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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Alibaba

  1. 2 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

    The passage of time is like a powerful enemy that most artists cannot defeat and we see that when the radios refuse to play the songs of artists who are past a certain age or from the same society that considers it uncool to listen to songs by someone older but I think that you can defeat that enemy and the key is innovation, creating an innovative product with good compositions will make the album reach the top of the charts by itself. Madonna herself said in an interview in 2001 where she talked about Radiohead and where she considered their work as art and that good things somehow make it to the top of the charts

    Yes! Just make good music. I don’t think anyone is ageist when it comes to Bonnie Raitt, Emmylou Harris, Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Joni Mitchell (when these last two were still recording), and so many more. It’s really on us as fans, and Madonna herself, for holding on so tightly to image and the unwinnable popularity contest. Music is at the core of our love affair with Madonna, and this is the same for the general public, but she is a complex artist and person, and has her own needs. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. 56 minutes ago, androiduser said:

    Madonna's guitar playing was a just phase for her, just like the tracksuit, the hunting, the mini cooper, Rupert Everett, Gwyneth Paltrow, the bicycles and whatnot... she is briefly obsessed with these things and then moves on to the next thing... that's why she hasn't made any progress with the guitar since she started playing it.

    From this comment, can we assume then that in reviewing your life over the last twenty five years that you have never shifted, wavered, outgrown something or someone, buckled down, given up, separated, joined, started, or finished anything or evolved at all? It’s pure madness to trivialize someone’s life in this way. What insight permits anyone to make this type of generalization?!  I’m looking for the humor in this, and don’t mean to single you out.  However, it’s becoming untenable to read these dismissive, misinformed comments on forums. It’s as if we are all seeing a totally different human being at this point. ?

  3. 3 hours ago, captainjay said:

    Isn't that Madonna in a nut shell? 

    I remember going through Erotica/SEX and experiencing (as a fan) the backlash of Madonna going from the height of her fame and falling so hard and being kicked and trashed and called McDonna on the daily. 

    Then she did The Girlie Show to remind the world that she wasn't done. 

    And then there was a break and we know that next she put out the beautiful "I"ll Remember". 

    Things seemed calm and back to "normal" for a second and as that single was having enormous success, she did Letterman and said "FUCK" a zillion times and then it was back to the media craze for all the wrong reasons. The attention was in the wrong place again and it was her doing. 

    That's her thing -- sometimes. 

    Yes, but you answered your own question. It used to be her way sometimes. And she had This Used To Be My Playground, The Girlie Show and I’ll Remember to temper the trolling. Now it’s pretty much permanent trolling. There sure hasn’t been a saccharine sweet mainstream-grabbing white flag in a long time. 

  4. Pearl clutch warning - Plastic surgery talk below! Misogyny and ageism accusers be warned!


    Honestly, while the angle is unflattering - as it would be for almost anyone over 30 - I think the initial shock is simply that she looks like a 63 year-old woman who has had a lot of plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancements without all the filtering, lighting and heavy makeup. It’s clear she has had more cosmetic “tuneups”, particularly a relatively recent upper blepharoplasty (as previously stated, there is slight yellow bruising visible around the fold) . It’s something I think she actually needed because the previous surgery had left her with no eyelids.  

    That said, I’ll now state my own personal feelings having studied the screen caps for two days, as everyone else has. Her skin is incredible. The fact that she can show her skin in such detail with either minimal or no makeup at her age is where the healthy narrative would be right now in an ideal world. However, as Madonna is the ultimate troll, we had to see her tit with zero purpose or context, and so she took on her usual role of collective punching bag. That’s the most confusing part for me…Why expose yourself so much in such a way that you know will be unflattering and reacted to so violently by the viewer? It always feels antagonistic with her, and I think that is what much of the fanbase and the general public find so off-putting. It’s as if she really wants everyone to hate her! I don’t see the point of this, but it leads me to conclude that she has a lot of resentment towards the public, the industry and the notion of “legacy”. 


