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Posts posted by chaosmen1984mk

  1. I didn't like it :sad:….........  I loved it!!:hyper:

    The video is very funny and full of sensuality from start to finish despite the low budget used (verified in the poor locations and the extras that appear) and where we see Madonna finally get out of her comfort zone (pop) and get carried away by all this paraphernalia that represents reggaeton not only musically speaking but also reflected in the theme and costumes, something common in videos of this genre. By the way The part that made me laugh because of its originality was the scene where the photo of Jesus Christ appears inside an inflated condom, probably devised by Tokischa herself, who likes to make fun of religion.


    Many questions arise in my brain from this video: Will this be the predominant musical genre on her new album? This new Madonna will make many of her fans abandon her by seeming vulgar and ordinary forgetting what she did in 1992 (Sex)? Will they call her ageist by preferring to seek the acceptance of the young public and despise her fans who have followed her all her life? Many questions whose answers will be checked in the future. In the meantime, she has my full support and endorsement since, happily, I do have a very open mind to assimilate everything that Madonna undertakes in the future. I'm with you Queen!!!! :hyper:



  2. Has anyone already seen the video? It was time for Madonna to give us a music video again where she shows her sensual and provocative side. The last time she released a similar video was in Girl Gone Wild although I personally didn't like the end result for many reasons I'd rather not mention.

    Now with this video I hope to see a sensual Madonna and making erotic and suggestive movements together with Tokischa but without reaching the vulgarity as we have seen in the case of other artists although to be honest I hope that Tokischa does not end up being a bad influence for Madonna in the future because she is an artist that is too extreme in terms of sex and scandals and I would not like to see Madonna showing her breasts in public for no reason or desecrating a church by entering dressed as a dominatrix, things that Tokischa does and That is why she is highly criticized and branded as perverse in the media. Anyway, with Madonna I have learned to expect anything from her and even if I don't agree with some of them as a fan I have to defend and justify her.


  3. What Nile Rodger, Nelle Hooper or Babyface: the only producer who managed to create a wonderful record from start to finish and who managed to give Madonna the credibility as an artist that she sought so much and never could achieve until then was the master William Orbit with those sounds spectacular and innovative that surprised everyone at the time. That is why I have a deep respect and reverence for this true genius of music because anyone can make music and in the end all the songs of all the artists sound similar and resemble each other but few can do something innovative and differentiate themselves from the rest and most importantly, generate trends and imitation. And William Orbit did it.

    That is why If I was sent to live on a desert island forever and only took one Madonna album with me, I would choose Ray of Light without hesitation (although I would like Arioso to be included on the album as well). That is why I am surprised to learn that Madonna does not allow William Orbit to publish that mysterious song that is talked about so much, sinning in a certain way of being ungrateful because none of the producers with whom she worked managed not only to create a successful album for her but also something much more valuable than that: to achieve respect and attention as an artist for her music and not for her lifestyle or her scandals, something that was unfortunately common until then.


  4. I remember when I heard Music for the first time on the radio and how captivated I was because I had never heard a similar sound before. But big was my disappointment when I listened to the rest of the album and none of the other songs resembled Music: they were simple pop songs with electronic sounds. However, they weren't bad for that and I really enjoyed listening to the whole album.

    But it is the fusion of the acoustic with the electronic in American Life, and that one can verify in most of the songs of this excellent album, which ended up convincing me that this was one of her best works. So much so that to this day I dream of Madonna releasing an American Life part 2 because the original album was so short that I feel like it didn't make me reach orgasm, musically speaking.

    The only song that breaks the cohesion of the album is Die another Day. Its chaotic and disordered sound bears no resemblance to the original American Life proposal, thus becoming an undesirable intruder that does not deserve the place it occupies on the album and that could well have been replaced by Hey you or The Game, which do bear resemblance to the sound of the album and whose features are similar to the rest of the songs. That is why I will always discriminate Die another Day because if it weren't for that song the album would have been perfect from start to finish.

