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Papa Zelko

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Papa Zelko

  1. 38 minutes ago, EgoRod said:

    When I went to see MX the first time around. I met in the bar her London's physio. He was working with her injury and rehabilitation and he was saying how they insisted on doing the half show every other day, in order for her to rest.

    I remember he was saying how stubborn and strong she was. But also that she was smart and really protective of her body and capabilities. She was aware of following professional orders and anything that was the best for her and her career.

    Give this woman a break a couple of weeks to feel herself a bit. A bacterial infection really shakes you down really quickly. It's a unknown body inside of your organism, your body shuts everything down in a matter of hours. You need to have antibiotics and monitor the body is clean and functioning . Antibiotics can be 5-7 days but sometimes up to 10 days. And you can't have a proper assessment until you finish the course.


    I never understood why they just didn’t do “living room sessions” for the audience, the nights she wasn’t feeling too good or ordered to rest her body. 

    they could’ve just set up the Fado Club section of the show and jammed with the band and singers and had the dancers improvise. Her on the guitar and maybe even piano. Or just laying seductively on the piano. ;)

    To me that would’ve been something special instead of cutting a third of the show. 

    she talked a lot about living room sessions at the time and it would’ve been a great way for her to rest the body but still give the fans some music and again, something special. 

  2. Recovery from serious bacterial infection can be a mere week or several months. All depending on severity and overall health of the patient, the type of Infection and how well the patient is responding to treatment. 

    I assume they’re just waiting another few days to see how her body is handling shit. 

    Maybe she can be back at rehearsal in 2-3 weeks and kick off the tour this summer after all. 

    Or she has to stay in bed until the end of the year. No one fucking knows and they obviously don’t know yet either. Once they get a better idea about the recovery process I’m sure they will reshuffle shit and inform the world. 

    Until then, stream the new songs and chill. 🤣 



  3. 1 hour ago, wtg1987 said:

    Yes that would be a masterpiece ( NOT !!! ) 😂 sorry but this song deserved its poor chart performance… let’s move on to a more decent song now 🥰

    I. Don’t. Care. Either. Way. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. 10 minutes ago, tscott said:

    Unless it's the same exact track, I don't see why it should be merged?  I think it's a matter of perspective to some in how this is being done.  At the end of the day, it really doesn't change how many streams she's getting.  To me, that's more important than just merging all numbers for one particular song, even if they are different versions. It would be like expecting that every version of a particular song, just be named that song, rather distinguishing if it's a dance remix or a single edit and so on.  With how it is, we get to see how often each version is being streamed.  You can't really expect two different version that clock in at a different time, to be merged.  I rather they keep the different version separate. Other than that, I agree the few songs which have duplicate listings and are the exact same version, should be merged.

    I’m not talking about dance remixes. I specifically said when it’s the same production just faded out or a chorus skipped or whatever, edited not remixed.


    the exact same versions is a no brained and should’ve been done already. 

    i see how some fans REALLLYYY want to know which edit is more popular but I personally find it redundant and not helpful as far as reflecting the popularity of a song at large goes. 

    We’ll just have to agree to disagree. Edits usually don’t do shit for me and they are or were mainly cut down for time reasons. It’s still the same fucking song with the same fucking production. 

    They could easily merge them and have a button that you guys can click and the breakdown of each edit appears. 



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