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Beautiful Stranger Vs. Amazing

BS Vs Amazing  

37 members voted

  1. 1. Who shall be the winner?

    • Beautiful Stranger
    • Amazing

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I personally prefer Amazing.

It's more "elaborate", and a lot more "orbit-ish".  :lol:  I really love the mood of that song, a little bit nostalgic. It's the "non-acoustic" version of I Deserve It (such a wonderful song! :hearteyes:) .


I never really understood Beautiful Stranger. I find it noisy, useless and silly, although it works perfect live (it could still be a perfect song for an encore... in fact if you turn the Drowned World Tour upside down, it has an excellent conclusion :lol: ).

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Okay, this poll WAS a bit difficult for me; personally, I am not a fan of either one of these songs.  In fact, I had to read all of your reviews before I even voted, to get a clear picture which I never have to do.  


They do sound alike (as some of you have already mentioned), both with like this vibe that I really cannot stand or explain.  But--again--my daughter likes "Beautiful Stranger" a bit, so it got the vote.  

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