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Posts posted by Gilbert

  1. 1 hour ago, Andymad said:

    So seeing as we’ll be getting the Lisbon recording of the show... can anyone confirm her banters were at least... interesting? Lol really hoping for some good conversation between songs. We’re there any motherfuckers exchanged?

    -asking for a friend.funny gif lol GIF by America's Funniest Home Videos

    wasnt it pretty much the same throughout the tour?

  2. i want to thank her for bringing so much great music in my life. very few artists can i listen to their whole catalog and enjoy. but of course there is more to her than just the music. i feel she is one of the greatest entertainers. what i love about her is that she doesnt give up. even today she is shedding her clothes, exposing herself to show she aint ashamed of nothing. i also love how she fights for equal rights for all. i love that she doesnt back down even when people try to tell her to retire already. i love her "fuck off" attitude. there will never be another Madonna. she's the best! :heart:

  3. 1 hour ago, stancherry said:

    For this tour it was Easy Ride instead of Papa, Crave (acoustic version) was supposed to be performed after Medellin. You Must Love Me (in Portugese) was also in the second act. I believe Future had a different version (with an e guitar) and was performed before Prayer. The other songs mentioned (What it feels like for a girl, x static process, forbidden love, justify my love...) were also supposed to be in the setlist and were rehearsed in acoustic versions similar to the bonus song section from the Rebel Heart Tour. Some sources also mentioned that an updated version similar to the original mix of Rescue Me was rehearsed and that Satin Birds (W.E. soundtrack) or Falling Free were meant to be the interlude before Frozen.

    a lot of this was typical playing around to find a suitable set list. obviously some of the songs she threw out didnt work for her for whatever reason. if we were clued into what she was thinking it could make total sense. i think there will always be certain songs she will perform again and again nearly on all tours.

  4. 55 minutes ago, Andymad said:

    I’m not sure if there is any place now where you can buy it an own that file (online anyway) I could be wrong. I had bought it from iTunes when it first released. However it is no longer on iTunes or in my purchased folder for some reason.

    I have a file that I have downloaded though, around 8.5 GB so maybe it’s a blu ray rip. 
    But I haven’t come across it on online platforms where you actually have the file in your possession.

    this is why i will never buy an digital version of show. someone always rips her shows, so there is no worry of being able to get the show saved on the computer.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Shoful said:

    I doubt they would play dialog. She’d probably cover it up with a song or something 

    i meant the conversation she is having. can you imagine if she did a montage of most of the Beer Bitches? it would go on forever.

    i am sure she just picked her favorite if she filmed most of the shows Beer bitches.


  6. 12 minutes ago, Shoful said:

    I really hope so! I want a picture of our interaction! They did record every beer moment

    i hope not. that UB moment seem to go on forever. at least the music kept playing. here it would be nothing but dialog going on forever.

  7. 2 hours ago, deathproof said:

    I think people like concrete evidence, and well, facts. The Madonna fan community has been littered with rumors and false information for DECADES, and a lot of those inaccuracies still get spread around as truth.

    Just because some people ask for a source doesn’t mean their negative. Just because some people don’t want to take a rumor as a fact, doesn’t make them negative either.

    I think we need to be better at how rumors are presented to us, and to digest them as they are; a rumor. And leave it at that till the day it is proven as fact. :)

    Personally, I’d be happy if people just copy what was posted at Popjustice and Paste it here. It just turns into a bad case of telephone with “he said” “she said.”

    thanks for this. like you, i feel that with all the rumors posted for decades its hard to believe when some one comes in and post certainty with no source.  i dont accept everything people post as fact.

    as of now, all we really know is that Dua Lipa is interested in collaborating with Madonna and they hope (or they may have) to contact her about it. i dont believe anything has been recorded yet.

    @TonyMontanai dont mind discussing rumors. i agree its fun. i just prefer people to not present their rumors as facts. :)


  8. if this clip is a sped up teaser of the tour than its possible it was edited at a lower quality than the actual film. since we know that most other venues werent filmed professionally, i doubt we will see a mix of venues this time. but all of her tours had some sort of mix. im sure this will be the same.

    im sure it is going to be a streaming deal for a few months before the DVD/Blu-Ray will be released. there is no way she is going to pass up releasing it on DVD. not sure why people are even going there since all her tours have had a physical release in some form whether it was the full concert or the two documentaries Truth or Dare and IGTTYAS.

  9. 13 hours ago, heartcore said:


    There are quite a few insiders on Popjustice, who have proven to be reliable before, that shared this information. You can believe whatever you want to believe, but it's pretty much all confirmed indirectly.

    by whom? no one official has confirmed any collaboration. just an interest and an interest to contact Madonna. i dont find "popjustice" blog a reliable source. you said they were "before" but what would that be? hunches and patching things together after many confirmed reports doesnt make them reliable. it just means they were paying attention like this possible collab. anyone of us can post a blog doing the same.

    i guess come November will have to see what comes of this. pardon me for being skeptical when someone pops out of the no where by suddenly making claims as facts when there is no true source mentioned with their comments. 

