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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. On 7/4/2022 at 6:39 PM, EgoRod said:
    It is a dub. Stuart Price promoted the track without vocals in clubs beforehand, then he created the vocal track adding the chorus bit. I remember the first two versions that leaked were just like an instrumental and the dub/vocal.
    So maybe that's why it got named as vocal mix instead.

    I first heard the dub during his DJ set at a club in Australia in Jan/Feb 2005.

    I remember noticing that he took a photo/video of us dancing to it.

    Of course, we’d later find out that he sent it to M herself.

    He was in town for the Good Vibrations festival.

    Big Daddy and Ana Matronic from Scissor Sisters were on the dance floor too.

    Incredible set and night. Love Stuart.

  2. What’s strange to me is that a bunch of people will give a timeline of Madonna’s ass, but not actually notice that her ass in the latest screencap freaking you out shows she’s corrected the overlapping flap that was very evident from the side at the Met Ball performance, the MTV Awards and the Maluma performance. Whatever she has changed is for the better (fitness level, weight, tailoring, styling), and yet you choose instead to refocus your energy in the same debate that has been resurfacing over and over again for several years! It’s not going to just disappear. This is Madonna. Either accept that, or prepare to be forever disappointed going forth because she will probably not be getting younger, smaller, more agile, more conventional…more anything to suit your personal taste…and if she does and it pleases you, do hold on to that gift as it will add to the nearly 40 year legacy she has worked hard to share with us all. Celebrate all of it because, like you, it won’t last forever! 

    She ‘corrected’ the ass fold with Photoshop… not IRL.
  3. On 7/3/2022 at 8:32 PM, steady75 said:
    Madonna sees convention as boring. She only turns to it when the controversial has alienated her.  True Blue / Ray Of Light / Confessions. These are her most conventional records in terms of subject matter… and her most successful in their respective decades. 

    I don’t completely agree with you but you forgot Bedtime Stories.

    Btw, Ray Of Light was hardly a conventional listen.

  4. On 7/2/2022 at 5:25 PM, TonyMontana said:
    I like "Heh you" and never understood the hate it git and still gets to this day. "Hey you" was the first track M recorded after the Confessions era and her first time working with Pharell. Even though Pharell is an urban producer she didn't jump on the bandwagon and made him produce something totally different than his usual rnb productions. The reception of the track has been horrible by the fans and she then decided to go for Pharell's traditionnal rnb productions and that's how we got Candy shop and all his tracks Hard Candy. I do believe that if the reception of "Hey you" was good she would have gone for a less urban album and a more "preachy/etheral" sound. "Hey you" was a test in my opinion. 

    I highly doubt that, I'm sorry.

    I think it was more of a case of Pharrell happening to be the producer she was working with at the time.

    She just lent on him to help faciliate the one-off ballad that was Hey You.

    When you knock on The Neptunes' and Timbaland's door, you are after a particular sound...

    M was disappointed with the US reception for COAD and was after RnB chart blood with HC.

  5. 16 hours ago, TonyMontana said:

    "Mother and Father" was the electro pop gem that was THE single. The production was fierce for the time. 

    I've always had a video treatment in mind for that song...

    A red-stained black and white video, a la the American Life album colour palette.

    Think along the lines of Queens Of The Stone Age - Go With The Flow but not animated.

    The narrative is M as a little girl using various childhood symbols, but not in a depressing Oh Father way.

    During the rap, she's playing hopscotch on the school playground, jumping to the rhythm.

    "My mo-ther died when I was five and all I did was sit and cry, I cried and cried and cried all day..."

    During the 'I've got to give it up...' chorus, there's a dance troup with jump rope on another part of the playground.

    At one point she/the actor playing her as a child repeats the chorus lyrics on the class blackboard.

    She's repeating them as a kind of mantra though, not as a punishment for being naughty.

  6. 3 hours ago, Drownedboy said:
    The world is changing so much. Tell me If i´m wrong, I have almost 40, but I feel latest generation do not give a damn in general about anything  pre 2017 ( I was going to say 2010 but that was a understament!!) They do not know who she is or anybody not current, and they don´t give a damn. I always knew Elvis or the beatles and I´m not contemporary to those, and I knew their music. I mean, the world is changing A LOT. 
    And wh0 Madonna was, for sure she is not anymore, to the general public.

    My nephew is 14 and thinks Madonna is corny yet fascinating, and is into Material Girl and Express Yourself, so...

  7. 1 hour ago, GregVsMatt said:

    I'm friends with Brendon  and that's correct - M engaged with him directly via DM - for the 50 Number One's cover it was Guy who reached out to Aldo and initiated the design process and did the zoom calls with him etc 

    Therein may lie the odd disconnect between the two covers; creative differences between M and management/label.

    The same could be presumed about the standard Madame X cover (odd, striking) and the deluxe one (safe, ordinary).

  8. 1 hour ago, wtg1987 said:

    1 -her priorities changed in the 2000s I think - when she and guy realised the amount of money she could get from touring the music kind of took a back seat and I think she got a bit lazy by working with multiple people and producers and we got mediocre albums since hard Candy

    That sudden gear-change could be attributed to her trying to recover her divorce settlement losses.

  9. 1 hour ago, Prayer said:

    Ricardo: of course the final say about the pictures is her. But he opened the extreme filter door to her, which she previously didn't know or do before him. I have no problem with airbrushing or filters, of course Instagram or a photoshoot is all a "lie" anyway. It's just that I don't think she needs it (she looked beautiful in the natural picture and videos of the latest Pride performance). But of course it's her choice.

    M's photos have been getting significantly retouched since her very first album cover...

    I think she suffers from body dysmorphia, and I wouldn't blame her for it given the industry she's in.

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