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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by CHOKKO

  1. Any Kylie upscales? (I Suggest Showgirl TGHT and KylieFEVER and KylieX) The new kylie era deserves a rework for this :angel:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CHOKKO


      Thank you !  I started downloading right now, so curious to see, X is one of her best tour ever :hearteyes:

    3. CHOKKO


      I don't know about a Kylie forum like this for example, where you can find interesting media about Kylie, so I keep searching on goggle and torrent sites. Here in the forum I have downloaded interesting stuff like the Rapino Brothers Sessions, never find it on the web, maybe I don't search correctly :lol:


    4. CHOKKO


      On 7/24/2020 at 7:00 AM, anton5000 said:

      I did this denoised version :)

      Finally download is complete, it looks great !! Thank you :hearteyes:

  2. Is it a sin to ask every morning to Alexa to Play Kylie Minogue's DISCO album ? Just asking The Tea Woman GIF

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MDRA


      Follow your bliss!

    3. Nahual


      I feel bad for Alexa having to play such a mediocre album. 

    4. Scottyx


      you should ask Alexa if it is a sin lol

  3. Frozen was performed in Toronto last night :bubblebitch:

    1. mirtillo


      Up Down Suite Edit, please! ;)

    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      yes and i loved it! love that song!

  4. I love you guys informimg us what is trending, what is probably going to leak :heart:

    1. Andymad


      whats that now

  5. Days like today are so sad for me not being able to keep doing remasters and mixes :cry: An alcoholic relative crashed my computer on the floor some months ago :/ sorry today is a bad day

    1. MartineX


      I know what alcohol can do... 😔 Big hug to you

  6. Thank M Goddess for the re-opening

  7. I'm lovin' the new  theme :hearteyes:

  8. I've been listening to 'Something to Remember' (Song) every day since November, hope I'm not getting nuts.  :lord:

  9. I'm always surprised for the things I find here, for your tremendous shares, mine are not huge but I try to share and give thanks; So glad to have the chance to be in this M lovers community :cute:

  10. GGW Screen from MDNA T ?

    Latin Medley Demos from RH T ?


  11. I never thought this tour would be so amazing, she really had all of her fans in mind creating This Celebration, PARTY!, PARTY!, PARTY!. 

  12. メリクリ ! :hallwaylaugh:

  13. Loving me, for me, I believe in the power of LOVE!

  14. Having a new YT channel to re up my re-edits, mixes and stuff (And trying to find how to do it on Spotify ) My last channel was deleted for posting my remasters of Erotica Demos (Available here) Some stuff still here 


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