  5. 21 minutes ago, Skyline Pigeon said:

    I agree with everything you said its just that at this point I feel like Madonna is at a major turning point in her career. She obviously has no intention of retiring and since that is the case I want to see her have as much success as possible. Unfortunately she is hindered at every turn by self destructive social media, wasted opportunities, some worrying signs in her personal life and poor management. Anyone who thinks that this Frozen Remix stuff is going to be anything close to bringing her back to relevance is gravely mistaken. A tour of a bunch of her classic material and new album with an actual proper lead single choice that is well promoted is her best chance for that to happen. Forget the biopic because all of us will be dead by the time its released and its bound to be a failure like all her film projects. 

    I agree with you too regarding what would be required for her to regain her status with a audience that grew up with her. A stadium tour performing the hits would make a killing if she could pull it off. 

    That said - and I edited my initial post with this comment before I saw your reply - I have understood that the purpose of the Frozen remixes is to get her streaming numbers up, and it has worked. 
    Additionally, she has the most used 80s song on Tik Tok with Material Girl, which, as I previously stated, is quite significant in this modern cultural hell in which we all invariably participate! Even the wacky tik tok videos get her name in everyone’s mouth, and the next thing they are searching what she used to look like, and they discover Borderline, Like A Prayer, Cherish, Take A Bow, Human Nature. I mean, Bob Dylan has looked like a dead groundhog for over three decades, but the answers are still blowing in the wind for many! 

  6. 1 minute ago, Skyline Pigeon said:

    I dont frown upon anyone for choices they make in their own lives so long as it is not hurting other people, that does not mean I cant have opinions and worries. I am genuinely concerned for Madonna, she has not been acting like herself for some time now and I am talking about so much more than weird trolling she does on social media. I also understand why she started taking opioids for her pain, that tour put her body through hell. The sad thing is that she is most likely dependent upon painkillers now even if they are no longer required. That is not a reflection of her character and I do not believe she started taking opioids to get high, its just that I dont want to lose her the way we lost Prince. That man put his body through the most unimaginable strain night after night on stage for decades and it eventually caught up with him and he never took pills to get high a day in his life.

    I appreciate you coming back to respond respectfully. I understand your concern, but remember: we all go through rough patches and most of us come through the other side, right? Life is organic. We learn and grow as we experience more. I’m sure Madonna is capable of remaining grounded in her personal narrative; the one we will never actually see or hear. As already stated in this thread, we all fell in love with an image. It stands to reason that if someone doesn’t enjoy, appreciate or understand the image she projects now, they are going to feel pretty let down, confused and saddened, but I reckon it’s not by her. It’s by themselves because they haven’t fully self-realized. That’s the problem with idolatry. And I don’t say this pedantically. I’ve been in the same boat. I just try to understand the possibilities of all that we don’t see, know or understand.

  7. On 4/3/2022 at 1:22 PM, Skyline Pigeon said:

    I dont really see how her throwing parties or filming videos is proof she does not have insecurities, Elton John performed his greatest ever concert at Dodger Stadium 1975 the day after he had attempted suicide, does his work have anything to do with his state of mind at the time? 

    Have you watched her Instagram lives? she acts like an egomaniac, nobody dares to have any form of genuine discussion with her about the biopic, its always her way or the highway in everything. A celebrity ringed by a group of useless handlers is nothing new, does Elvis's Memphis Mafia sound familiar?


    There have been various leeks from inside her inner circle that there are those who are concerned about her drinking habits. She is constantly seen drinking and no its not just a social media tool. She was drinking like a fish on both of her Instagram lives and even in a car. I cant say anything for certain about drugs, but her constant glorification of them is something that makes you wonder. I suppose the slurred speech and weight gain is just a social media gimmick also? I have been hearing talk about her drinking for years.


    I agree with you that music charts are irrelevant but Madonna obviously does not think they are. If she thought they were irrelevant we would not be seeing constant updates about how many streams Frozen has gotten or what position it is on Spotify or Itunes.


