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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by me1981

  1. 2 hours ago, nito84bcn said:

    Because it worked till 2006. Also they are older... are we expecting a Causing a commotion like when they were on their 30's? I'm glad that Madonna moves on from things, and try new always, despite sometimes it could be better or worse, but the same formula it's not a guarantee of success... that happened again working with William Orbit etc... 

    No one expects Causing a Commotion style numbers. Drowned World didn't have them and the three of them still worked well together. Confessions didn't have that style of number and if Niki had been there it would have worked. Rain is one of the more memorable moments from the trio and all they did was sit on stools and sing.

    Also Move on? How long has Jaime King and Kevin Antunes been involved in her tours? King has been with her for 20 years and is back again and Antunes was with her at least 15.

    Now Stuart Price is coming back on board, I don't think bringing Niki and Donna back would be some big step back for her, especially considering this is a celebration of her musical career that they were both a big part of for many years.

  2. 1 hour ago, BlondAmbition said:


    yep, you right! Pioneer's hope was to invest in M which was at the height of her success and to sell its products as much as possible, unfortunately it didn't help.

    I don't know about London, on Ebay u can find secondo night gig unsold tickets (the July 21 date was added later) and I bought the July 7th date in Paris which then never took place...

    yes, the costs were high for the production and the concert was very daring and many did not want to publicize it. Here in Italy, the states were paid by Zard very late, in fact there was a controversy about it

    Didn't know about London and Paris also having issues. I figured the July 7 date was moved earlier to July 6 but I guess she was planning four dates for Paris. 

    I know in Germany people were cooling towards her and she was sliding a bit popularity wise. Maybe it wasn't massive, not sure. 

    I thought the Pioneer deal did help but I guess it didn't. I know her laserdisc was a big seller, but I guess that didn't translate to any further disc or hardware sales.

  3. On 9/24/2023 at 6:57 PM, BlondAmbition said:

    Yes, sure. At the time, I think, everybody knows that digital support would be the future, perhaps , for this reason that M signed the contract with the leading companies in the sector (at the time)...or maybe because it was the only company that wanted to invest in that concert

    who knows!?!

    I think Pioneer really wanted laserdisc to work and it was still struggling. Madonna was one of a few artists they made deals with to ensure people who had never thought to get a laserdisc player would do so. So I am betting they coughed up big bucks. It did work as Madonna's Blond Ambition was a massive seller. 

    I think the reason she went with Pioneer was because they were likely willing to give her a ton of money and she needed it. 

    The Blond Ambition tour was expensive to run week to week. Forbes did an article on it. She was losing money during the US leg even though she was selling out because the operating costs were high but the US market couldn't handle ticket prices much above $30. 

    She could and did charge more in Japan, which is likely why she didn't cancel any concerts and performed in the rain. She was also able to charge a bit more throughout Europe, but the planning of those shows was a bit of a mess and I don't think many went as planned or were the sell outs hoped for. I believe the Paris and London shows were the only ones planned well in advance and were the most successful without any issues. 

    I'd say this is likely the reason we got three tv broadcasts as well. Madonna needed to recoup some losses and so we got three, likely lucrative, tv broadcasts. 

  4. On 9/20/2023 at 7:25 PM, BlondAmbition said:

    Lisa Hollingshead said:

    David Fincher shots all Tokyo shows in 35mm

    read here:


    Lisa Hollingshead interview

    While this would be great, some things don't add up. Alek was brought on once Fincher was out of the picture. There seems to be little doubt about that, Fincher's departure was the reason Madonna called Alek. Alek was with M towards the end of rehearsals and obviously when she landed in Japan. 

    Maybe David had put together a proposal for the shooting of the three Japan shows when the original plan was to do a concert with some backstage material. I don't think he and Alek were in Japan together. 

  5. Since the camera moved angles/positions, it does make me wonder if they were given permission to tape this part of the concert, if not maybe they got some more that was never broadcast. Maybe not the whole show, but maybe the full Burning Up number. 

    I honestly think they got Burning Up without permission. Similar to Sweden BAT 1990, some of that footage looks dodgy, haha.

  6. Did 1990 teach us nothing. back then she was on death's door while on tour apparently "Quit the tour or drop dead", according to the tabs. All she had was a throat infection.

    My guess is she might have ignored some signs (haven't we all) she maybe thought she had a minor flu and ended up a bit sicker than she had thought. TMZ just pushes it further for clicks. 

  7. 9 hours ago, EgoRod said:

    Didn't Pioneer own the rights of distribution of anything Blonde Ambition related anyway?

    Wasn't this the main cause we never had anything but the Blu ray?

    It is my understanding that Pioneer only had a 12 month exclusivity contract and no competing release could occur within that time. There was talk of a VHS in 1991 but Truth or Dare and the Immaculate Collection and Justify My Love videos kind of hampered that. By 1992 I think it was seen as too late to do any release.

  8. 14 hours ago, EgoRod said:

    In the 80-90s nothing was kept. Most part of film for TV recordings and such were destroyed for lack of storage or reuse and erased. It's hard to find any decent documentary, TV recordings from the times.

    Incorrect as stated above. Everything from 1987's Who's That Girl Tour onwards was kept. 

    No, wrong again, tapes were not re-used/wiped in the 80's and 90's, that happened between the 50's to the 70's. By the late 70's archives were being kept of everything.

    If you can't find something it is simply because the production company doesn't care to release it. Any films or tv from the 80's and 90's that have been lost are a rareity and usually due to small production companies that went defunct or storage fires that destroyed certain catalogues due to an accident, or potentially in the case of Truth or Dare, film being lost or misplaced.   