  10. 8 hours ago, heartcore said:

    She hasn’t released Levitating as a single yet. Hallucinate is being released now, with the re-release speculated to come in November alongside the Levitating feat Madonna. Apparently Dua wants to film a video for it with Madonna but can’t at the moment because of COVID and M’s tour injury. Dua’s releasing Hallucinate now with a video featuring her boyfriend to tide things over till then. 

    can you please cite sources because you speak as if this is all actually happening when there is no proof. all we know is that Dua Lipa is interested in getting her to collaborate and her team is hoping to reach out to Madonna.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Jet said:

    A time before we knew what other fans thought...enjoying her for who she was. Perfect sentiment. Like a prayer gives me those feelings, sat in my room blaring it out learning every word and reading the cd booklet over and over. No distractions or opinions from anyone. Great memories.

    yes, i miss that. but i really didnt know and still dont know any Madonna fans personally. so it is nice to come to a place like this to speak with fans who enjoy her like i do. problem is; i didnt count on all the harsh judging and criticism. not that we have to love everything she does but i wouldnt be here if i didnt enjoy her more than not.

  12. On 7/3/2020 at 7:27 AM, heartcore said:

    Next single is Hallucinate:

    The deluxe/re-release is supposed to be coming out in November, so we'll likely get Levitating feat. Madonna shortly before.

    makes no sense. why release "Levitating" now as a single, then release another single right away,  only in a couple months release the previous single with a "feature"? i personally do not think anything has been recorded with Madonna at this point. it sounds as Dua Lipas team is interested in contacting her for a collaboration in the future. it may be a current/old track or it might be new. no one knows yet. its all a guess.

  13. i know some dont like the two final tracks but it is one album i can listen from start to finish and feel like i have had fun. other albums provided the same feeling but this really takes me back to the 80s before i knew what other fans thought and just enjoyed Madonna for who she was. it was a fun era. social media tends to ruin the fun because everyone must weigh in (which is fine) but some just spoil what is purely fun.

  14. On 7/1/2020 at 8:10 AM, Blue Jean said:

    If she does it it should be a new song. Levitating is not that great.

    i stated the same earlier in this thread about she should do a 'new song' rather this song. i like the song but i think the new song will get more traction. i think a collab will get attention from the fan bases somewhat but get lost in the shuffle being the single is already out there without Madonna on it.

  15. 41 minutes ago, Voguerista said:

    So much better. In my opinion, they should always do her up right for anything and everything. That's what they are getting paid for. 

    who is "they"? the digital stores arent getting paid to "do her up right"? it is actually up to the artists or their management to tend to these things. i am sure the artwork they are using is insignificant to her team to worry about.

  16. 11 hours ago, TakeYaSeat said:

    The worst thing is that even the audio quality on those digital platforms are not that good, like the wrong versions of tracks on Madonna, TIC; Plus, LAP sounds muffled and different from CD, there's even glitch in the begining of Spanish Eyes:confused:

    i should correct my response. i should have said; i dont care because i dont even listen to her music via those platforms. i know they have wrong tracks, etc., but i have all her music on multiple devices and on CD, cassette and vinyl. i really dont understand the craze over streaming music when you can easily own it yourself and listen at your leisure?

  17. 1 hour ago, Monsieur Hugo X said:

    Inspired by the Rebel Heart Tour Video / Audio releases here is a tracklist that I made.

    DVD Tracklist:

    01.- Madame X Tour Intro

    02.- God Control

    03.- Dark Ballet

    04.- Human Nature

    05.- Express Yourself (Acapella)

    06.- Madame X Manifesto (Video Interlude)

    07.- Vogue

    08.- I Don't Search I Find

    09.- American Life

    10.- Amor De Mãe (Video Interlude)

    11.- Batuka

    12.- Fado Pechincha

    13.- Killers Who Are Partying

    14.- Crazy

    15.- Welcome to My Fado Club / La Isla Bonita

    16.- Sodade (with Dino D'Santiago)

    17.- Medellín Intro (Video Interlude)

    18.- Medellín

    19.- Extreme Occident

    20.- Rescue Me (Dance Interlude)

    21.- Frozen

    22.- Come Alive Intro (Video Interlude)

    23.- Come Alive

    24.- Future

    25.- Crave Intro (Video Interlude)

    26.- Crave

    27.- Like a Prayer

    28.- I Rise Intro (Video Interlude)

    29.- I Rise


    Bonus Feature:

    World of Madame X Tour Documentary

    World Pride 2019 Full Show


    Highlights CD Tracklist:

    01.- Madame X Tour Intro

    02.- God Control

    03.- Dark Ballet

    04.- Human Nature

    05.- Vogue

    06.- I Don't Search I Find

    07.- Batuka

    08.- Killers Who Are Partying

    09.- Medellín

    10.- Extreme Occident

    11.- Frozen

    12.- Come Alive

    13.- Like a Prayer

    14.- I Rise


    2CD Tracklist:

    1st CD:

    01.- Madame X Tour Intro

    02.- God Control

    03.- Dark Ballet

    04.- Human Nature

    05.- Express Yourself

    06.- Vogue

    07.- I Don't Search I Find

    08.- American Life

    09.- Batuka

    10.- Fado Pechincha

    11.- Killers Who Are Partying

    2nd CD:

    01.- Crazy

    02.- Welcome to My Fado Club / La Isla Bonita

    03.- Sodade (with Dino D'Santiago)

    04.- Medellín

    05.- Extreme Occident

    06.- Frozen

    07.- Come Alive

    08.- Future

    09.- Crave

    10.- Like a Prayer

    11.- I Rise


    Here is the cover made by @PanditaRulez <3


    i was ok with it all until this image.  surely there is something more flattering and much better? i rather not see my Madonna looking like she is wearing DEPENDS underneath her outfit.

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