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ASK : The Power of Good-bye Question


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hi there fellas

I think i have read or watch an article or Interview about The Power of Goodbye Music Video, she mentioned that she never set a foot on a beach during the shoot,

the one that we see on the video is a body double.

but i forgot where I read or I saw the Inverview


does anyone know about her statement above? could you please remind me what article or interview it is

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Mmm i didn't know about it but watching that E making of (Which is is fantastic btw) and the actual video, there are indeed some scenes that were shot on a real beach and they obviously used a body double. You never see her face on the actual beach, just her figure walking from behind :


Now i would love to see that interview you mentionned where she talks about it !!

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1 hour ago, lap said:

I remember I read somewhere she hated the direction by Matthew Rolston and in the end, she fired the director and edited it by herself with somebody else. 

Anyway, it's one my favorite videos. 

There is an alternative edit, but in very poor quality. 

Whattt ?? Really ?? Damn i need to investigate on that !! Where can i see the alternate version ??

Edit: i've found that alternative version and just watched it. It's really bad compared to the released version. Thank god they have re-edited it !!

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42 minutes ago, Redha DBL said:

Whattt ?? Really ?? Damn i need to investigate on that !! Where can i see the alternate version ??

Edit: i've found that alternative version and just watched it. It's really bad compared to the released version. Thank god they have re-edited it !!

Can you share a link to that alternative version with us?

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  • 2 months later...

MT: The "AVIDDIVA" name is now tied to "Hollywood" and "Nobody Knows Me" but the first time you worked on a Madonna video was "The Power of Good-bye". It was quite a while ago, can you tell us what was that like?

DR: LOL… That’s a funny one… and I’ll gossip just ‘cause I can and it’s fun. On that particular job, Madonna had chosen to work with a director who I had been cutting everything for at the time, MATTHEW ROLSTON. The director she had dissed years earlier on the HUMAN NATURE set. She and Matthew did NOT get on well… at all. Madonna even made Matthew cry on that set she was so fierce! I secretly think she hired him to torture him but that’s another story… LOL.
Needless to say, by the edit, Madonna was over Matthew… on our first phone call I tried to defend Matthew’s directorial input, “But Madonna, Matthew wanted to…” and she interrupted me and said “ah ah ah… repeat after me… FUCK MATTHEW!” I burst out laughing and we moved forward - she was very very pleased with my work and even called me the next morning to thank me for doing such a great job… she didn’t HAVE to call- but she did… Madonna is EXTREMELY professional and very sweet. It was on that phone conversation with M that I THANKED HER… for saving my life and for inspiring MY GREAT ADVENTURE TO HOLLYWOOD. She was flattered and gracious.

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That's not a final montage. Sometimes, editors share a rough cut with the director/studio/client so they can see the path the product is taking, so they can forsee the aspect and the tone of the final result.

Sometimes, as in this case, it is noticeable that there are still things to polish and work to do with the material. In others, however, the montage is so good or is so close to being the final version that it is difficult to differentiate it from a finished video.

An anecdote regarding to this topic; It is said that there is a Spice Girls video ("Who do you think you are") that is actually a rough cut. When it was sent to the record company to show them what the finished video would look like, they gave it the green light directly and it is the video that was released to the general public.

Edited by Dick Tracy (see edit history)
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