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Posts posted by Bionic

  1. 10 hours ago, dankpepe said:

    I read that almost all of this book was ghost written and it rewrites a lot of history based upon what the ghost writer thinks is more of a sensational spin.

    The people who were Britney Spears' handlers (odd, why does someone have handlers?) have given her so much lithium and drugs during her life, that I doubt she could write a book.

    Um isn't basically every celebrity memoir ghostwritten and contains sensational bits that are more or less close to the truth?

  2. 1 hour ago, PM3962 said:

    Anybody who has received his digital ticket?

    Yes, for my Stockholm date. I had to download the "Stockholm Live" app. At first it said my ticket would show up closer to the date, so I was a little worried that it wouldn't work properly. But now it shows the actual digital ticket with a QR-code that renews itself every 60 seconds. I'll be flying in from Austria, wish me luck that everything will go down smoothly with no last-minute cancellation or anything of that sort 😅🙈

  3. 1 hour ago, Blue Jean said:

    She might do some ballads but what I'm saying is she is probably not going to do a lot of them.

    I get what you mean but I think she shouldn't pay too much dust to the ballads. No matter how hard she trains I think she won't be able to do a full concert with as much dancing and acrobatics like S&S or MDNA. Even RHT level might be pushing it. Then add the fact that she had to cancel so many dates at MXT, so she would be well advised to incorporate enough of her slower material to give her body some rest during the show. 

  4. 47 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

    I hope so too but if you try to narrow it down to 20 hits it is so hard. Certain things will be left off and ballads may be the first to go. Crazy for You also feels like a must.

    It would be a shame if she cuts the ballads. I'm not sure that even she herself knows that she is actually amazing at writing slow and emotional songs. A lot of people associate her with her dance-tracks but even on her weaker albums in the last 15 years the ballads were the moments where she was still able to shine if you ask me.

  5. On 10/20/2022 at 4:10 PM, clkelley39 said:

    When I saw her on the Rebel Heart Tour, the opening act started at the time listed on the ticket, then there was a half hour break, then she started. Everyone was like "She was so late! And drunk probably!"

    When I saw her at the MDNA tour she came on an hour after the opening act had left....in Miami she was hours late, same with dates on the MXT. 

    And you still wanna say you don't understand it when people complain about her being late. Like really?

  6. 1 hour ago, Sultrysully said:

    Madonna has nothing to prove to anyone older or younger than 30 years of age.  Every single stream and sale adds to her history making career.   She is a Queen.  

    She has nothing to prove and yet it seems like her popularity is at an all-time low. I'm not even sure that you can say she is polarising, these days it rather feels like the reception to her is mostly negative.

  7. 2 hours ago, scamper said:

    Ooops, sorry... My mistake. If her music doesn't count yeah... I admit it. Madonna is a terrible instagramer! Just joking...

    I know what you're trying to say but people here are acting like she's completly over for 4 remixes and 3 videos and a half. For me, and I guess that for a lot of fans, the albums (don't forget that after all Madonna is a singer) are not bad. You can like them more or less but they are not bad albums. You talk about this year... I don't think she's done something so bad to see how some people react.

    What did she do this year?

    01. Who's that girl club mix for RSD
    02. Frozen remixes
    03. Material Gwoooorld
    04. Gay Pride Concert
    05. Finally Enough Love compilation
    06. Hung up with tokischa
    07. Erotica picture disc re-realise
    08. Everybody RSD

    I don't think it's bad. About the Madame X Tour I have to admit that is not her best moment. I think the show was good but the last minute cancelations, waiting hours to see her on stage was what made the show a disaster. Of course, it was her fault too but I don't think the show on stage was bad at all. Different to what people expected (same as the new remixes) but not bad at all.


    Like I posted earlier I think it's rather an accumulation of things that has many fans worried. I mean what's up with her lateness at her shows? Was she always like this? Because from what I've been observing she started to get annoyingly late for her concerts at around the S&S tour and ever since it seems to have gotten worse with every new tour. In that regard she has sort of turned into Marilyn Monroe, who was increasingly late for her scenes over the course of her career. I would die for someone who worked on the last tours to spill the beans and explain what leads to her starting hours (!) late.

    Add all those factors, the new music not resonating with big audiences anymore, her serious problem to start her performances on time, her seeming unfocused, weird and kinda directionless these days, the bad plastic surgery and social media behaviour and you have, over the course of at least the past 10 years a perfect storm of legacy destruction.

  8. 49 minutes ago, Robertthenurse said:

    I'm reading some of these comments and I'm just like:

    Why does it make you so angry? Alright, it's not her greatest work, but move on? Why the repeated comments? What's it's use? 

    I feel like some ppl on here are WAY to invested in the artist Madonna. Like, I love her. I have her tattooed on my arm for God sakes. But I don't put her up on a pedestal to the point where it's gonna cause ME so much negativity in my life. I feel at that point, if a stranger; the artist makes you that upset -- it's time to say goodbye.

    Well she set the bar extremely high thoughout her career and she isn't just any random pop starlet, she's Madonna. She always had this strong focus. Her name used to carry some serious weight and she always had an exceptional aura around her due to being so successful, creative, in control, smart and driven. Social media already kinda ruined that and I guess it's just really irritating to see her acting and looking like she has absolutely no idea what she is doing and where she wants to go. If it were an isolated slip-up then ok fine. But it's more than that. Her social media presentation, Eurovision, the Madame X tour with all the cancelled dates, that hideous and unnecessary fake ass, VMA 2021 appearance (not so much the outfit but rather how it highlighted her plastic surgery, she looked so uncomfortable), this new remix video where her beautiful eyes don't pop, they don't draw you in like they used to...rather it's like "where's my joint again?" 

