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Lets talk Living For Love Performance's


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With Madonna getting ready to perform at the Grammy's and the Brit Awards I figured we could talk Living For Love performance's. Just what do you think she's gonna do on stage. lets share some ideas and hope's. I wonder just what she's planing?
I'm hoping she opens the Grammy's. Maybe it will start with Alicia keys alone on stage playing the piano and then suddenly Madonna appear's with dancer's. Halfway thru the song a chorus appear's on stage and my ultimate dream is Niki Harris appearing on stage as the lead female gospel singer. One can dream :O).
My biggest fear, to much filler ( Pumpkin face ), grills and getting booed on staged.
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She not using those fillers anymore since months. Do not fear that then. As I said before, and with all her Instagram tagging, I'm expecting some kind of mythological/bullfighting vibe on it, the minotaur and all those things she posted, also that torero styled jacket someone posted that she may be wearing... Who knows??? We're closer to know it...


About the Brits performance, I'd take that with a little grain of salt as It's not officialy confirmed yet. But I'd love to: the more performances, the better.

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She not using those fillers anymore since months. Do not fear that then. As I said before, and with all her Instagram tagging, I'm expecting some kind of mythological/bullfighting vibe on it, the minotaur and all those things she posted, also that torero styled jacket someone posted that she may be wearing... Who knows??? We're closer to know it...


About the Brits performance, I'd take that with a

little grain of salt as It's not officialy confirmed yet. But I'd love to: the more performances, the better.


I think its gonna happen, it makes sense to perform on both continents... especially since there isn't as much hype this time without the Superbowl

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