  5. I have to admit, although it is hard for me to admit it, that I liked the song. But the best thing is that I can listen to it at high volume without feeling embarrassed because the part that Tokischa sings is in such a deformed Spanish, due to the excessive use of slang, that it practically turns it into a new language, indecipherable for most Latinos. , unless you are from the Dominican Republic (the country of this       artist)

    And I can't wait to see the video which, from what I've seen in the previews, seems like it's going to be very funny and full of delicate sensuality. By the way, something that catches my attention is the little investment of money that Madonna dedicates to these videos: in Frozen it was decided to use images from the original video. In Material Gworlll it was decided to make an animated video that most of the fans did not like. And in the case of Hung Up, it was decided to film it on any street and surrounded by common people who were surely paid with coupons to buy more decent clothes.

    And I will always say it: videos are a very powerful tool that can influence people when it comes to positioning a song and with so many years in the industry, Madonna should apply her experience to make more original and creative videos and In this way, attract an audience that is currently more carried away by the visual.

  6. I have a feeling that the film will only show Madonna's life before she became a world star: a part of her story that many of us do not fully know and that Madonna herself has declared in interviews to be the part she is most interested in showing since it can serve as an inspiration to many young people who try to achieve success and fame. Objectives, by the way, that many fail to achieve due to the "high cost" they have to pay to achieve it. Seeing how Madonna overcame or faced these obstacles to achieve fame seems more interesting to me than reliving moments that fans or the general public already know too well.

    A proof of my theory is the profile of the actress who will play her: a beautiful woman with an innocent and youthful appearance. This allows us to conclude that Madonna's entire life will not be shown until today because her appearance would only allow her to interpret it until the True Blue era, which is where I find her most similar to Madonna.

    Another reason would be that this stage of Madonna's life (before reaching fame) would be the most sincere and honest that we would see and that Madonna herself agrees to tell because since she achieved fame a constant procession of cunningly planned alteregos would begin, becoming one of the factors that have helped her remain relevant to this day and that have made her a rather enigmatic character, turning the question: "Who is the real Madonna?" in a rather difficult riddle to answer.


  7. What Tokisha tells in this video is that Madonna was the one who contacted her through a person they both knew in common to sing with her in the pride. Due to Tokisha's disbelief that such a media and legendary character as Madonna would want to sing with her, Madonna herself decided to send a voice file to her WhatsApp with which Tokisha ended up convincing herself that she was the real Madonna.

    Then, she says that the day they both met in the recording studio she was very nervous (and who wasn't) and when they were recording the last part of the song and being very close to each other next to the microphone is when they kiss for the first time. Kiss that would be repeated many times during choreography rehearsals.

    What I found interesting is knowing the wild attraction that Madonna has towards Latinos, men or women, something they have that makes her hot. And if this happened with Tokisha, I don't want to imagine what happened when she met Anita, another hot Latina who also kisses everyone in her videos or concerts.

    And also to mention the inexhaustible energy of Madonna despite being over 60 years old because as Tokisha tells: while she was already tired of rehearsals Madonna remained fresh, happy and full of energy from the beginning to the end.


  8. I think the problem with releasing the full video for Material Gworll is that Madonna only sings the first 30 seconds but then the limelight is almost criminally stolen by Saucy who, as we all know, sings almost 90% of the song and that's why that Madonna ends up being relegated and going into the background accompanying the dancers until the end of the song.

    That is why I think that if they released the full video, most of the shots would be in favor of Saucy, something that I don't think Madonna likes because her leading role would end up being severely crushed by Saucy when the ideal should have been for both to have equal participation in the song.

    A possible solution would be that throughout Saucy's participation various scenes of Madonna throughout her career were shown alternated with images of Madonna during Pride in order to maintain her presence throughout the entire video and thus not lose those beautiful scenes that were shown in the preview of the song and that we are all still waiting for a full version that will never arrive, perhaps for the reasons stated earlier in this post.

  9. 3 hours ago, Prayer said:

    It's not like she's suddenly into Latin culture because it's popular.

    Jellybean, "La Isla Bonita", "Who's That Girl", "Pray For Spanish Eyes", "I'm Going Bananas", "Deeper And Deeper", "Take A Bow" and "You'll See" ("Verás"), "Evita", "Lo Que Siente La Mujer", "Spanish Lesson", "Medellín"...

    It's not a fashion trend for her. She's expressed her love for Latin culture since the beginning.

    Also, Tokischa. The remix is with her.

