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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Pootz333

  1. Based on where she went after MX, I'm still surprised Faz and BIL weren't singles tbh. Neither is really my cup of tea, although I did like that Miggs(sp?) remix of BIL more than the original (a running theme for me with this album's tracks). And Faz was the most noise I heard on social media about new Madonna music, aside from Beyonce's Queens remix, in a while. 

    My personal choices would have been "Come Alive" and "Funana". Different strokes....


  2. I knew about Miss You Much and Vogue. But not this until today. I LOVE M's vocals/ lyrics on TOH but the production was never my favorite. I thought it sounded a liiiitle dated at the time. And now this makes more sense. I hope we get a clean acapella of it one day so I can hear some insane mixes for it.

  3. 10 hours ago, deathproof said:

    It’s mentioned in the article lol

    I'm talking about the way it was going to affect his business as a movie director behind the scenes. That is never talked about. Its always the children/ safety angle. This is the same Hollywood that loudly and proudly booed Michael Moore at the Oscars when he dared to say something against the Iraq war and the Bush administration at the same time all this was happening. But ok, lolz

    9 hours ago, tscott said:

    If the article didn't tip you off, the fact his wife made a controversial video that endangered their children, him and the "Missus"; I'd think he had every right to put his foot down.  

    This sounds too "conspiracy theory" nonsense.  Her record company wouldn't want her record to fail.  Also, she did a lot of promo for American Life.  Not that it helped, but Warner flipped the bill for that, and probably was hoping by getting her out there, performing the crap out of the tracks could turn things around.  Hell, she was even doing radio shows and performing at record shops.  Something she hadn't done since the beginning of her career. 

    Once again, we disagree. I just never ever quote you about it. 


    3 hours ago, Lorx said:

    Yes, AL is just on another level than Madame X, without taking anything away from MX, which has good songs and is more inspired than the previous two records. But AL is much more cohesive, with no trashy songs in between.
    I would have edited a version where before the end of the video in the audience you see Bush lighting his cigarette with the grenade and then the ending where the grenade goes toward the audience. Because I always loved both scenes.


  4. Guy Ritchie had a lot to do with all this too and no one can convince me otherwise.

    And after reading what she had been going through with Warner (Amazing vs. Impressive Instant, the lack of old hits on DWT, GHV2, Maverick lawsuit) I said in another thread that they wanted her to fail to "put her back in her place". And well....it worked. Damn near immediately she went into damage control and you know what? She did a pretty great job tbh. A lot of other artists would not have survived it. 

    Very unpopular opinion: I don't like when this album and era are compared to Madame X. I know different strokes for different folks but Madame X is just nowhere near this album FOR ME.

    It's not her most iconic video but it's her most important.  The best ending is the one without Bush, where the grenade lands on the runway and the audience gasps. Its all fun and games til it lands on your doorstep. Brilliant. Perfection.

    And I do agree that to a certain extent after this she just said "(ah!-) fuck it (ah!-)".

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