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Madonna for Interview Magazine: The ART Issue


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Well, the bleached eyebrows give her a weird look, as in DWT era, and her lips pop out because she's wearing the white gold grillz, anyway I love the pics, and yes, the one with the flower is pretty iconic. This might be in the January 2015 issue, right? in perfect time with the 1st single release, maybe???!!!.

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Luv the photos and the interview!


BLAINE: I just heard the song “Devil Prays†[from Madonna’s forthcoming album], and it’s fucking amazing. And it’s not like you were using drugs, but it’s all about drug use …

MADONNA: Well, no, it’s about how people take drugs to connect to God or to a higher level of consciousness. I keep saying, “Plugging into the matrix.†If you get high, you can do that, which is why a lot of people drop acid or do drugs, because they want to get closer to God. But there’s going to be a short circuit, and that’s the illusion of drugs, because they give you the illusion of getting closer to God, but ultimately they kill you. They destroy you. I mean, I tried everything once, but as soon as I was high, I spent my time drinking tons of water to get it out of my system. As soon as I was high, I was obsessed with flushing it out of me. [blaine laughs] I was like, “Okay, I’m done now.â€

BLAINE: Was that song written to anyone in particular?

MADONNA: No, just sharing my experiences that there are different ways to connect to a higher level of consciousness and that it’s the devil’s trick. It is the illusion.

BLAINE: So when you write that type of song, do you just sit there by yourself?

MADONNA: No, I’m working with a musician. He’ll start playing a guitar, and ideas just come to me. I have a computer on my lap. I start typing lyrics, and I start thinking of a melody. And then I try it out and say, “What do you guys think?†Everybody’s riffing off each other. I like to see the words written; it inspires me. Poetry, reading, language, playing with words—being around talented songwriters, you develop an innate understanding of what notes sound good together. I don’t really think about it, to tell you the truth. You listen to music, you read books, you watch films. Other people’s art inspires you. I would be nothing without other people’s art.

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