    If fans like me are going to be criticized for having baseless assumptions then I think that should apply to those who think everything is Hunky Dory also.


    The implication that’s problematic here is that you think that her drinking is your business. We have no idea what her life is like,  but there are many people in this world who drink every day and don’t consider it self-destructive. It depends upon the culture. I grew up in France with Anglo-Irish parents…alcohol was omnipresent. I stopped drinking alcohol a few years ago for the sake of my mental and physical well-being, but that’s because I am easily overwhelmed by depression and anxiety, and alcohol is a depressant. I don’t frown upon everyone else who still drinks, smokes, overeats. They are on their own journey. 

    Most importantly, I wonder where everyone’s empathy has gone. She had terrible injuries and perhaps other health problems that remain unexposed. It’s obvious that alcohol and weed have helped her pain management in the short term. Would you prefer she be secretly popping opioids and benzos? 

    Madonna may not be playing to you or I - and yes, I also ask the question regularly as to who she is actually trying to engage as an audience with her most contemporary choices - but I don’t question her well-being. She knows what she’s doing, and she seems to like it. 

    P.S. the strategy behind the frozen remixes is to boost her streaming presence. It seems to be working. She also has the most used 80s song on tik tok with material girl..that actually means something in this modern cultural hell. At the very least it is as valid or invalid as having a meltdown over the anonymous comments section on social media, which is truly the graveyard for the forgotten, the insecure, the angry and the broken.

  8. 26 minutes ago, mikenmark said:

    Seriously some of the misogyny on this thread is disgusting. It's none of our business what she weighs/how many surgeries she has/what she wears.  Not one bit. We don't own her and we never will, so who are we to impose our beauty standards on her.

    It isn’t misogynistic in any way whatsoever. You are implying that any critique of a woman is derogatory. Madonna has exploited her physique for personal gain for over 40 years, and she became extremely wealthy as a result of public interest in her self-objectification. She also put down fat people in the Sex book, and was dismissive of aging women herself (Joan Collins. Lucille Ball, Peggy Lee). Stop with the pearl-clutching. 

  9. 5 hours ago, scallywally said:

    She looked & sounded fantastic OK only seen vids but taking it out on the street too?! How Madonna can you get?! 

    OMG the reverb and sound in cheap bars are so shit you cant hear the pitch very well let alone fans singing out off tune and you meeting in the middle. GIVE HER A BREAK! Have any of you tried it? 

    Expected nothing at first, just a hello welcome to my movie maybe a song THEN ALL THAT LOOKING GREAT AND HAVING FUN?!!!!

    Some people REALLY need to get a life a life and leave the forum, and yes you might agree me. Some bitches here are just toxic. 

    (Although most adorable) I f youre gonna moan about anything she does including growing older or having a different body. MOVE ON! Youre poisoning other fans pleasure. 

    Have an opinion yes but FFS its like were swamped by bitchy gaga fans that have nothing but shit to say about her. Fuck off. Appreciate shes alive and trying to entertain US!!!!!!

    I cant be the only one getting bored of the dicks in here having a midlife crisis that Madonnas not 38 so that measns theyre older and shes the one not acting grown up when theyre still acting like school bullies. Is this woman whos gave us joy for years who you want to pick on????? Jesus.  Have a word with yourselves. Get your sewing machine out, make better clothes, perform better than her and report back to us. Thanks. 

    Amen.:Madonna052: It’s an absolute nightmare. 

  10. 5 hours ago, the queen said:

    About using BAT speech.

    Well, maybe this gonna be unpopular minority opinion. 

    I truly think that Madonna use BAT speech just because that speech was actually very famous and actually had impact at that time. And Madonna is currently obsessed with her glorious past. That's the only reason she use that BAT speech. In my opinion. That's all. 

    She was a person who pursued the future rather than the past. But now she has changed. She is obsessed with her splendid past, recalling her splendid and glorious past.

