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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Starchild

  1. 12 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

    Yes I agree it was meant as such but I don’t think it’s succeeded in that aspect. 
    And this is not even her fault in any way. She put on a good show and a strong release. But her management is just awful and working against her at this point.

    Starting with the botched release of this compilation, guiding her on the NFT path that just turns off her audience and makes her look ridiculous, not doing much cross promotion between this club appearance and the album…

    I’m hoping this is a test run for a more relevant promotional event at the end of the summer

    Oh, don't get me started on the NFT bullshit. Totally agree there.

  2. 7 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

    I get what you mean but if that was really the objective why did she perform 2 remixes that aren't on the album? I think this new remix has more potential for a young audience similar to the Frozen remixes.

    Good question.

    My guess is because M does what M wants (especially live) and she was being semi-spontaneous/fresh about it?

  3. 6 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

    Also this was a very exclusive event to promote anything.

    The remix could have been included as a streaming exclusive bonus track at midnight. And drive a bunch of streams and attention to the album.

    This way the only thing that trended was Madonna making out with Tokischa and most people that saw that are not even aware this compilation exists

    It was clearly for FEL promo primarily, hence the name in lights and anything else associated with it.

    Secondarily, the event aimed to improve her image, showing her in a positive performative light, being her classic self.

    I like the idea of the remix getting added but she probably created it after the digital release was locked and loaded.

    Plus, don't the publishing terms of a new song have to be sorted between artists before it's uploaded?

  4. 3 hours ago, Jackie said:

    Totally agree - and isn’t allowed to dance in heels.

    This is a total 360 from the mess of Medellin - it shows that she’s still got it - which is great! 

    Yep, she just needs to move less and be more measured and choreographed.

    Basically, to work within her new limitations (which are hard to observe but do exist now).

    Also, smarter styling this time around, beyond hair, overall look, etc.

    For instance, I noticed the way the chains fell towards the back to obscure her backside fold.

  5. He's been talking about M quite a lot over the years and it's always something negative. He probably holds a grudge because she ignored him, but he's not the first person to say M is rude and that she can be mean to people. Even the people who love her rarely say she's a nice person. So this is probably a case of two egos colliding.

    Also see Boy George.
  6. It's funny When I read this, I thought of one man in my head and thought it is Rufus winewright. But after I googled this person's name, I realized that it was Mika, not him, who I thought of. So basically he is nobody. I mean.. he had 5 second fame for sure but now he is bitter old nobody.

    Ha. Rufus isn’t a pop artist. I’m not even a fan of his but if you know about music beyond the pop charts, you’d appreciate his musicality and the respect and credibility he’s maintained as an artist over the years.
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