is for an artist, Lady Gaga definitely did not have an iota of that, which Madonna had plenty of and that is why everyone loved her and had fun with her to this day.



    Some call Janet Jackson the Queen of pop, but unfortunately she was only known in USA, but not in the rest of the world, so she may be the Queen of pop for many people in that country, but that title has a broader connotation than simply being limited to a single country that does not represent the musical tastes of the rest of the world.



    It has been decided that since no applicant was able to meet all the requirements, the position of new Queen of Pop is definitely and forever vacant.

  21. Madonna is the perfect example of how a change of hairstyle can make you look totally unrecognizable and she has done it since the beginning of her career. I remember the Music era, when she released the video I knew it was her even though there was a big difference with Ray of Light's look but when she released the video for Don't Tell Me I didn't recognize her at first (the credits didn't come out in the video) until I saw it on another TV channel days later (where the credits did come out) and I finally knew it was her.

    Madonna has so many spectacular looks that it is difficult for me to choose one, an example is the one she wore at the Met Gala, the perfect hairstyle and wardrobe and despite the fact that the wardrobe makes her show her butt, she does it with class and not vulgar like others. Here are some pictures so you know what I'm talking about:



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