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Posts posted by sara94

  1. 12 minutes ago, True Blue 84 said:

    Realy? I always tought europian people where much harder on her 

    Idk at least the reviews about the tour were all positive. Most were only complaining about the sound & her being late.

    I feel like the americans are a lot more critical, meaner and ageists. I hope i'm wrong. 

  2. 1. Nothing Really Matters. Absolutely iconic. Will never forget how she appeared out of nowhere like a goddess.

    2. Its a tie between Holiday, Into The Groove & Everbody. Her Energy and dancing was great during these.

    3. La Isla Bonita. Seeing her singing it live with the audience turning on their flashlights and singing along was so beautiful.

    4. Vogue. The iconic choreo was great to see. 

    5. Tie between Don't Tell Me & Hung Up. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Lucas B. said:

    It seems the possibility of M to bring the tour to Brazil is very high, as a fan who never had the chance to attend any of her concerts I would like to know: which place/section is the best one to be, where I can see M close and see everything around the stage?

    For the past 16 years I've been dreaming of this moment, and it seems it'll finally come true, so I would be very pleased if you guys could help me with any tips :) 

    I was on the right side. I'd recommend the left side cause she sang the best songs there, in the center and main stage. 

    If i remember correctly its:

    Right Side = Human Nature, Justify My Love, part of Bitch I'm Madonna, part of Erotica

    Left Side = Into The Groove, Open Your Heart, Vogue

  4. 54 minutes ago, stefo said:

    Excellent edit of one of the most iconic performances of NRM from the EU league, the first Berlin concert one :broken: loved it 


    I'm repeating myself for the 5000th time now, but I was THERE omg. 

    I know she hadn't the biggest energy at this venue or the best audience but we had the honor to see her wearing the straight hair. And I love to pretend she did it for me lmao. Every time i see clips of her from the tour with the hairstyle, I immediately know its from my night. 

  5. 5 hours ago, True Blue 84 said:

    Im still inside the Celebration Tour  bubble 🥰

    Watching video's over and over and over 

    One of my favorite parts is Bedtime stories going into Ray of Light... So fucking iconic 

    Me too! Its been exactly a week now since i saw her live and i'm still not over it. Me and my sister are constantly talking about that day, sending each other tik toks of her and some of that night.

    You know she told the audience "I'm not taking drugs, I am the drug." And she's totally right. Watching her live is like taking some healing drugs. 

  6. Here are some reviews for the Berlin shows (mostly 1st Night) with translation of the most important. 


    Rbb24: "Showcase of a Popqueen"


    They say she still sets standards. Seems relaxed and in a chatting mood. They say "what Madonna has achieved here, despite all the evil tongues, is really impressive and, above all, she offers 15,000 people a safe space that evening."


    "Boss babe who doesn't need a best-of show"


    They say she looks "fantastic" and one could even say she "never looked better". They say the audience wasn't screaming like at Bieber concerts but instead had amazed faces. They say she sang live and good. 

    Laut.de: "The defiling Mary in Berlin"


    They say you can tell that she really enjoys this tour. They say she is "remarkably well integrated into the choreography. A certain slight hip stiffness seems more pleasant than annoying; it even gives her more dignity and gravitas." They complain about the sound in the arena and "miss a band." 

    tip Berlin


    They say it became clear after this evening that she's still the "undisputed" Queen of Pop.

    BZ-Berlin: "Madonna's (65) Berlin concert was a triumph! The US star put on a superlative show for over two hours"


    T-Online: "The Queen of Pop is building her own monument"


    Bild.de: "MadONNA WEATHER, what a show!"



  7. 53 minutes ago, PM3962 said:

    Articles are very bad about the public in both shows of Berlin. The coldest audience ever had they said. And still no word about Cologne where the public was perfect and the concerts too. And no word of Madonna about Cologne. 

    Her  goodbye in Amsterdam for the second and last in Europe is colder than 1st December. She is fed up. 

    So I am happy to have had the chance to see her in Cologne where everything was perfect. 


    From which newspages exactly? Cause all i read was positive. They even criticized the audience more than her.

  8. On 11/20/2023 at 9:45 PM, TorontoDude said:

    I would really like the Blond Ambition tour dancers to make an appearance in this segment!. It would just be so fitting to particularly have both Luis and Jose here!

    Other great appearances could be Debi (as she introduced M to vogue), Niki+Donna, Rupaul and Beyonce

    Salim Gauwloos liked and replied with 3 heart emojis my IG Comment where I said I hope to see him reunited with M when the tour comes to America.


    2 hours ago, McDonna said:

    It is.  It's interesting that most google searches of her Celebration Tour, the visual mostly relates to this first look in the tour.  Maybe it's just easier for a lot of sources, but I know for a lot of fans, NRMs is a huge highlight on the tour.  It may not be the most popular song from Madonna, but it's very Madonna. What's great that among a show that is celebrating a lot of her iconic moves aas an entertainer, she sill is able to unveil a new iconic look.  :party:

    Its a perfect opener. The second she started singing it, my body started shivering. The whole atmosphere in the arena was something else. It felt like a heavenly arrival. And i love how she was all alone on the stage so the focus was on her only. I will never forget this.

  10. 43 minutes ago, McDonna said:

    Sorry, I just don't see them. I'm looking at the pics when she had straight hair throughout the show, and the early performances as you say, doesn't look like she's wearing them.  Maybe someone can post an image, where the grills are evident when she had the straight hair?

    Okay so I've rewatched some of the clips i took from the 1st Berlin show and here are shitty quality screenshots where you can see she's not wearing grillz








  11. The official opening time at our show was 20:30. Nobody should expect that the show starts right on time. You get in the arena like an hour before the official time (around 20:00), Stuart starts playing some of her remixes then you have about an hour until she starts at around 22:10. We used the time to buy some drinks, buy merch and go to the toilet. I actually liked that we weren't in a rush. Imagine entering the venue and she starts singing like 10 minutes later. 

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