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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. At last Madonna will start her world tour in Latin America. It was about time because we were always the last to be able to enjoy it live. By the way, something I've noticed watching videos of her latest tours around the world on YouTube is the decrease in public enthusiasm when seeing Madonna live. For example, I see videos of the Confessions Tour where people scream until they lose their voices and then I see videos of the Mdna Tour or the Rebel Heart Tour and the public is colder and I can't explain why. Maybe it's the new songs that the public doesn't like at all or that sings the same classics in unrecognizable versions. The truth is I don't know what the reason will be but definitely the reaction of the public is not the same as that of the era of the confessions tour and previous ones.

  2. After the tense conversation that Madonna and Terry Joe had the previous time where Madonna somehow publicly humiliated Terry joe by not knowing his name and where Terry joe made fun of her by telling her that she was 80 years old, i thought they would never talk again but I see that I was wrong because I see them chatting again as if they were great friends and as if nothing had happened.

    I personally don't like Terry joe. I don't like his sense of humor or his laughter or when he distorts his voice, on the contrary they make my antipathy towards this character stronger. But apparently Madonna does find this character pleasant, since she has spoken to him twice with an almost contagious enthusiasm. I just hope he doesn't seek to take advantage of Madonna's fame by causing her to make some misunderstood comment and act offended as happened with Cardi B.

  3. On 10/16/2022 at 12:12 PM, PlayPause said:

    Yes of course she fucking can and I hope she will until she dies.

    How can one pretend to be a M fan and at the same time a religious bigot ? I'm speechless. 

    I don't know if you intentionally wanted to make me look ridiculous by editing only that part of my comment because naturally it is impossible for a religious fanatic to be a Madonna fan at the same time. It was also not my intention to attack her freedom of expression because Madonna can talk about anything and I respect that.

    What bothers me is the Contradiction and the Incoherence in which Madonna sometimes falls and that detracts from the credibility of her message or position on certain issues. An example could be… uh… for example Madonna criticizing homophobia and misogyny during an interview but hours later she goes to a party hosted by Eminem or Kayne West (known for their homophobia and misogyny respectively) and they take selfies smiling and having a good time when, out of respect for her principles, she should keep her distance from those characters and not fall into contradiction. That's what I mean. I hope that it has been clear.

  4. 3 hours ago, acolyte said:


    With her touring reputation in the toilet ..

    What? On what basis do you make such a statement? In case you don't know Madonna's last tours, Rebel heart tour and Madame x tour, were a resounding success and praised by critics. While it is true that sometimes Madonna is a few minutes late to start the show, people left satisfied to have seen a quality show. That is why I do not understand this current of thought that some have to see with negativity and pessimism the success of this new tour. It seems that we live in different realities because for me there is nothing that indicates or makes me suppose that this new tour will be a failure.

    Madonna is already a legend, a legendary artist who doesn't need to prove anything to anyone to fill stadiums. That is why I am sure that many will end up rectifying when Madonna shows them how wrong they were to minimize her and doubt her ability. Fortunately, I will not be in that group because I never doubted nor will I doubt her. And they say that he who laughs last, laughs best. We'll see.

  5. If Madonna is not going to be present at the ceremony wearing a beautiful dress, nor is she going to receive the award, nor is she going to give one of those memorable speeches that she gives every time she is awarded, then I do not want to know anything about that ceremony. 

    I would have had a different reaction if the nominated song was the remix of Hung Up 2002, which I understand was produced by Tokischa herself, since there would be a special expectation to see her receive her first Grammy award in her career, something that in her native country, Dominican Republic, they look forward to it because for them Tokischa represents a pride and an example of improvement for all the young people of that country and Latin America.

  6. Now that Madonna will not be able to do such risky choreographies, it is time to think about performances where creativity predominates and one of them could be similar to the one that Lady Gaga performed on MTV in 2003 where in a single song she decided to show the 3 alter egos she had had Until that moment of her career, only having a few seconds to make the corresponding costume change.