    Think about God control(and Dark ballet). She want it to be epic and controversial. But truth is no one care about it. 

    Despite the music video that came out two years ago, the number of views on YouTube is still less than 9 million(And Dark ballet has less than 5million views). Literally, no one was interested in these songs, let alone social controversy. 

    I truly think that she wanted  BAT tour  level of of controversy from God control (And Dark Ballet). But sadly no one care about it. So she can't make new speech video So she would have used her BAT speech video, recalling her brilliant and colorful past, thinking, "In the past, no matter what I said, there used to be this much controversy."

    That's all.

    This is absolutely your opinion. Thank you for sharing it.

    From a different, more affirmative perspective, it seems obvious to me - a person who admires and respects Madonna’s artistry regardless of her plastic surgeries, her choice in men, her lifestyle or her sense of fashion - that Madonna wanted to convey that little has changed in the grand scheme of the world in which we live. That her show touches on the same journey from dark to light, from redemption to salvation…The oppressors and critics have changed. Once upon it time it was the Pope and the moral majority, and now it is the digital peanut gallery on steroids (sometimes in the guise of fans ?), rife with derision and judgment without showing a hint of self-awareness. Go figure! 

  11. 5 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

    Because she wanted more money, because she was mad at Warner because theu sued her regarding Maverick and she had to countersue them and because the music industry changed in 2007. Peer to peer and itunes killed the industry. Live Nation promised Madonna stuff they could not deliver like traditional record companies used to and they did as they went along, it did not work (manufacturing, distribution, promotion). Warner could not secure a touring contract and then artists thought that's where the money was gonna be in the future. Streaming killed what was left of the recording industry. She took a chance, made a lot of money, killed a lot of her artistry in the process. 

    This is a fair assessment. ?????

  12. On 7/21/2021 at 3:07 PM, wtg1987 said:

    shes a shell of the artist i used to love and admire - i really think its time to hang up her cape. that boom boom performance pretty much scuppered any respect i had for her :(((

    i think Madame X dvd will be the last project i will take any interest in

    Why wait? Do us all a favor and jump off now because nobody wants to hear about what you won’t approve of upon viewing the Madame X tour. If you are so dissatisfied by Madonna’s artistry that you have no respect for her, just accept it and move on. This isn’t group therapy. 

  13. 11 hours ago, Dj Garrido said:

    I got a little disappointed about the way she told she was vaccinated in the video. She spoke like it didn´t have any importance.

    As a politicized artist she is, I think she should had made a post  with picture or video of the vaccination and a encougarement message. Other singers who don´t get into political causes, like Mariah and Kylie, posted. Why didn´t Madonna?

    This is absolute insanity. Why should she do any such thing? How did she speak like it had no importance? The amount of projection is sometimes just off the charts! 


  14. Exactly. There was a shit ton more homophobia in general in 2003. Also, let me clarify for everyone on the SJW bandwagon on this forum. You are not measurably more experienced or intelligent  than Madonna herself. She does what she wants to, and does so from a perfectly informed, personalized perspective, and I’m sure she was also perfectly aware that this would irritate the same people who get irritated by everything else she does, which at this point seems to be the vast majority of her online fanbase in addition to the crazy woke lynch mob, pun intended! Again I find myself asking the same question over and over: Who have these haters and critics been following all these years?! 

  15. 40 minutes ago, Hydrangeas Up Your Ass said:


    I saw this and cringed big time. Wow, that really is up there with one of the stupidest things I've ever seen her post on Instagram.

    God I wish someone would delete her account sometimes lol.

    EDIT: Here we go. She only has herself to blame.




    Cancel her! She owes everything in her career to black queer people. ?? Diet Prada. The culture police. Enjoy your new fun! Madonna doesn’t owe any explanation. Queer baiting Madonna! Cultural appropriation Madonna! So much victimhood. America does have a lot of ugly history, like most of the world, but Madonna isn’t responsible for it. What a nightmare to live in constant pursuit of finding fault with others. 

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