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Posts posted by michel.kettermann

  1. For what it says on the cover, it probably is the Brazilian Portuguese translation of the 2015 The Ultimate Guide to Her Music and Legend. 
    I just hope they use some different pictures (like the one released in Argentina).
    About the cover, I definitely prefer the Virgin era best. 

  2. On 3/22/2024 at 9:43 AM, Nahash said:

    Speakin' of the devil, does anyone here know what the hell is he now? And if he even have been a M fan at all... (a Gospel music stan doing the same for M... Comm'on!)

    @michel.kettermannsince you were also a part of Madonna Brazilian fansites in the past, would love to know from you the digging from such info. Or of course from anyone else.

    Bees, o Diogo com O tá vivo ou não???

    I'm sorry, but I have no idea who this person is. 

  3. 18 hours ago, Starchild said:

    I'm not even a RuPaul fan but this is clearly a spiteful statement just because you're bruised on behalf of your queen.


    18 hours ago, Starchild said:

    I'm not even a RuPaul fan but this is clearly a spiteful statement just because you're bruised on behalf of your queen.


  4. On 7/22/2023 at 3:11 AM, McDonna said:


    This Camile interview was done on the same day that she did many other press interviews sporting her newly dyed long dark hair.  It was September 1998!  One of those interviews she did was with ET (see below which documents the September date by mentioning the upcoming VMAS that same week).  As you can see, it's all from the same day and she's wearing the same outfit and sporting the same hair do.  It's a great interview. She talks about so much, including the death of Princess Diana, motherhood and also giving a sneak peak of filming of The Power of Goodbye video.


    It is funny to listen to the journalist saying, "exclusive interview" and here in Brazil journalist Marilia Gabriela said the same at the opening of the program. By the way, that "interview" haunts her to this day. And every time someone asks her about that she basically puts the blame at Madonna.

  5. On the second show in São Paulo (December 20 2008) there was a quick problem with the screen and sound in the beginning of "Get Stupid". 
    At the MDNA concert in Porto Alegre, she cut two songs (Like A Virgin and Love Spent). The concert started almost three hours late and the crowd got really pissed. It was Sunday, the day was really really really hot and most people started to curse and boo. Then, during her speech, she said she almost didn't go on stage because of a cold. I was at the golden triangle on that day and saw the whole rehearsal. 
    When the concert ended it was past 1 am. That's why I don't take her seriously when she says, "I love my fans". She loves money. Whenever she performs in latin American countries she shows how disrespectful she is towards her fans. 

  6. I studied in public schools the whole elementary cycle and never heard or saw anyone saying anything bad about her. When I was in the 9th grade (1993) Madonna came to Brazil for the first time and she was all around. I was already a fan at the time and both classmates and teachers used to bring me newspapers and magazines clippings and we even worked the lyrics of "In This Life" in one of the English classes. I took a cassette tape with the song and we followed the lyrics and she explained the vocabulary. 
    Back in 1989 one of my clasmates took her cassette tape of "Like A Prayer" to show us and everyone was like, "oh, my God, put it on, we want to listen to the song (which had been released a few weeks before and everyone was in love with it).
    Even in high school my classmates and teachers used to mention they had seen her video or an interview on TV or heard her song on the radio and came to me to ask if I had the album or the CD.
    So, all my memories of that period, at least for me, were realy great.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Anapausis said:

    Yep, I used to be an ESMA collaborator too.

    Btw, how's Fábio Freire, have you seen him lately? Last time I had Instagram he was living in Portugal. How I miss him, Jota, Rachel...

    Time goes by so fast, as @Enricotold splendidly!!!

    We have a short chat sometimes. Nothing like we used to back in the day. But these things happen. Life.
    He's been in Portugal since last year I guess.

  8. 3 hours ago, Anapausis said:

    My 2nd one comes from Madonna herself, as a columnist to Israeli newspaper Yedioth Akronoth (where you do find the only ever mention by hers of my belief, Gnosticism, afaik):


    @michel.kettermanntranslated this text, when it came out, to Portuguese, I'll never forget that.

    Did I? Don't remember that :luv:
    Probably when I used to be part of the EstiloMadonna fan page back in the day.
    Good times, by the way.
    Thanks for that.

  9. 1 hour ago, DiegoLCL said:

    The way Madonna is still gracious to Cher and Elton John after all the shit they say and has never responded to this man in forty years speaks volumes about his relevance. It must hurt him...


    Does anyone have this interview? She was so beautiful in it. I've only seen a few seconds here and there with poor quality.
    About Boy George, who cares? It looks like famous gay men have severe problems againts Madonna.

  10. Most fans will disagree, but the simplicity of this compilation is what makes me put it as number one amongst her compilations (yes, I prefer it over The Immaculate Collection - I've never been a fan of remixes and, for me, there is no better version of "Like A Prayer" than the album version). Anyways, "Something to Remember" has a special place in my heart because it shows the other side of Madonna. Although I miss "The Look of Love" and "Bad Girl" and I would definitely include "Love Tried to Welcome Me", the tracks she put in it were pretty well chosen. I also love the simplicity of the cover, the flowers in the back cover and I wish they had included a booklet with pictures and a few lines from the lady herself talking a little bit about each song. But I know that is too much to ask for.

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