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Popular has 499,458,484 (+3,568,326) Streams on Spotify!

*Yesterday was the 2nd best streaming day ever for the song.

And january 2024 is the biggest streaming month ever.

Biggest streaming days on Spotify:

  • 06/02 - 3,940,928
  • 01/19 - 3,568,326
  • 01/18 - 3,448,799
  • 01/17 - 3,426,719
  • 01/12 - 3,370,446
  • 01/16 - 3,326,882
  • 01/13 - 3,293,245
  • 01/15 - 3,249,976
  • 01/11 - 3,227,526
  • 01/10 - 3,157,050
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