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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 16 hours ago, botella11 said:

    I would honestly LOVE a biopic focusing on the period going from the ending of BAT (career peak) to the launch of ROL (or the birth of Lourdes). It would cover Erotica, SEX, the whole BTS campaign, etc.

    Same, but that kind of thing is unlikely to eventuate until after she passes away (not to be morbid about it).

    That is when the niche angles of an icon's life story start to present themselves in various forms of media.

  2. 5 hours ago, BoyToyMark said:

    I adore Let Down Your Guard and Your Honesty. Hopefully Let Down Your Guard is uploaded to streaming at some point.

    Surprised Your Honesty wasn't used as the b-side to Human Nature.

    I love LDYG but can't connect to YH because it's mastering quality is so poor.

  3. 16 minutes ago, cyberrage said:

    Yawn for me. Madonna is a well documented visual artist, they have filmed everything forever and released nothing but the met gala show.

    Its seems inexplicable to make a traditional 2 hour Hollywood style movie recreation and not a modern long form visual biography with Madonna telling her stories against the real footage. Ill keep an open mind that may be scenario with Garner in limited flashback scenes to tell the earlier stories.

    Totally, or at least a limited series on streaming, to really flesh out her story.

  4. 20 minutes ago, steady75 said:

    This is how I see things going.

    The film will be her life story but the soundtrack will be an OST. Eg new music and thus her new album. New songs potentially made with new producers and also collaborators throughout her career. Nile / Price / Mirwais / Diplo / Leonard . That would be such a Madonna thing to do.

    She will win an Oscar for best original song.

    The film will take much longer than expected to make and may be fraught. Expect many tabloid / gossip pieces. 

    Prince, MJ and many other men will feature heavily in her film. She wont even get a mention in MJ's and if she does it will be slight or maybe even derogatory/ dismissive.

    The reissues will not come now until 2026 after the biopic.

    In the next 12 months we will have the Celebration Tour film and Sound recording on platforms to tide us over.

    The digital single release campaign will continue at this snails pace rounding up just as the biopic kicks off.

    Madonna father is not well it would seem and his health or any deterioration in his health may interrupt these plans.  Hope he's doing well.

    Expect rats to start coming out of the woodwork with stories and more books about her. 

    Guy O will step down as her manager in the next five years.

    The biopics angle will likely be about her survival as a woman in a mans world plagued by unfortunate deaths of relationships, friends, family, and contemporaries along the way. It will deal with her survivor guilt and will be called Live To Tell. 

    They'll potentially eek another Greatest Hits or compilation of some sort in the next two years. 

    While there will be no new Madonna music until the biopic she will feature on some more collaborative tracks for other peoples albums. maybe Katy Perry / Diplo / Mirwais / Honey Dijon 

    The movie will actually be critically acclaimed but will not do the box office numbers like Rocket Man or Elvis or the MJ product.

    Julia will be brilliant at acting in the film for the locals but the hardcore fanbase will remain unconvinced.  

    More coloured vinyls. 

    Warning Signs will still not leak.

    Haha, solid post there.

    My main gripe is why would MJ feature heavily in her biopic when they only met three times?

    Her posthumous displays of appreciation for him feel tinged with a degree of guilt or regret...

    That aside, I'm not excited about this because music biopics have a super high cringe rate.

  5. 11 hours ago, Redha DBL said:

    Once again the man is suffering of severe drugs addiction. He probably posts stuff at night when he's totally wasted on drugs and when he wakes up he's probably horrified by what he has posted and delete it. Typical. People shouldn't read too much into his posts. Madonna knows it and that's probably why she doesn't seem to be bothered. Remember when Courtney was totally wasted and throwing stuff at M at the VMA'S ? Keep in mind that Walliam is probably in the same state when he's writting those stuff... I'm not saying to be a drugs addict is ok to say mean things and that everything should be forgiven, i'm just answering to the people who don't get why he seems so bipolar on his posts and deletes some of them a few hours after posting them. 

    By mid-2022, he spoke of overcoming his addictions, so let's not speculate too much.

    Some people can actually be bipolar or just don't have a filter, while not being addicted to substances.

    Also, he's a Sagittarius (AKA Sagitterrorist), who are notoriously blunt and kind of tactless.

  6. 2 hours ago, Donna said:

    Very well said.  His last sentence really had no relevance to what he was posting. He went out of his way to throw such shade when it wasn't even necessary.  He definitely is can't move on. For a man who claims to know her very well... should know that Madonna doesn't respond to such outbursts publicly. He should know comments like that will only dig whatever hole he's dug prior, even deeper with her.  He either needs to contact her personally to work things out or let it go.  Airing shit like this will only put a further wedge between the two.

    I don't think he gives a toss, love.

  7. 39 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    Orbit continues to be her most unprofessional collaborator ever:


    The constant use of her name for social media attention.

    The constant shade and dragging here and there.



    "Ray Of Light" was 26 years ago. You had your chance with "MDNA" and blew it. Let go.

    He knows her better than you and I and is entitled to his opinion, I guess.

  8. Reinvention Tour, as a title, was genius.

    American Life was way too stigmatised, so she needed a tour name that didn't reference the album.

    She was famously referred to as 'the queen of reinvention', so this was a savvy way to capitalise on that moniker.

    The general public didn't know the song Nobody Knows Me, so it would've been less meaningful to them.

  9. 5 hours ago, Andymad said:

    I have so much heartfelt love for her honesty. It truly baffles me the naysayers, how they speak about her sometimes. And reading this you just see a pure human full of love, emotions and real life feelings. To take that away from her or to discount her because of "how you feel about her", is purely a cold hating heart that needs serious help. She should be so proud of what she's accomplished, and how she's coped. It's so wonderful to see her heart so full for the past 6 months.

    Must we be so black and white about people? Two things can be true at the same time, after all.

    It never ceases to nauseate me when stans defend her like a cult figure or saint who is holy and faultless.

    She is a profound woman who, for many, has had moments of distaste in recent years. It's okay to accept that.

    We admire her for her strengths and weaknesses, bravado and vulnerabilities. It's a complex packaged deal.

  10. I loved hearing the creative genius that is Vincent Paterson talk about his time with Madonna in this recent interview that I stumbled across today.

    He's one of my fave collaborators of hers as he was responsible for so much brilliance, and is always very generous when discussing it during interviews.

    It's pretty remarkable what he was able to achieve in just three weeks, and quite clear that he saved her tour after the original choreographer was fired.


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