    And who has said otherwise? The difference is that now Madonna is allowing herself to be "absorbed" by the musical genre that is so fashionable in Latin America and her relationship with Latin artists is much more interactive and intense, unlike the past where everything was more discreet and where any reference to the Latin culture was limited to songs within the musical genres that Madonna dominated.

    Bitch I'm loca and Faz Gostoso represent in some way the beginning of this new path and that excites us Latin fans so much since we see that Madonna leaves her comfort zone (pop) to get more seriously involved with the musical genre that is so fashionable now in Latin America and that most Latinos like (with some exceptions) so I would not be surprised to see soon more collaborations with Latin artists like Bad Bunny or Rosalía or being inspired by them when making her music videos.


    Reading comprehension was always one of my favorite courses in school: it allows you to understand the true meaning of the texts and not end up misunderstanding or drawing the wrong conclusions, which is what I see lately.

  10. I asked so much to see Madonna with red hair in this forum that I don't know if Madonna herself read my posts and fulfilled my wish or it was just a coincidence but it was definitely a pleasant surprise to see her again with that hair color after so many years.:hyper:

    And it is not just a simple superficial desire on my part, but because red hair, in addition to highlighting her beauty, as we can see in the photographs, also has a special meaning: red hair represents the passionate, free, seductive and immoral woman. : coincidentally four traits that define so much this Madonna of 2022.:fire:

    Definitely this Madonna version 2022 is the best version of Madonna I've seen in a long time: She is much more entertaining, unpredictable and fun than the spiritual Madonna, the housewife Madonna, the Madonna who writes children's books or the Madonna who adopts children in the end of the world. And I have a feeling that we haven't seen it all yet and that the best is yet to come...:devil:

  11. Either the passage of time is already beginning to affect my neurons that it doesn't allow me to understand in which part of the video Madonna talks about this new album that everyone is talking about or is it that the wrong ones are everyone except me. The truth is that I had to see the video several times and the only thing I found was when Madonna is asked how she feels about her RECENT album FEL and nothing else.

    And I understand the misunderstanding since most of the fans (except a few) want a new album. Personally I don't care if it's pop, heavy metal, reggae, acid rock or... hip hop. What I want is to hear something new from Madonna but now and to be able to live all that preamble that characterizes each new album where we fans begin to elaborate theories and collect rumors about the name of the new songs, the name of the album, the collaborations, etc.

    Personally I would like to contribute with a possible name of the new album. I would like it to be called “Whore of Babylon” (in fact it was supposed to be called The Reinvention Tour originally but in the end it was discarded) , due to the high sexual charge and eroticism that Madonna demonstrates in her latest appearances and that personally make me longingly remember Dita, one of her alter egos, and who knows, maybe we can see her again but this time in her 2022 version.

  12. I can't believe that Faz gostoso and Bitch im loca are almost at the bottom of the poll. I'm sure if there were more Latinos in this forum we would all have gotten these songs to end up with a better score instead of the boring Crave. Now I realize how right it is to release singles according to the place in the world since I am sure that if Madonna released these two songs as singles in the Latin market and with a video included, the reception would have been successful since in Latin America, unlike what happens in other countries, we do respect Madonna, so much so that in the press they treat Madonna as the undisputed Queen of pop and they don't give that title to just any opportunist.


  13. On 8/29/2022 at 7:32 PM, RUADJAI said:

    Ill bite the bait...

    First off... you don't KNOW anything. And I'm pretty sure the woman who released the albums Ray of Light,  American Life, and Confessions on a Dancefloor, which talk about denouncing the superficialness of our world and the culture that surrounds fame, wouldn't personally try and resist (to the degree you are saying) something so human as aging. Perhaps she is fine with her age, but she is one of the few that find themselves in a position where it is to their advantage to do these sorts of things to achieve a goal she has set for herself. Maybe her ultimate goal is helping people in Malawai and by modifying her pictures it allows her more followers on social media, more attention, and therefore more money made to help those people. All the while, her personal views of aging are not on display. She has to "play a game" to achieve what she wants. 


    Many times we must resort to clues to discover a hidden or unaccepted truth. That is why I do not need Madonna to come out in an interview admitting her fear/rejection over time to prove my theory because Madonna herself has given us plenty of clues to reach that conclusion: her superficial lifestyle, having partners too young, going out to parties and always being surrounded by young people, getting implants to fight against the force of gravity, etc.


