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Papa Zelko

Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Papa Zelko

  1. 47 minutes ago, tscott said:

    Tell that to those who want every freakin edit... digitally and streaming released and if not, they whine and moan about it.  No one is going to be listening to all these particular edits in the long run.  So hardcore fans might re-visit them, but I would suspect they already have them in their own physical or digital collection.  No one beyond some fans will care if they are listening to a 7 Inch version or the edited version or the single version and so on.  

    I don’t blame those hardcore fanatics. 🤣❤️


    its just a rule or policy change that needs to happen with Spotify and possibly the rights holders of the tracks. 

    It’s just really fucking dumb the way it is now. 

  2. 1 hour ago, PlayPause said:

    Well again it depends on which point of view you want to have. 

    If you want to see which Madonna song performs best, you have to merge. If you want to see which Madonna release fares better, you keep the numbers separated.

    I agree. A specific edit ur fade out on the same fucking production is still the same fucking song, just shorter. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    remixes where production is completely different shouldn’t be merged, duh. 

  3. 4 hours ago, androiduser said:

    so we can't play the ageism card at this point, we can't play the homophobia/transphobia/fatphobia card because Sam just had a massive hit a few months ago.... we can still play the "she was just having fun, it wasn't meant to be a hit" card:eyes:

    Looks like the general public prefers “adultDonna“ making smooth music. Nothing wrong with that. 

  4. 8 hours ago, Fabiolous said:

    Erotica has a parental advisory for the explicit lyrics of Did you do it, hence why the version without this song doesn't have the logo. American life has parental advisory because she uses the word "fuck" in American Life. Madame X doesn't have any songs that are explicit enough to warrant the logo. The word "bitch" doesn't qualify as explicit, hence why she could get away with it with Thief of hearts and Bitch I'm Loca.

    America, the land of the free and freedom of speech. Where kids are "protected" from "bad words" but get gunned down in school on the regular. Urgh.

  5. I don't understand why they're not merging tracks to be counted as one. Especially when they're essentially the same but even edits should count as one with original. Remixes are a different story.


    Frozen for example. Album version and Celebration bonus track version are basically the same and collectively the track is over 100 mil. That's not including edits. Doesn't make sense.


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