    Although the performance itself seemed somewhat reductive for my taste, I am sure that Madonna would do much better because something that characterizes her is her perfectionism and her synchronization when doing her choreographies, something that distinguishes her from other artists. Like, for example, Janet Jackson whose choreographies, despite being demanding and elaborate, end up being somewhat boring and repetitive to watch because she always plays it safe and decides not to take risks that endanger the choreography. Something that Madonna does, for example when retrieving the microphone from one of her dancers in Music (Confessions Tour), in Gang Bang (Mdna Tour) when retrieving the gun from the hands of her dancer, or the synchronized turns what she does at the stripper pole during Holy Water, etc. They are small details but they put the execution of the choreography at risk and add drama to the show. Not like Janet jackson who always repeats the same movements over and over again as if she were a robot and ends up looking like just another dancer and not the main artist.

    Seeing a mash-up of Ray of Light-Frozen-Nothing really matters wearing the same outfit and hair she wore in the music videos would be spectacular. On the other hand, the few seconds that Madonna would have for the corresponding costume change would generate suspense and expectation among the public and if she has to shave all her hair to have an easier time putting on the corresponding wigs, it does not matter, all with the objective to offer a quality show. We just have to hope that everything goes well because it would be unforgivable if in the middle of the show the wig fell off or the costumes were not correctly placed, something that would generate ridicule from the public. But I'm sure it won't happen because Madonna is perfection personified.


  7. I don't know why Madonna agreed to give an interview to this     person that for the first time in my life I found out about her existence because she ended up making fun of her, for example by telling her that she forgot things because she was 80 years old or being surprised that her father still lived and say that he is surely 300 years old. If I were Madonna I would have sent her to the devil (not to say something worse) and immediately I would have cut the interview because I would not have allowed her to disrespect me. Surely if the interviewee had been Janet Jackson the story would have been different, of course, and it is that in that country it seems that they detest that the title of Queen of pop has Madonna when many would like Janet to carry it but that will never happen since worldwide Madonna is and will be the owner of that title and well earned by the way until today.

    By the way, sorry Madonna I'm one of your biggest fans but you can't talk about God and seconds later talk about your vaginal/anal vibrators. You end up being inconsequential and in future interviews your opinions about God will no longer be taken seriously. It is similar to me being an animal advocate speaking in defense of animals and the next day going out on the street wearing an animal skin coat. When talking about topics totally different from each other, it is better not to do it in the same space because ideas end up crossing and one ends up being inconsistent and contradictory.

  8. On 10/12/2022 at 8:45 PM, diegolcl said:


    They just did a song together, relax. Jesus...

    Excuse me but rumors about a possible romance between Madonna and Tokischa circulated through several media outlets, especially in Latin America. Even Tokischa herself slipped that possibility when she was interviewed on various TV shows. They went out together to every social event and kissed in public.

    That you have not found out is another matter but this was not a simple collaboration like the previous ones, as you want to imply, since for Hung Up 2022 an entire advertising strategy had to be put together and additionally the creation of a new alter ego (the self-destructive madonna) was needed to attract the attention of the media and the public and happily, seeing the figures and the repercussion achieved, the objective was achieved. Unfortunately the cost of all this was losing some fans who did not like this new Madonna at all but fortunately they will end up being quickly replaceable.

  9. Does anyone know what happened between Madonna and Tokischa that they have not been seen together lately. I had already excited about the possibility of a possible romance between them. But apparently this possible lesbian relationship was only a temporary instrument (just as the Kabalah or the war with Iraq were at the time) to promote this song Hung Up 2022 that, even if many do not want to admit it, has become the Madonna's most successful video in recent years because days after its premiere it is already close to 3 million views.

    Madonna was definitely the one who gained the most from this "relationship" as she gained new Latin American fans and became a role model for many young women to see how a woman in her 80s can be sexual and promiscuous without caring about the opinion of society. I will definitely miss this self-destructive Madonna who made fun of herself and caused so much controversy among her own fans. I personally hope to see her in action again and maybe the new tour that is coming in 2023 will be the right time for it.

  10. Seriously, I hope that the movie project is definitively canceled for many reasons: Madonna's life is so complex and extensive that it could not fit all in a two-hour movie, it is impossible. Another reason is that it will take away a lot of time that she could dedicate to music, which is what she does best and what she should dedicate herself to full time in my opinion. And lastly, no actress is up to her heels to be able to interpret her: one because she lacks expressiveness, another because she has masculine features, another because she is not well known in the media, another because she is not beautiful enough like Madonna, etc. Reasons That they end up disqualifying them and for what I think they don't deserve to play her and would end up harming the film.