  9. 13 hours ago, zapasowe1 said:

    true. Surprised by anyone saying (with full certainty) that she/ TV/film studio etc. kept all the material etc.

    E.g. in many interviews throughout the years either M or Alek said clearly that the Truth or Dare mastertapes are nowhere to be found etc.  

    Jamesy from Madonna-tv confirmed with the company Nocturn who did the screens footage from WTG tour onwards, that they have all the shows in an archive. It has been mentioned multiple times and Jamesy is a very reliable source who wouldn't lie. 

    So yes it does exist. All her shows since Who's That Girl tour exist in an archive. Any show that had screens for the audience has a recording of that show. 

    Nocturn also did Michael Jackson's shows too

  10. 1 minute ago, Blue Jean said:

    I know numerous people who identify as non binary and I slip up sometimes as it has taken me time to get used to using correct pronouns etc. None of them have ever been offended or demanding about it at all.

    I can honestly say too each and every one of them I can see how that definition applies to them as they are not obviously male nor female and a label as such would be limiting .

    Perhaps there was a period where some young people were leaping on the bandwagon as a fad but I feel that time came and went for the most part. It is not as it a large percentage of young people are all suddenly claiming to be non binary. I cannot understand the hysteria around it from people but I suppose it has been amplified by the media and conspiracy loons have also taken hold of the topic and turned it into something it isn’t.

    Same, have never had a problem with anyone who is non-binary when I have forgotten, and as I said even Sam Smith said they won't get angry if people use he/him but they don't identify that way and it isn't hard to respect that. It is a monority of people and isn't some fad. I agree some people may have jumped on sort of like sicktok when there were a few people faking mental health issues, but I again agree I think that time has passed. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, PaperFaces said:

    You cant make other people see you as you see yourself. Thats, by definiton, narcissism.

    We accuse world leaders and politicians of tyranny when they do the same.

    You cannot self-identify.

    And no one has to participate in your vain, adolescent fantasy that youre a woman just because you say you are.

    Easy to say that when you dont bleed once a month or reduce women to being “a feeling”.

    I will not do that.

    Not all biological women bleed once a month some never do for whatever reason, no need to reduce a woman down to a biological function.

    Speaking of biology, is that the litmus test here? If so there is no gene or biology that accounts for sexaulity. So then what makes a person Gay? It isn't biology, so what else is it? You identify as Gay or Straight or Bi and what, I am supposed to just buy into your identity, where is the biological proof. 

    This is why Gay conversion therapy exists because people don't believe Gay people are really Gay just confused Heterosexuals. It's a slippery and dangerous slope when you speak of identity. Sexuality is literally identity and it is based off how you feel. Not any science based biology, yet you are free to identify however you want. 

  12. 1 hour ago, BuggedOut said:

    Uh, no.

    Sam Smith is one person.

    I am perfectly accepting of anyone being who they are. Male, female, etc. if you want to be referred to as ‘him’ or ‘her’ that’s fine, but when you start saying ‘them/they’ it sounds like they have multiple personality disorder. 

    There’s a reason so many heteros think being gay is a mental illness.

    I couldn’t be a more accepting person, but we are all only one person.

    Thats my own personal opinion. Sorry if I am not conforming to how people want me to be (like Sam Smith).

    Lots of people identify as non binary. It is how they choose to see themselves. It doesn't take much to respect that. Many thought being gay was a mental illness too. It was only deregistered in the 1970's. 

  13. 5 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

    He’s both now. The fact some people won’t accept him as the latter is because his performances make them feel uncomfortable. So they have to dismiss it as “not him.” It is clearly him and how he chooses to express himself as an artist now.

    For the record Sam prefers they/them pronouns, that's how they identify, though have said they won't get angry if you use he/him.

    I think if you're going to address who Sam Smith is at least respect how they identify. 

  14. Not trying to start anything but I will be honest

    Sam's whole attitude during lockdown really made me dislike them. They have entitled written all over and I don't see anything they do as empowering but rather self indulgent. I feel like something about the way they reacted during that time really opened my eyes to who they are. I know celebs gaff quite a bit, even M did during that time, but there is something about Sam I really don't like, the attitude that isn't overly obvious but pops out here and there. 

    In saying that, if this performance gives you a good feeling and makes you feel empowered than that's awesome. 


  15. 4 hours ago, Askeroff said:


    so its not Billboard apology :Madonna008: 

    Billboard always supported Madonna though. In 1992 they called Erotica a brilliant and underrated album. In 2005 they literally did an entire article asking Radio programmers why they weren't playing Hung Up, they basically proved that she was being unofficially blacklisted from radio.

    They have always been on her side, even if their rule changes didn't always support her. 

    I don't think Billboard has to apologise. Read the article, it isn't saying anything bad about her, simply laying things out as they happened and why they may have happened. 

  16. People have been hating on Rolling Stone since the 70's, even then many saw it as trash. In 1984 they called her a slut, so I'm not sure why anyone has ever like RS. 

    I do think AL is her weakest of the WB years. Yeah even HC is at least fun. 

    I think her attitude turned a lot of people off back then, she was endlessly preaching about the illusions of the material world while still fully entrenched in it and enjoying it. Don't tell me it all means nothing while you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on photo shoots and jet around the world.

    Maybe if she had become a Joan Baez type I might have believed her and respected this era more, but it all seemed so shallow.

    In terms of the music, it did feel disjointed and not fully realised somehow. Some great lyrics but the production doesn't work for me. 

    I will add I like that she did something different and tried different things. I'm glad there are those that love it. 

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