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Posts posted by xrayeyes

  1. 9 hours ago, EgoRod said:

    Don't put together a great video with whatever school project that backdrop was. I never got what had to do with the rest of the show neither understood why they had to do such a cheap animation for an interlude


    To this day it makes no sense....all I can think is that it was her kids idea or something?

    Stood out like a sore thumb. Annie Lennox got some royalites so maybe money motivation / African charity work etc.

    No idea. But yeah, thanks I thought I was the only one.

  2. There is nothing sadder and more tragic than someone falling for the social media woke virus.

    "Look at me, I'm pure and self-righteous and perfect"

    I feel sorry for those with brain parasites burying their way into your minds, infecting you with reality distorting nonsense and hyper-emotional child-like craziness. Get off the internet and get into reality!

    Please don't let this forum get infected!

  3. 4 hours ago, DrunkBySix said:

    How convenient of Madonna to "stand up" for Dave Chapelle when she has just announced her first music project in years.

    Bingo! Never forget, all she has ever done is realise the power of controversy to sell her products!

    People read WAY too much into everything she does.

    She is a saleswoman plain and simple. All her choices are motivated by money, not art!

  4. Never forget, she is still that little girl who would jump up on the table in the kitchen, flash her underwear and shock everyone.

    She thrives on ANY attention. The more you go against her, the more she will do it.

    She genuinely does not care. She is Midas in her own mind. Everything she touched really did turn to gold, but the gold stopped coming a long time ago, but she still thinks it is there. Being surrounded by leeches that live off of her are the problem. As someone who has been around them, believe me- they are hungry dogs drunk on the power, stardom and money and they will fight tooth and nail with anyone who wants to take that away. Rabid dogs will always protect their prize bitch who remains clueless.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bionic said:

    I say this a lot, I find it astounding if not shocking how little young people know about pop culture (and probably some other stuff too) that came out before their time. I'm a 90s kid yet even from a young age I could name you all sorts of artists from the 80s, 70s, 60s,.. same with movies and TV shows.

    The current generation seems to be almost completely unaware of anything from the last century....

    Becuase multiple generations watched one television in one room and shared stories and pop culture. 
    kids today live in their phones in a bubble. No connection to the past. Just endless regurgitated present. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Alibaba said:

    As this forum is shutting down, I will take the opportunity to express a few personal truths. I have loved Madonna since her rise to prominence. She has been an incredible role model and educator. She is a fascinating person who has marched to the beat of her own drum with courage and conviction. The richness and success of her discography puts most popular artists to shame! She has produced some of the most exquisitely conceived stage performances in history, and she has been able to remain the center of attention for good and for bad throughout her long and illustrious career. 

    I am also able to accept that Madonna’s imperialism has long ended, and her exceptional achievements have for the most part become minor sound bytes in a world consumed by constant change and newness. Her public profile has evolved considerably in recent years due to her adopting social media as her primary content source. Her IG content has often been viewed as awkward and tone deaf, but she is clearly content to convey to the world that she lives a very unique life that most people cannot relate to, and she doesn’t seem to care much what anyone thinks of her (except for certain rappers). I respect these choices and continue to see the same bravery and audacity in her that I’ve always seen. 

    However, this doesn’t mean that I find her modern aesthetic choices pleasant. That you disagree also doesn’t mean that I, or any other critic, should refrain from expressing an opinion that doesn’t placate her fans who are sensitive to her being criticized or objectified.  

    Here’s where it becomes dangerous to express what I experience as the truth because there’s an awful lot of SJW virtue signaling that has become rampant on here, which is unsurprisingly completely in line with the general behavioral fascism society seems intent on imposing. Any narrative that contradicts the prescribed acceptable sycophancy is considered offensive. Well hold onto your hats because I am going to express my truth and risk it all! ?

