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If you can only pick one


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The two already mentioned seem quite interesting actually, there are also two tapes wich are titled Pat Leonard and something with a 97 reference wich seem interestinfg (I also like Back in business, it's one of the most interesting tracks from I'm Breathless for me).

Basically I'd like something (or everything) wich contains unreleased tracks. It's 5 years since Madame X, I'm dieing to have a brand new solo M track :Madonna041:

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I think the Madonna/Prince tape would be interesting if it had recordings of their interaction while constructing the song.  And imagine what some of those tapes that just say "Madonna" on it?  They could be a gold mine.  Or what about the one that has nothing written on it?  Imagine picking one of those. It's like an assorted box of chocolates, you never know what sorta Madonna you'll get.  :)

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