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Madonna Song, This or That Game!


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Mer Girl is the best way to end the ROL album, but I still think Has To Be belonged on all editions.  Such a beautiful song.  If it was to replace anything, I would have switched out To Have and Not To Hold, but if we were simply to add it to the album, I'd put it after To Have and Not To Hold and before Mer Girl.

Voices or To Have and Not To Hold?

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7 minutes ago, McDonna said:

And my answer is... "Danger's up ahead, I can see it in your eyes"

Though, I am not sure if Stephen Bray has the right to release this on his own.  If so, I'm betting he would have done it by now.

Love on the Run or Take Me (I Want You)?

He does not. Hence why a Pre-Madonna 2 has never been released so far.

To answer you, Love on the Run.

Drowning × Laugh to Keep from Crying?

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