    That Madonna has had cosmetic enhancements and procedures is not the issue. She’s 63. She should do whatever she wants to look her very best and feel as confident as she deserves to feel. To me, the problem is that the work she has had done in the last few years is bad. I personally think she looks awful, and I would sue if I ended up looking like she does. It looks botched, or poorly done. Her eyelids barely exist, her cheek fillers are disproportionate and ill-placed, her eyes look like pinholes due to the enormity of the cheeks and the elongated chin, and her stretched jawline is in such contrast to the neck and chin that it looks odd at best. Yes, there are bad angles and there is always the problem of bad lighting. I’m certain that if we saw Madonna up close in person she would look flawless and there would be aspects of her mesmerizing beauty on display, but in photos she looks absolutely ghoulish to me. I understand that I am not allowed to say this out of a code of honor as a Madonna fan, but it is my truth, and one that many others also see. Additionally,  the buttock enhancement is clearly botched. It looks painfully out of place, and only an insane person would want that given the health risks of such a surgery, particularly when you have a hip replacement and serious knee issues. Again, that is my opinion, and I maintain that it is okay to critique Madonna’s physique as she has used her body for commercial and artistic ends since the beginning of her career. If she had a second head attached to her neck, would it also be outrageous to notice or feel it wasn’t the best choice (in my opinion)?

    To take things further, Madonna increasingly chooses creative projects that do not  resonate with me, or large parts of her fanbase for that matter. I find the Frozen remix is of minor interest, and I truly wonder who she thinks she is playing to these days. The once intellectualized mystique I associated with her work has been demolished in the last two years. I find it hard not to cringe when I see the bizarre display of Hidden Hills McMansion photo shoots that appear far too regularly to be of significance, featuring some elfin-filtered version of herself that might appeal to the aesthetic tastes of teenage girls if it weren’t for the fact that she is 63 and they know it. 

    These are just simple truths to me. I don’t think these truths are misogynistic or ageist. They are just an expression of personal feeling to which I am entitled as a human being and life-long admirer of Madonna and her creative journey. It is true that the aspects of Madonna’s career that I most enjoyed are of the past. That doesn’t mean that I am not still an avid follower of her craft, and I am sure there will be Madonna projects in the future that I will be thrilled to discover. Whatever she is doing right now, however, simply isn’t doing it for me, and that, my friends, is okay. 

    The End.

    Beautifully written. Nice to see there are still people out there that can think and write.

    I agree with everything you said.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Enrico said:

    It's not a problem to have a different opinion. I think we are pretty divided in contemporary Madonna.

    It's a problem to call other members of the forum "stupid" as you did on previous page.

    Didn't call any ONE stupid. Just the general stupidity of mindless fawning over everything. If people were HONEST about everything she did, it would be a more interesting and authentic place. That's all.

  8. 38 minutes ago, yeezuslovesmypussybest said:

    But it's you attempting to silence and censor her creative expression because it doesn't align with your personal views of what music should be. And not even in a nuanced or informed way (which people would've respected), but in a childish and bigoted way... and calling us stupid in the process.

    I think that speech was about people like you.

    I would never silence or censor anyone for any reason. Hence why I'm a Madonna fan.

    I don't need things to align to my view of anything. I just know good art from bad art.

    I just don't have to like everything. I'm not an obedient cow spoon-fed at a trough...

    A forum is not a forum without dissent or other opinions, what a sad horrible and narcissistic bubble that would be.

    But you know what, I've seen the error of my ways. I will go now, like an obedient cow and stream the crap out of that remix, then I will buy 10 versions of the same record, then I will fill my house with crappy merch because she needs our support...as impoverished as she is...those ass implants ain't cheap yo!

  9. 23 minutes ago, EgoRod said:

    leaving again you mean, because is like the hydra, you cut one head but keeps growing back


    I never left. I was kicked out for having different opinions from the holier-than-thou mindless hoarde of zombie sheep. 
    Amazing how we can all admire a woman who values self-expression yet silence and hate people who think different…so bizarre. 

    “when those fascist dictators posing as righteous men come for you…to shut you up..” etc

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