    I think that the ideal would be a book where she recounts her memories and where we fans could let our imagination run wild and recreate in our minds the events described there that would be totally sincere and where there would no longer be alter egos involved that finally end up being just a kind of useful masks or disguises only to achieve certain objectives such as promoting a song (Hung Up on Tokischa) or album (Ray of Light) and then throwing it away and immediately changing it for another in that desire to never show us who she really is , something that with the book would be different because it would allow us to know her in a sincere and real way and without disguises in between.

  11. I hope that real musical instruments are used on this tour and not those artificial and synthetic sounds that should only be allowed in remixes and that, by the way, predominated in her last tours. On the other hand, not only the fans but the general public want to listen to the classics just as we remember them but unfortunately Madonna decides to transform them completely altering their essence in the process as happened with Open yor Heart (Mdna tour) or Borderline or Vogue (Sticky ands Sweet), etc.: totally unrecognizable.

    I hope that Madonna doesn't get upset with this little criticism that I just made but I really hope that she changes her mind and doesn't modify the original sound of her classics which is what the public wants to hear since after all, she is a brand and like any product on the market, she should seek consumer satisfaction, in this case, ours and not so much hers.

  12. If it is a category that seeks to reward songs that talk about social problems that affect the world, I think that "I Rise" would be a better option because it is a song that serves as anthem of positivism and inspiration in the face of social struggles or conflicts around the world. Not like God Control that simply talks about the problem of mass shootings that occur in the United States, and that it is a problem that only affects one country and does not interest or affect the rest of the world except cause us some shock when we find out about a massacre on the news channels but then the next day we forget about it due to our daily busyness.

    There are problems with greater importance and global impact such as wars, famine, the animal abuse, the invasion of world powers that, using their military power, invade other countries, inventing any excuse in order to take over their natural wealth, exterminating many civilians in the process, etc. And it is songs that speak of these world problems that the Grammy seeks to reward and I think that "I Rise" is the perfect candidate for it.

  13. Boum and Feeling so Crazy in the last places? I'm glad because they always seemed like bad songs to me: the first one seems to me to be a very silly song and the second very insipid although to some they will seem like masterpieces of music and that is why they will have been given an 11 score but as far as I am concerned I would have given a zero.

    My disappointment begins when I see The Game, Set the right and Miss you occupying such low places and on the other hand songs with structures as repetitive and tedious as Latte and Animal occupying the first places. I can't deny that they have a good melody but it's the lousy production that ends up ruining them. And when I find out that Timbaland was the producer of these songs, everything starts to make sense. Perhaps the story would have been different if Diplo had been the producer of these songs because I see them integrating very well with the sound of the Rebel Heart album, one of my favorite albums by the way

  14. On 10/5/2022 at 3:17 AM, PlayPause said:

    haha. Dua Lipa did what she felt was right with her remix. You don't know that they disrespected her. It's part of the process. You record things and some parts get left out in the editing room.

    Well, if I were Madonna I would have felt quite offended because the idea of including an excerpt from Lucky Star in Levitating (something she never did with any other artist) was Madonna herself. And she did it Probably excited not only with the idea of using this song as a means to make herself known to the young public but also to popularize one of her greatest hits (Lucky Star) among young people. But it must have been a bitter surprise for Madonna to learn that, practically, they threw away that excerpt from Lucky Star that she sang with such passion.

    Was this the reason why she decided not to participate in the Levitating video? Perhaps this contempt for her music (Lucky Star) caused her to distance herself from Dua Lipa? Fortunately, thanks to the signs, we can draw conclusions that would never be officially recognized by the protagonists. And it's all very obvious to me.

  15. :scary: :scary:


    That's why at the time I wanted to open a topic to politely discuss Madonna's fame of being considered the worst dressed but I didn't because a certain person warned me that she/he would close it if I did.