    Which does not mean that I am criticizing her, rather I see it as something positive: as an act of rebellion against a stage of life that unfortunately we cannot avoid and that we will use all the weapons that are within our reach (and our pocket ) to delay its horrible effects.

    that Madonna does it for the children of Malawi? LOL. That would be the last thing I could think of to justify her. Anyway, maybe Madonna will never admit it in public, although I would love for her to do so since it would help this to stop being a subject “that is not talked about”.

  14. It's amazing what technology can do. Practically thanks to her I can once again see the Madonna of the late 90s in these photographs. But despite knowing that these images do not correspond to reality, I voluntarily become an accomplice in this game of illusions because I know that the origin of all this is the rejection/fear of the passage of time, a feeling that I also share for what I understand her perfectly and I will not criticize her or make fun of her like others.

    And it is that time passes so quickly lately, ten years go by in the blink of an eye, birthdays cease to be a cause for celebration and rather become bitter reminders that our time in this world is ending and where the mirror that used to be our ally because we could check our youth and vitality in them now becomes our worst enemy by reminding us how much we deteriorate due to the passage of time.

    But fortunately, thanks to technology we can create an image that, although it does not correspond to reality, will give us a feeling of longing for a past that will never return.


  15. 9 hours ago, Markdonna said:


      I thought it was a spectacular return to form.  And Medellin and God Control are of the two incredible videos she’s put together in a long, long time.  


    It is true. All the videos of this era became my favorites, including Dark Ballet where Madonna only appears for a few seconds and where the leading role is played by an unknown artist but due to the plot of the video his participation had to be necessary.

    Thanks to Madam X my faith in her ability to make good videos, which had been lost since 2005, was finally able to return since after Hung Up the subsequent videos never lived up to my expectations. Some were too boring (Jump, Ghosttown), too simple (Give it 2 me, Living for Love), too gay (Girl Gone Wild), too pretentious (4 minutes), too stupid (Sorry, Turn up the radio). Especially Sorry, which is the video that makes me feel the most discomfort and embarrassment every time I watch it, due to my natural allergy to ridiculousness and silly situations, something that abounds throughout the video.

    For this reason, I hope that Madonna has learned her lesson and values her videos more, because many times they are vital when it comes to popularizing a song and can even be of great help to impose fashions as happened with Beyonce with "Single Ladies" where everyone wanted to dance like her although I would love for Madonna to make a video similar to the one Bjork made in her song "Big Time Sensuality" where she dances on top of a truck dressed in a suit similar to a straitjacket from a mental hospital and where she called everyone's attention for her originality that is precisely the goal when making music videos and that apparently Madonna forgot for a long time.

  16. 16 hours ago, Ayham said:

    You think it’s normal for a 64 year old “good mother” to bring a 23 year old guy home to live with her 10 year old daughters???? It’s disturbing to think about it! & not only this but those BOYS keeps on changing each year… 

    Good point, I hadn't looked at it that way. If Madonna's lifestyle ends up affecting girls psychologically, that will be shown in the future, although we will probably never know. By the way, Something that seems curious to me is how fame gives one certain prerogatives because I have not seen anyone in the press or in society questioning Madonna for her lifestyle having two minors under her care. But if it were an ordinary woman with a lifestyle similar to that of Madonna, that is, having multiple partners and kissing passionately with other people and posting all this on her social networks, definitely the reaction of society or her community it would be condemning her for being a bad example for her children.

    A rather curious social contradiction but as a fan, I don't want Madonna to leave this daring and fun lifestyle that has been accentuated lately and that differentiates her from other artists. That's why I don't want to be ignorant saying that the girls end up damaged because I'm not a psychologist but in case that happens Madonna has plenty of money to pay the best psychologists and thinking about it makes me feel better.


  17. I love her new hairstyle, it makes her look fresh and natural although I still hope to see her with red hair. I only hope that this change of look is a sign that something good is to come, that finally Madonna returns to the right path, musically speaking, and that all these latest productions that started with the remixes of Frozen until Material Gworlll end up being like a horrible nightmare from which we all woke up terrified and tried with all our might to forget.

