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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by stefo

  1. Ok, so she's not about to release any new music in the near future:  we need some old unreleased to surface this summer guys, please be generous !!

  2. And thinking that the only thing i really want is a new record ... gosh
  3. First to vote guyzzz In a day where she speaks about touring and finding ways to take her catalogue to younger people and NO HINTS OF NEW STUDIO WORKS, let's give some love to that unlucky (how many weird things happened during the release of this record) and uncertain attempt that Rebel Heart was, still courageous and passionate.
  4. What what what? Sorry I missed a lot of this conversation and now I'm reading that the movie will stop at the Blond Ambition tour? NO WAY, PLEASE!!! I think it would be such a mistake to cut it so early. I mean, the person as the public persona went through a lot during the 90s (the Sex scandal got not just the press but the public opinion against her and she got hurt that time, she said it in many occasions: her maternity and the search for a new balance in her life after that are the most interesting parts to be told for me). I'd be ok stopping the story with Ray of Light, I would understand that and, basically, the meaning points missing would just be her marriage disappointment and her Malawi commitment. I agree about the Britney kiss, it's useless imo: the point is selecting the right episodes and perspective to create an interesting and authentic story-telling. I mean, I think that the Britney kiss is another occasion in wich she provoked with a sexual kind of innuendo: the two huge scandals of LAP and Sex, well told, would be enough about that. I hope it's not a change connected with the substitution of Diablo as her co-writer, cause I'm sure she explicitely talked about Evita and Lola during a live Instagram chat with fans in 2020. Bad news guys, alwaus bad news ....
  5. Beautiful pics from the A league of their own set in the first one her hair and face seem taken right from the Like a Prayer shooting And a SEX outtake
  6. Almost sure Deeper and Deeper - this is almost sure to promote her remix thing coming this summer Frozen (Sickick remix) - almost announced by her in an Insta live, on the phone with Sickick Possible other choices: Celebration - she just quoted the title on Insta (I mean, with such a catalogue ...) Vogue - it's a classic, it's lgbtq+ related, she already did it practically without dancing during the MadameX tour: it's perfect! Into the groove - again, possible promo for the remix thing Music or Hung Up - she thinks they're always good options (I would make a thought about the opportunity of insisting after her recent experiments though ) I still dream of a mature pair of tracks, with completely live and well trained vocals, without any kind of pre-recorded or altering sound effects. I don't know, something like Live to tell and Secret
  7. Sorry she was fine but I did not like Ozark, I got bored very soon and left it. I don't think she's such a star honestly, absolutely a good professional, but you really need more to succeed in this role. Said that, it's just my opinion at the news, hope to retract when the movie will be out.
  8. Noooo, terrible choice! God I'm so disapponited, Florence was the one, no way! She had that look, the grit and depth in the eyes, the charisma and presence, and she is so talented! This girl is cute, but ordinary, shallow for me, can't see her being believable to tell the True Blue, the Blond Ambition or the Sex arrogance and huge stardom status. Just hope she's not gonna tell herself as a girl from Midwest who faught against prejudices and toxic patriarchy ...
  9. But do really people want her to make this movie thing over a new tour??? C'me on ... the only possible reason I can imagine is that, after her last live performances, they're scared as I am
  10. Yep, among the reasons to be proud of her
  11. This 20 minutes long  video (love this channel by the way guys) makes me think that the BA Dallas proshot does exsits, am I wrong? Does anybody know anything about it?


    1. Curtains


      Some of this seems to be from New Jersey, but I would love a full Dallas or Houston pro shot to leak. She was still mostly live on these shows and still had the ponytail which I adore.

    1. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      "Order your exclusive limited edition Madonna Zimmer Frame here...,

      This is one team-up no Real Fan will want to miss !"

    2. DrunkBySix
    3. blondebenji


      Finally enough Love

  12. Yeaaah congrats to everyone guys, this is the worst rate we ever made!! I mean, Nobody's perfect 12th and IMPRESSIVE INSTANT 5TH: we could not do better than this Pity just for the first position of Music, wich is unfortunately quite easy to share. We still have six other rates though
  13. Of course, of course ... every possible shit BUT NO NEW SONGS

    PLEASE GUYS, share some old demo or unreleased track, be generous! Believe me, nobody will go to jail for this

  15. Well maybe the promotion is also influenced by the reception of the early material: ROL, COADF, LAP, TB, EROTICA, LAV, MUSIC, all these albums had excellent and long promotions also because the tv and radio audiences wanted her, asked for her and got fun dancing her stuff on the dancefloors. Of corse, in this as in many other aspects, Erotica/Sex was a case of its own she was the media sensation of the moment, everybody talked and wanted to hear about her to be shocked and criticize, even if the album had a moderately cold reception. AL, MDNA, HC, BS, RH were not succesful and maybe this also made it harder and less convenient to invest more time, money and media exposure promoting them. Imo, to be honest, the only good ones among them were Bedtime Stories, wich paid for the Erotica scandal, and PARTIALLY Rebel Heart, the most unlucky record in the history of music (I mean, the leaks, the Brits Awards falling, the plastic surgery critics,, the radio ban). MADAME X ... well, that's the case of a complete mess, made of carelessness, lack of awareness and selfindulgence (and how I still love sooo many intentions and ideas of that fucking record, just a few steps of selfcritique to be contained and possibly brilliant). But, as I already said in the Maluma concert topic, that's who she is today and it's all another story: you can't parallell this with Madonna the icon of the 80s, 90s and 00s
  16. May I say that just ONE new track, or at least a proper rework of an old classic (and I don't mean the Frozen mixes), would have been much appreciated?
  17. Ok, this one was tough, such a great album, super difficult to rate, BUT To Have and Not To Hold, Swim and Skin are too low for me guys.
  18. Absolutely, but for me the problem is not the fact that of course she can't perform with that energy anymore, popping and singing as she did with "Beautiful stranger" 21 years ago, for me she can't perform at all. She could put on solid shows dedicating her attention to music, voice, sound and an imagery able to exalt her 64yo persona, wich is something different than feeling or looking old, nothing to do with that. Wanting to look trendy and young and free and energetic as a kid shows right the opposite of her. She doesn't seem aware of what she is doing anymore and it's painful.
  19. Wow just watched it and guys, honestly, I'll for ever be a fan, at the same time I'm really afraid this is it for her. She really seems not to be aware of the effect she gets onstage anymore, her limits, her real look, she neither seems taking care of anything of it, not the voice, not the coreo (she doesn't remember the steps, doesn't rehearse or excercize a little and honestly at her age this way you can't move), not the image (and it's not about ageing). It's just like all another person, not M. Is it an evolution? Maybe, absolutely, but it's got nothing to do with art and talent. I mean, how did we get to this?
  20. Wow guys the ambitions of this thing are so low ...
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