    I adore Madonna but many times her way of dressing disappoints me and even more so when it comes to someone with as much money as her because it seems that she does not have a fashion consultant who advises her what clothes to wear to look excellent at all times even if it is only to go out to shop at the corner store. She is a world star subject to public scrutiny and with much more reason she should be a little more careful with her wardrobe and look excellent at all times and thus shut up all her critics who make fun of her by nominating her year after year as the worst dressed, something that as a fan I do not like at all.



  16. On 10/2/2022 at 7:21 AM, PlayPause said:

    The Missy addition helped them reach an audience and have an impact in the media they wouldn't have had with M only.

    2 years ago, M's image online was complicated and she was perceived as an out of touch artist for the new generation of young pop music listeners, who grew up on Miley Cyrus, Dua Lipa, etc.

    Meanwhile, Missy has never lost her edge, even though she doesn't make a lot of new music.

    Things have changed for M since : Frozen Sickick remixes started M's rebranding as an adventurous pop artist embracing her legacy, not only that old singer with too many kids and disgusting grillz. (Is quitting grillz the next step ? P-P-P-LEASE)

    Should they re-release the remix today, Lucky Star would probably make its way on an extended cut or alternative version or TikTok collab.


    IMHO, the Levitating remix sounds better with the rap because it brings back some of the groove that the Blessed Madonna production took away.

    Now it turns out that Missy Elliot is the "King Midas" of music and that she has the power to turn any song into a hit. So why didn't the same thing happen with the remixes of American Life in which she participated and which passed unnoticed?

    I personally met Missy Elliot for the first time when she accompanied Madonna on Mtvs 2003 (in fact her participation went more unnoticed than Madonna's kiss with Christina Aguilera) and then I met her again thanks to the Levitating remix but I didn't know she was so popular and loved in her country as you say. But the fact that Missy Elliot is so popular does not justify the disrespect towards Madonna of making her believe that the part she recorded singing Lucky Star would be included in the song when in the end they did not even put a picture of her in the video. That is why I have stopped following Dua Lipa because I did not like that disloyal attitude towards Madonna at all.

  17. There are several songs that could have had a better score but due to poor production or repetitive structure they don't make it to the top and ironically it's the ones that don't have impressive production and rather are just simple acoustic songs that end up standing out and one of them taking the highly coveted eleven.

    And as for Levitating, I am very disappointed that they have discarded the part where Madonna sings her smash hit Lucky Star and how well it merged with the rest of the song to prefer to give a space to this woman Missy Elliot (a very popular rapper in Usa for those who don't know her) to sing her lyrics so deep and intelligent. I feel that the version of Dua Lipa and Madonna was much better than the final version that they ended up releasing with Missy Elliot and I still don't understand that trend of having several singers in a single song where they all end up vying for the leading role when the ideal would be to have as maximum two singers in a song and in this song Levitating I feel that the one that is left over is Missy Elliot.

  18. I do want to see her live! I don't care that she sings with playback all the time or that the choreographies aren't perfect or that she forgets the lyrics or that her costumes are horrible or that she's 5 hours late, what I want is to see her!! Being with her in the same space and having the opportunity to shake her hand and keep that beautiful memory until the end of my days.:cry:

    Well, and about the tour, I'm realistic and I don't expect great choreographies but similar to what we saw in Pride and performances where she exploits her stage presence as we saw in Bye bye baby, Sooner or Later, Justify my love, Crazy, etc. Or also where she uses her body elasticity to impress the public as we saw in Like a Virgin on the Mdna Tour, and finally interact a lot with the public as in the Rebel Heart Tour where she left that diva image and seemed like one of us. And finally that she respects the original version of her songs but adding new sounds to them and not altering their essence as happened with Open your heart on the Mdna Tour or Borderline on the Sticky and Sweet Tour that I'm sure the public prefers to hear the original version and not new versions that end up affecting the nostalgia for listening to the versions as we originally knew them.

  19. It's been more than a week and I'm still watching this video as if it were the first day and it's undeniable that it's a very addictive and entertaining video and in which we see a totally different Madonna than the one we were used to but without abandoning the sensuality and eroticism that characterizes her so much and at the same time adapting her image to the culture of reggaeton, the most popular music genre in Latin America in recent times and that is entering the US and Asian markets with force.