  18. Unfortunately, I believe that Madonna's film will not have the expected success unless Madonna hires an experienced director and I am not saying this to be negative but because the facts have shown me that: the films she has made previously have been a failure. She got involved in editing her last tours and the result was a disaster. She decided to move away from Warner assuming the logistics and promotion of her last three albums and the results were not what was expected because she lost the attention of the media and the radio stations that were guaranteed to her by Warner apart from the fact that her songs were leaked ahead of time.

    All this means that I have no great illusions about her film. Starting with the actress whose name I don't even remember but I've seen some of her photos and videos and I definitely don't approve of her: she lacks femininity, beauty and the personality that characterizes Madonna so much. Definitely a bad choice and that is a bad sign that in the end the results will not be as expected.

    That is why I pray to God even though I do not believe in God that Madonna decides to leave her film in the hands of an experienced director and go on tour again, which is what most of her fans (with some exceptions) want. That most of the dance falls on the dancers or that the whole show uses playback does not interest me, what I want is to see her, to feel that I am seeing a Goddess live and direct is all I want, well, as long as come to my country where we would receive her as she deserves and in case she makes a fool of herself as she did in Medellin it doesn't matter, good fans will know how to understand and apologize because nobody is perfect.

  19. On 8/18/2022 at 9:54 PM, Vasili said:

    Are you sure? How do you know that for certain?

    It looks like manufactured fun during that promo shoot for Pride 2021.

    Perhaps this photo session was originally planned to be done after Pride 2021 but because of the Covid that was still at its worst, they decided to postpone it for later. This is the only way I can explain why Madonna has the same appearance when she appeared at Pride. Surely the original idea was to portray the wildness and lack of control in one of the post-Pride parties where all the attendees motivated by alcohol or some synthetic substance ended up giving free rein to their instincts. The concept seems interesting to me and these photos are definitely saved on my hard drive and Madonna should continue to give us this type of material and not the experiments she does on her Instagram.

  20. I hope it's just gossip. This boy is too gay for Madonna, he lacks virility. I have seen the video and some of his photos and I definitely feel a forced masculinity on his part which sometimes is hard for him to pretend and I see it in his gestures and in his look. Something typical of many gays who decide to pretend a false masculinity because this society, I am referring to the American continent, is still very closed-minded and despite so many years of struggle, the great changes that were so long awaited have not yet been achieved, so it is understandable that many make this determination because they would lose many opportunities, especially in the artistic world.

    Who I would approve of as Madonna's new boyfriend would be Maluma: he is definitely manly, attractive, has a good body and a lot of energy. What more could Madonna ask for. On the other hand, I doubt very much that she has a partner of her own age who has the same energy as her since Madonna is a very interactive woman and a man of that age would surely prefer to watch boring movies in the living room as if they were a decrepit old couple. No, I definitely support Madonna's decision to have boyfriends much younger than her because for someone like Madonna who lives life so intensely, vitality is very important. And young people have a lot of it.

  21. 23 hours ago, Glassy24 said:

    You don't want her to repeat herself by wearing a pink wig, but instead repeat herself by wearing a red one.

    Also - have you seen SEX? She literally eats a man's ass out...

    How many times have we seen Madonna with red hair? Very few surely, the last time it was on the cover of Confessions (although I used HOllwood video as an example) so it seemed to me that for this photo session she should have used that hair color so as not to abuse the blonde color so much and less use that wig that we have already seen her use lately in different colors but in my opinion it does not favor her because it is too simple. Therefore, it does not end up being a repetition as you say, since we have not seen her use that hair color for more than 10 years (and I did not mean a wig but her natural hair).

    And about the kiss, it's true, in Sex we saw her give these tongue kisses with several people but it was justified since it was Madonna's fantasies taken to the extreme, therefore these kisses had to be as graphic as possible, by the way one of my favorite photos was when she appears with the dog, anyway. In Justify my love she also did it because it was a scene of a sexual threesome in a hotel room and also the whole song had a high sexual charge. However, now we see her giving this type of kisses to everyone and for no reason, which I find forced and without knowing what she wants to show because none of these people are her partner and the situation in which they occur is not justified either.

    Unfortunately, it seems that Madonna is going to join this trend of certain artists who, to show that they are daring and irreverent, can kiss in this way with anyone (Cardi B, Chistina Aguilera and many others). And that since they are role models for young people, I wouldn't be surprised if I soon have to come across people on the street giving each other this type of kiss to attract attention, but fortunately I have two options: cross to the opposite street or look towards another side.