  9. 3 hours ago, blondebenji said:

    I was late teens in the Erotica era and she was hated. It was not seen as revolutionary at all.  This has only started later. The general public were loving Mariah and Whitney.  So that's where their head was at musically. People and the media were venomous and predicting her being over once again. Funny how things change right

    You're missing a part of the broader picture. Yes she got a lot of flack for Erotica and everything around it but she very intentionally softened her image after the reactions with the sensual but not crazily dirty sexy Bedtime Stories and even more of course with Something To Remember and Evita. Had she continued the Erotica trend then I'm very sure she would have made less of an impact in the rest of the 90s. While Erotica got more praise later on the reason for that isn't just initial overreaction from people but also because she toned it down and showed another side that was a bit closer to what Whitney and Mariah were doing.

  10. 28 minutes ago, Ayham said:

    Why working on “”something stupid””??? a meltdown over & over again means she’s losing her identity as the queen of pop… actually it feels weird to say it coz obviously she lost it.

    The queen of pop has become super weird and irrelevant.

    The king of pop is dead.

    The princess of pop was abused for over a decade, had her personal and artistic growth stunted and is trying to find her place in this world.

    No wonder modern pop music just doesn't hold up.

  11. 39 minutes ago, lucasciccone said:

    No matter what she does, everyone is always complaining. She is obviously not trying to impress anyone with this remix, she is not trying to "make art" or whatever. She's just enjoying doing something stupid with someone she likes. That's just it. There is nothing more than that. Why is everyone taking it so seriously, like come on. It's always the same meltdown over and over again, just get over it already!

    The remix isn't really the problem, I personally actually like it, which is why the video is so disappointing. It's how she presents herself visually. Sorry but she doesn't look sexy, young, fun or whatever to me. As I posted a few pages back she looks stoned, her eyes have no clear focus, she seems more like that weird lady from the block down the road who accidentally took magic mushrooms and is now crashing the party the young folks are having thinking she's so cool and edgy and only that she really isn't. She sticks out like a sore thumb in her own video.


  12. 1 hour ago, thegoldencalf said:

    I think the general public is much kinder to her these days and they embrace her antics more than her fans

    They absolutely don't and you know it, how can you lie to yourself like this?

    The bathtub 'the great equalizer' clip and Eurovision alone have been enough to seriously put massive cracks into her image and legacy. You're forgetting that people who are not her fans don't get regular exposure to her, those antics and messy performances are pretty much the only signs of life they notice from her while occasionally hearing her OLDER songs on the radio.

  13. 2 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

    So yeah Mick Jagger is praised for it and showing off his body. Madonna is just as fit and healthy and when she’s doing it it’s gross and desperate. Elvis looked like a pig in his 40s and when he was shaking his hips he was a sex god, Madonna is just seeking attention. 
    I’m a bit disappointed when her fan base is dismissing her like that. I don’t personally love and appreciate everything she’s doing but I’m also glad she’s out there and pushing the envelope and trying new things. And that she’s youthful and active. 

    How is Mick Jagger showing off his body? I saw the Stones in concert two months ago and I can tell you Mick didn't flaunt it but he was as energetic as ever and gave an amazing performance just like Madonna did when I saw her in the same stadium ten years ago (which is why her performance at Maluma's concert earlier this year had me baffled in how bad it was, like is this even the same person??). Does he have a ridiculous fake ass that makes him look disfigured and like a midget? Do you see him constantly grinding on people who are a third of his age and looking drugged up? Was Elvis happy and a free spirit later in his life, did he get to perform outside of North America like he always wanted to?

    She's not pushing the envelope whatsoever with this, please stop with the excuses.

  14. I get that the remix lyrics already have references to drugs and she even sings 'I'm so high'....but what I really don't like about the video and what I think is irritating a lot of people even here is that she looks too high throughout the video. You can't really see her eyes. Her eyes are visually one of her strongest assests and she usually knows how to use them when she does a video. She always knew how to give you a certain look in a clip, super strong focus. That's completely absent here and that's what makes it seem so messy and unfocused. There always seems to be a veil over her eyes, making her seem very distant.

  15. On 9/3/2022 at 2:35 AM, Vasili said:

    She's overly autotuned, as is he, which takes some of the soul out of it, sadly.

    It's getting a lot of buzz 'cause it's Britney, and it's following the formula and success of the Dua collab.

    I'm not even denying that there was vocal tinkering going on, but with both of them and it's not like they sound awful. Singling only her out and then claiming she always sounds like trash and can't sing is rubbish.

  16. 8 hours ago, Sultrysully said:

    The new Brit/Elton collaboration is awful.  Her voice is absolutely terrible.  I never realized just how bad her vocals are.  M needs to stay away from any collaboration if it is gonna sound anything like this cause this is beyond bad.  

    What are you smoking? She sounds fine and the song is good and doing well on streaming platforms.

  17. I don't know if she has an alcohol or drug problem, I really hope she does not but there is just this awful feeling that something is quite wrong with her. 

    And sorry but I can't get over the desaster that was the Music performance. Missing the cue numerous times, hideous outfit, weird and seemingly improvised moves. At times Maluma even seemed distracted or confused by what she was doing. By the end he even had to remind her to get on her mark and then it looked like they almost argued about the hats, which one to keep and which to toss.

    Don't sugarcoat this.

  18. 23 minutes ago, devilpray said:

    yes, the performance wasn't very good but as usually yall are overreacting and just hoping for her to fuck up so bad you can stop having to keep up with her. you know what was bad? the 98 vmas, her vocals on the s&stour, this was just meh. and we're not even considering the fact that medellin is like 1400meters above sea level and the bitch showed up there the day before! of couse she was going to be confused and tired as fuck



    The Medellin performance wasn't that bad but Music was absolutely horrendous, she looked like she had no idea what she was doing up there.

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