    Not even the Madame X videos achieved this effect of wanting to watch a video multiple times without getting bored in the process. I definitely want a second part or new songs using this music genre. A possibility, by the way, not so far from reality if we see the number of views that this video is reaching on YouTube and other platforms and that leaves for oblivion the previous remixes that she released with other artists that I don't even remember their names anymore.

    I hope that the success of this video excites Madonna and she decides to use this musical genre on her new album. At least she would have a guaranteed audience in the Latin and Asian markets that adore her so much and that flatly contradict that statement or hypothesis, that came from I don't know where, that states that she will never be able to fill stadiums again. At least in these regions the expectations to see her live remain intact despite the passage of time and it is finally about seeing a Goddess at her best and live: a privilege that few mortals can have and even worse when we realize that it could be the last time of our lives.

  20. 4 minutes ago, moloko said:

    Jesus Christ people, it's been a week. Are you still taking about that garbage? 😅😅 i thought we already forget it.  Let's move on.

    Well, you should set the example but we can see how you continue to contribute indirectly to this endless debate that only the moderators have the power to put an end to, something that I doubt they will do because so far everything is being carried out in a high-class and polite way.

  21. On 9/25/2022 at 2:08 AM, Roland Barthes said:

    I love how Madonna keeps exposing how conservative people truly are and especially people who think they are not. 

    Here comes the essay, run for your life !

    I remember an argument i had here with a member about Papa Don't Preach, i've never liked how she chose to keep the baby in the song, someone here made me see another point of view, like she cornered the moral majority about admitting kids were having sex. Of course i disagreed and argued but it stayed in the back of my mind and i totally see it now. 

    I don't know about you but she makes me feel uncomfortable and i'm what most would call an annoying woke leftist. And i wondered why it not only made me feel uncomfortable but angry too. I understand that it is because she's pushing me out of my comfort zone. I love her so i defend her but do i like what she's been doing lately ? Instantly, no but i always (well most of the time) grow to enjoy her last input when every has settled down or, more likely, when i finally keep up with her.

    That video is like she's going out of her way to not please anyone. Like she's going in the opposite direction of what is expected of her. I'm not sure it is what she would be doing if the reactions were positive, just like with Erotica or Justify My Love she keeps winking and laughing, in this one she at times seems to be wondering what she's doing there, it's a joke. She made herself look like the clown from Tears Of A Clown. The lack of eyebrows does not suit her, i did not even like it 30 years ago. The grillz etc...she's not trying to look pretty, like she makes herself looks scary, monster like...and yet in pure Madonna style (meaning being confusing) she overphotoshops herself to look "pretty". She wants to be challenging and she is. In the end it's not what she does that is interesting but th reaction to it. Mine first, because it makes me ask myself why i have these reactions and what is she triggering in me. I then realize that has much as when i was a little boy and a teenager she pushes "over the borderline" and forces to grow, to be accepting. The reactions from people, even die hard fans is even more interesting. She's not killing anyone, she's not making trumpist statements, she's, on the contrary, being very open and inclusive and it seems like people don't like that and even people who are themselves unconventional. Gays mostly. I see the body shaming, the misogyny, the conservatism etc...i see it everyday in them and not just regarding Madonna. I love she's finally antagonizing them. Well not all of them but that damn "Ikea" fringe of the community. It's ok for a man to do drag, not for a woman. I got it a while ago. Women must either be perfect goddesses or ugly sexless friends. She made herself scary ugly looking and oversexed. She's 64, she shoulf be wearing a princess dress, beautiful and not revealing, and sing ballads about love or a disco song while dresses sexy but not sexual, "classy" like they say, because that's what makes people comfortable, they don't like to be challenged because they don't want to realize their own hypocrisy, while they are asking to be accepted the way they are, they still refuse to accept others the same way too. I've realized we all want the world and others to stay in their lane and the world to be the way we want it to be, meaning like us. 

    This last impersonation of Madonna makes me think of Divine. She's pushing the limits of taste and if she's not convincing anyone, because she's so extreme, she's at least exposing how intolerant we are, especially people who like to think they are progressive. I don't care she makes the moral majority and proud conservatives mad or mocking her. It's a given and they probably don't care anymore. Nope, what's interesting lately is how she'exposing progressive people,because she's Madonna, for whatever reasons, what they are willing to accept from someone else or want others to accept from them, they violently refuse it from her, even her fans. And that's what i like about art. For me it was never about how pretty it is but the reaction i have to it and the reaction of others. 