  22. I would have preferred to see Madonna wearing red hair, similar to the Hollywood video, instead of that pink wig that she has already used before and that does not generate surprises but repetition and more of the same. In the photos we see Madonna leading, as it should be, a party characterized by debauchery and lust and all is well with it but… was the French kiss necessary? I don't want to sound self-righteous but I've always thought that this type of kiss should be reserved between couples due to their intimate meaning but lately I've been seeing Madonna giving this type of kiss to people who aren't her partners like this singer Tokisha (ugh), to a couple of friends on her birthday and now this and I wonder who gives French kisses to their friends?


    Kisses with tongue are being normalized when they should be a prelude to the sexual encounter and it bothers me to see these caresses between people who only do it for fun or generate curiosity. Like that video of Christina Aguilera, Beautiful, where two men came out giving each other a French kiss and they even showed their intertwined tongues in the foreground, which bothered me and seemed excessive to me, but anyway, that's the way this industry is and apparently Madonna is lending herself to this game to which she previously did not lend herself and I do not know why she now decides to promote it.

  23. Honestly, I had never paid much attention to Madonna's birthdays, but now that I'm looking for information and photos on this subject, I see that every year of life Madonna has celebrated in a big way and in different countries by performing themed birthdays according to the country where she has celebrated them. Madonna should shoot videos about the best moments of these parties so that her fans also enjoy those moments as if they were there too. By the way, it would not be a bad idea for Madonna to raffle a couple of invitations to her fans from all over the world on a future birthday. Personally it would be an honor and a dream come true to be there sharing such a special and magical moment with her and at the same time being the envy of the rest of the fans.

    The only bad thing is that at some parties she has used animals to entertain her guests, which does not seem right to me because I love animals and I know that for them it is stressful and they suffer a lot being in an environment full of noise and people taking pictures of them. Fortunately, on this birthday, apparently no animal has been forced to be present at the party, which seems fine to me because they are also living beings that suffer just like us.

  24. Madame X completes my top 5 of Madonna's best albums, the other four being I'm Breathless, Ray of Light, American Life and Rebel Heart. I must be one of the few fans who value her work more since the end of the 90s, but it is in these albums that I find the quality that I look for so much in an album, be it from Madonna or from any other artist.

    About Madame X I feel that Madonna makes me travel around the world in her company, an intense and pleasant trip, although also sad at times depending on the destination of the trip and where she tries to summarize in an album all the social realities of this world more and more dehumanized although she also speaks to us about love and partying, all this using her numerous alter egos that have characterized her so much throughout her career, although in the end I end up confused because I do not know which of all represents the true Madonna.

    Almost all songs will have excellent scores. Maybe Funana ends up being the discriminated one of the group for being the different one by not being at the level of the quality of the album. Crave would probably get a higher score if the guest artist had been the King of Pop Justin Timberlake instead of the other singer because I feel like it would have gone much better with his beautiful voice. Anyway, this time it will be really difficult for me to decide which one will receive the long-awaited 11 in an album that left me unsatisfied because I feel that it did not make me reach the climax by leaving me wanting to continue enjoying it even more.

  25. On 8/12/2022 at 2:43 PM, Curtains said:

    #16 – Illuminati


    - Average Rate : 6,37 / 10

    - Highest Rate : 11 ( @Unruhe, @chaosmen1984mk )

    - Lowest Rate : 0 ( @Karma, @Fontainebleau )

    What does God offer us, an eternal and boring life in a place called Paradise where everyone will live happily for all eternity until there comes a time when fed up with this eternal life they will surely seek to end their lives or blaspheme against God so that he leads them to hell where they will surely have a much better time, is what Madonna seems to question with this song where she makes fun of the media fame that the media have made her by calling her "the Queen of the illuminati", a conspiracy story that emerged who knows where but that definitely Madonna aware of this made this funny song to make fun of these conspiracy theorists or maybe prove them right.

    The best song on the album, I gave it the highest score without hesitation. How I regret that Madonna didn't release it as a single or that she sang it on tour performing the choreography with her dancers in one of the funniest and most daring moments of the show. Fortunately, this gem did not fall into Avicii's hands because perhaps it would have been turned into one more of his generic works where everything seems to be artificial and synthetic remixes devoid of emotions

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