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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by poserdemadonna

  1. 16 hours ago, steady75 said:

    LoveSpent & Rebel Heart are the two biggest missed opportunity singles of her entire career.

    Iconic & I'm A Sinner next up

    Body Shop & Devil Pray third swing

    Imagine a post Celebration singles run of

    1. Masterpiece
    2. LoveSpent
    3. I'm A Sinner
    4. GMAYL
    5. Rebel Heart
    6. Devil Pray
    7. Ghosttown
    8. Bitch I'm Madonna
    9. Body Shop
    10. Medellin
    11. God Control
    12. Crave
    13. Future


    They make me miss Warner so bad


    Don't. They're the main reason Hard Candy became the mess it turned out to be.

  2. 4 hours ago, Edina Monsoon said:

    Why should she change just to please you? If you don't like the direction she has taken in recent years then step away. Simple. Madonna has always pissed people off. Imagine the meltdowns if forums had been around when she released Sex. And I hate to be presumptuous, but all I see here is a few men telling a woman what she should and shouldn't be doing with a touch of ageism thrown in. Exactly what she is fighting against.

    I have to say I really LOLed at your username. I love AbFab, sweetie dahling!

  3. Just now, wtg1987 said:

    I don’t class has to be as a b-side but I’m sure I will be shot down - I love that song a lot but I class supernatural as it wasn’t released on any Madonna album - I’m still trying to decipher the lyrics to this song 30 years later ?

    Well, Has to Be was released as a b-side to Ray of Light single as well as bonus on Ray of Light album. I guess it can be considered both a b-side and a bonustrack.

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