    She shakes our molecules. That's how all matters evolve wether it's conscious or unconscious. It's a reaction. 


    Totally agree. Madonna has always been controversial and will continue to be, and what better example than this video with Tokischa where she goes against the expectations of the public, especially her fans, who expected something totally different from what they were used to and that is why their exaggerated reactions. And they don't realize that if she wants she can go back to being the Madonna that everyone wants to see and what better demonstration than her last performance at Pride that happened a few weeks ago. And then she can act terrible again like she did in Medellin with Maluma and the next day look confident and challenging like in her video of the 50 questions (video where you will find that look so sure of herself and full of sensuality that so many are desperate to see in the video with Tokischa). And it is that if we decide to be a fan of Madonna we should have already learned a great lesson: with her we should expect the unexpected even if at some point it goes against what we expect from her.

    I think that all this is part of a game of illusions where the challenge is to find out who she really is (a game started from the beginning of her career) and where not even in her personal social networks can we discover the answer (her photographs are altered and do not reflect the reality that we so much want to discover). That is why we cannot say that the Madonna of a certain era is the same as the previous one because they seem totally different people. All of this gives so much complexity to the life of this wonderful woman (and what differentiates her from other artists) that she is practically living something that many of us will never be able to do: live many lives in just one.

    By the way, how appropriate it is at this moment to listen to the song “Nobody Knows Me”, one of the most sincere of her career.




  22. 1 hour ago, MatterCompressor said:

    *Not specifically aimed at you @Prayer but I thought it was a good question to respond to.*

    I don't think this is the issue in this thread. Everyone has an opinion and should be able to express it. There's no arbiter of good or bad art.

    I think the contention is over the right to express that opinion without being subjected to insults, shade, or, most egregiously, being labelled in some way to diminish them and their viewpoint.

    No one should be deciding who is or isn't a good enough fan and advising them to leave the forum just because they don't like some of M's output. Constructive criticism is a good thing!

    This video is obviously polarising, which should have brought out an interesting discussion about M's art, appreciation of art and our interpretations of the messages we think she's trying to convey. 

    More objective discussion, less insults, petty comebacks and defensiveness. 

    Anyway, here's my tongue-in-cheek interpretation of good vs bad art 😜

    Hung Up:


    Hung Up On Tokischa:


    Insults and teasing have nothing to do with constructive criticism and there has been plenty of that on this topic towards Madonna. I find it strange that you have not noticed it but you would also highlight it in your comment and just as you demand respect for the comments against the video (which I agree as long as they are not disrespectful) you would also demand the same for Madonna who has made this video with a lot of love and enthusiasm without imagining that many would question her credibility as an artist.

  23. ... and we are not talking about an entire album but about One song and this for many fans is enough to question her ability to make wonderful songs or to sentence irreparable damage to her legacy. If this is not extreme intolerance then someone tell me what to call this negative and overly dramatic attitude. Fortunately we are in a civilized society because in other parts of the world Madonna would already be being stoned to death for this unacceptable "mistake".

    The video is simply a reflection of what Tokischa does, I think many would do well to see the background of this Dominican artist before criticizing and they will see that Madonna is only getting carried away by the style of this Dominican (something she never did with other guest artists by the way) with whom she has surely felt identified in the sense that, like her, she also speaks without hesitation about sex in her songs, defends minorities and makes fun of religion, all this in an extreme way and somewhat vulgar, vulgarity by the way that does not end up being negative if it is part of your lifestyle.

    And just as divorce was created as a solution for those who stop loving or feeling interest or physical attraction towards their partner, many would do well to question their fanaticism towards Madonna and maybe make the decision to unfollow her and be a fan of another artist who makes the music or has the behavior they want and thus end this toxic fanaticism that only leads them to disrespect a woman by calling her crazy, vulgar, drunk, that her art is bad, that she looks like a clown, that they should put her in a straitjacket and lock her up in a mental hospital, that her children should have her legal custody, etc. Unacceptable comments seen in places where she is supposed to be loved, idolized and respected.




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